Sunday, March 01, 2020

Blind Item #7

He might not have been there, but there was a party for the foreign born rapist director who had 200-300 people at his house honoring him.


  1. I wonder that celebrities attended this party ....

  2. Bullshit.

    It's true that Polanski has his share of supporters in the French movie system who praise his artistic skills, but the whole cast of his latest movie was very uncomfortable with even mentioning his name when the accusations were brought to light.

    Besides, if you gather 300 people, it's sure to make some noise in France (if only because a few people will talk about it, or you have to privatize some restaurant or nightclub), while there hasn't been a peep here. And there's the slight issue that Polanski is actually 86, which makes it very difficult to believe that a very large and noisy celebration would be something he'd actually enjoy.

  3. Meryl Streep must have been devastated he didn't put in an appearance.

  4. Ah, Melvin, the idiot who feels compelled to namedrop Meryl Streep at every Polanski mention...

    Still better than TeeHee@U who praised Harrison Ford as the voice of reason in comparison to her, while forgetting that Ford had actually worked with Polanski, and was the one who handled him his Oscar in Deauville, genuinely smiling at the event (which is quite rare for him).

  5. Polanski has made at least half a dozen classic movies - and very successful ones. He’s not going to jail. People will always want ro work with him.

  6. Hmmm... I don't know if Polanski has too many supporters left and I certainly don't think they'd want to risk showing up at a massive party at his house. Not sure I believe this one.

  7. While this blind may well be BS, Polanski won. People suddenly being uncomfortable around him? Why weren't they uncomfortable around him the 40+years he's been a convicted child rapist? Why aren't they uncomfortable giving him honors every chance they get? As for his age,he is up to directing full length feature films, a gathering of his supporters is not far fetched. Some well known people support him. Doubt 200-300,but who knows? It would be at a private home, it would have been under wraps,like many celebrity weddings,for instance, that we hear about later.

  8. @Angela the blind says the party was at his house not some restaurant or club.
    Enty also states Polanski didn't attend.

    200-300 people is nothing when you're the King of getting away with crimes they all commit.
    Polanski is like their poster child for all things evil and disgusting. Plus he has loads of dirt on much of Hollywood.

    1. AussieBlogger..

      Your last sentence.. Yep.. Ignore Roman at your peril. Do people think Jack was the only star "entertained" by Roman?

  9. Meryl Streep and “ mother of the year” pedophile protector Scar jo probably there

  10. France has celeb privacy laws that's why you wouldn't hear anything.

  11. Someday. Polanski will be behind bars. The long arm of justice will be served.

  12. Polanski has a favourite bistro in the 16th Arrondissement in Paris. It's in his neighbourhood. He has been seen there with or trying to pick up very young girls, younger than 16, for years, and no one says anything about it.

    This is in France, where a famous writer just got arrested for a book he published over 20 years ago, about how he had sex with young boys in Asia. It was a critical success, but one French Canadian writer, Denise Bombardier, criticized it and him on public television in FRance when it first appeared. She was castigated for being prudish.
