Thursday, March 19, 2020

Blind Item #7

When this CEO stepped down, it sent shockwaves through the business and entertainment community. It was immediate and unprecedented. It also came after a meeting with a global security firm advising him what to do in regards to the foreign money makers he was forced to shut down. He concluded things were going to hell in a hurry and he didn't want to be associated with the company when it crashed and burned. He will be ready to be its Phoenix though after it is all over.


  1. Disney selling its soul to China?

  2. I'm dumb. Disney did what with China?

  3. Disney closed the park in shanghai.

  4. +2 MD/MDS good one.

  5. Iger definitely covers business and entertainment. I heard he was still working at Disney though. Hopefully they start releasing more movies on Disney+ because I'm ready to dump that sh!t, can only watch The Mandalorian so many times.

  6. Iger...Bill Gates is not entertainment.

  7. Thanks Tricia. I cant even compete with your sleuth skills! That was a good pickup yesterday.

  8. Bryson87. AppleTV is BS not many shows to choose from, 85% of everything on apple is 2.99 to watch or more
    The morning show is sadly based on Matt’s downfall from NBC
    When my free membership expires I’m not paying 4.99 not worth it to me

  9. Nothing "immediate" about LIBERAL Bob Iger's retirement. He said he was going to retire in 2021 in April, 2019:

  10. Another daily hit piece on a liberal without any merit. Sickening.

  11. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Kevin Tsujihara

  12. Iger's new title is "Executive Chairman" at Disney, meaning he focuses on "creative matters." He did not leave the company, only the CEO role.

  13. "He will be ready to be its Phoenix though after it is all over."

    Definitely Stefano Dimera.

  14. are you calling the BI a "hit piece". Jesus...get a grip.

  15. Everyone knows that Iger (who has presidential asperations for 2024, no, be nice, don't laugh) saw which was the windborne virus was blowing and bailed so that the oncoming mousecrash wouldn't be a stain on his resume.
    The patsy he left in charge, Chapek, has the reputation of a mouth breathing skinflint.

    I doubt it will do him any good though, even if he does try to step forward into the wreckageafter the contagion to try futilely build back the rat empire from Mickeys ruined castle.

    Apple, Amazon or someone will running the rodent by then.

    Iger will be known to one and all as a yellow spined bailer who scarpered faster than the French army at a whiff of panzer exhaust fumes.

  16. But Disney's stock is performing wonderfully!

  17. I have severe doubts about this...

  18. Iger will be known to one and all as a yellow spined bailer who scarpered faster than the French army at a whiff of panzer fumes.


  19. ...and then, there is the Speilberg problem(s)...

  20. This is definitely bob Iger... his resignation was immediate upon announcement, and was long before his contract was up. He is still the chairman of the board though so that’s how he can “be the Phoenix”. The international closures of the European and Asian theme parks will cost the company huge amounts on top of what they will lose stateside.

  21. Anonymous8:37 PM

    The this is Bob Iger can be The Savior all He want's but the truth is when this is all said and done I agree with Lainey Gossip when She did a Post on Tom Hanks Covid 19 and said that when this is all said and done She thinks Hollywood is going to look very different in the long.

    And I agree with Her. I also agree with Grace Randolph when She said a Few Day's ago on Her YouTube Channel.

    That She thinks even if were given the ok come July to go back to normal. She thinks people are not going to rush out Theaters and probably won't for a long time.

    And I think She's right and I also think come The End Of The Year We will probably see More Films making their way straight to Streaming Services along with Us Demanding This as well as time go's on.

  22. Too funny, Mooshki.
