Sunday, March 15, 2020

Blind Item #8

So, the A- list reality star with the side gig is now OK with her significant other having the mistress? Nothing has changed since the couple originally split other than the mistress has a new house and car and is trying to get pregnant.


  1. Kylie Jenner and Travis scott

  2. It will be interesting to see what their perspectives on the chapter of their lives are when they hit 50.

    1. The way that Trump is going ruining this country do you really think there's going to be anything left in 20 years? Even 5?

      You're fucked if you're honestly think we're going to be alive in 20 years.

    2. @John I'm no fan of Trump either, but to think we're all not going to be alive in 20 years is some of the dumbest shit I've ever heard in my life. It takes way more than an incompetent buffoon in the WH to wipe us all off the face of the earth. We've endured worse at so many other points in history.

  3. Kylie paid for the house and the car... and the damn child support

  4. Desperation personified.

    1. What so wrong with a woman being single/alone....or a guy fro that matter! Iam single iam happy! Why live a lie! I don't understand Fame!

  5. These devil's don't even have a soul to sell anymore!

  6. +1,000,000 @Indie! Plus the K family are with the grossest men. Water seeks it’s own level!

    1. Wow Aquababes....youre so smart can I use that water thing!

  7. @Indie: It’s a very common expression here but of course you can use it.

  8. @Indie--I wouldn't blame fame so much as the lack of self esteem the Kardash/Jenner women seem to have which is manifested in their surgeries and their relationships.

  9. She could have stayed single and absolutely no men in her life. Just work on herself and find that special nugget to get with. But that will never happen because she has to be "in control" (really PMK), and he to be her peon who has his picture taken at every moment and is pimped out like the kids and must be with the other relatives where there is zero privacy. The men have zero control and they also have no say in the children's lives. They are neutered just like Bruce. Travis is the best she can do.

  10. Does anyone actually give a shit?

  11. An A List rapper with only two girlfriends?
    Pretty Conservative

  12. So who is the mistress??

  13. Wasn't the plan for all the girls to be pregnant at the same time to boost ratings? I feel sorry for Travis Scott because everyone has figured it out. he looks stupid. BTW - sure she is trying to get pregnant again soon.

  14. @John, wah wah wah. Come live in South Africa where we haven't had a choice who our president is for almost 30 years. (As evidenced by the fact that nothing (and no-one) works here anymore.) Unless you count making welfare/social grant babies as WORK.

  15. That mistress is going nowhere. She's been around way before Kylie.

  16. I follow her on IG @Heyitsme she has a much more likable personality than Kylie. She's Persian.

  17. When the Millenials girls realize Kylie lied her way into their allowances. ..they will FINANCIALLY turn on her big time! Fake paternity. Inferior sweatshop products with hiked up prices 300%. Fake baby daddy has kids already. #boycott.kardashians #boycott.kanye.west #boycott.jenners

  18. Great Blind Enty! Kylie and her paid "boyfriend". Yes, she wants kids with the same dad and will put up with whatever he demands. These K-trash/Jenner women are all PATHETIC. They have the worst, bottom of the barrel jerks that are paid, that call the shots, instead of any real relationship with someone decent.

  19. Let's remind everyone that PMK married Bruce Jenner, even though he was taking hormones to be a woman, told her all about it, and had small breasts (noticeable in a video when he jumps in the pool with one of his kids).

    PMK's paid "boyfriend" is gay as well as Kim's "Reverend husband." These people are pathetic.
