Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Blind Item #9

Don't believe the hype the walking blind item is trying to spill. If someone wanted to escape prosecution from the US, they wouldn't pick a country that would put them on the first plane back as soon as they were asked by the US.


  1. Or someone RE Andrew/Epstein?

  2. She is always described as that sandy ,but do t get the other part as it relates to her?

  3. I kind of get an Andrew vibe on this...

  4. me either I cant find a thing

  5. Is it maybe Ghislaine?

  6. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Taryn Manning needs a psych ward. She was posting to Tom Hanks Instagram spreading that rumor of him being part of some fake Hollywood pedophile ring. Like the Oprah rumor. Whole bunch of crazies with that QAnon stuff. She should get slapped with a lawsuit. Saw this screen grab of one of her posts

    1. You new here Lola?
      Welcome! And good luck xo

    2. She use to be popular and ran in the Hollywood circles if anything it’s more believable because someone who’s been around these celebs is speaking out after a girl already accused him and continues to stick to being sold by her father to Tom Hanks. I’m still on the fence about whether Qanon is legit more hopeful than anything but everyone here knows there is a serious sex trafficking problem in Hollywood so how is she just blown off as completely crazy?

  7. Ok, @Lola - that is some wacky shit.

  8. Anonymous11:14 AM

    I know. Taryn must be very mentally ill.

  9. If Taryn needs a psych ward, then so do a whole bunch of CDAN commenters who have claimed the same thing.

  10. Before you say someone is cray re: Oprah in real life, read up about her buddies David Geffen, Weinstein. I still blame her for Kanye West mothers death. She put on these quacks Drs on, and gave them this halo of perfection. So Kanye mother ended up going to Oprah’s quack guest, who was t even board certified, and did WAY TO MUCH AT ONE TIME - Saint Oprah , right

  11. Before you say someone is cray re: Oprah in real life, read up about her buddies David Geffen, Weinstein. I still blame her for Kanye West mothers death. She put on these quacks Drs on, and gave them this halo of perfection. So Kanye mother ended up going to Oprah’s quack guest, who was t even board certified, and did WAY TO MUCH AT ONE TIME - Saint Oprah , right

  12. Well what if the pedo ring rumors are true??

  13. Oprah is the absolute,large scale disaster needed to represent all that. It’s perfect.

  14. Tom Hanks is a pedophile, Oprah is a pedophile, no Qanon needed. Google Sarah Ruth Ashcraft.

  15. Manning and meth=toxic hot mess.

  16. Oprah and Tom Hanks are in the club. You have to be in it to be super rich and powerful. Now , however, being in the club keeps you up at night, not knowing when the other shoe will fall.

  17. Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson.

  18. Think about Oprah this relation to everything you know about Hollyweird, she is WAY too far up the ladder to not be dirty. She is absolutely filthy.

  19. @Lola nice try. Everyone knows cats out of the bag.
