Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #1

February 29, 2020

Usually this A/A- list singer who also acts, saves her family from all their horrible business decisions. This time though, she has not lifted a finger and the family restaurant might soon be history.

Lady GaGa


  1. And her family will blame the bad business on Coronavirus...

  2. family members who purposefully do dumb shit just because they have family who are obligated to bail them out are the worst

  3. For those of you who don't live in Manhattan, the story about why her father's restaurant is going under is homeless men and women urinating just outside the doors or throwing feces at the customers. He asked the landlord to do something about the problem and he refused. So Gaga's dad has withheld rent for a few months and threatened to walk away from the restaurant altogether. Once a jewel, Grand Central Station is infested with hundreds of crack and heroin addicts as well as severely mentally ill men and women. Someone made the joke this weekend that he's praying the coronavirus hits the area and offs every one of them and he can re-open his cafe. I'm sure that's not true. Right?

    1. Complete failure to address mental health issues in this country. When GOP runs white house, services are cut, no money for homeless shelters, affected people feel like loosers and are treated as such. I live in Phoenix. Homeless have doubled here in three years.

    2. All big cities have become an oasis for the Richie Rich....rising housing costs has driven the middle class out to far flung suburbs, leaving only super rich and street urchins to dwell...add to that the recession you have jobless/depressed individuals getting addicted!
      London/NYC....or even Mumbai for that matter!

    3. Addiction is often the cause of homelessness.

    4. Spot on Angry!
      Also Reverberation, addiction is sadly how some mentally ill treat their disease.
      Even sadder is how many of those homeless mentally ill are Veterans.
      Our country has failed our Veterans and it infuriaties me.

  4. You sure those were MEATballs?!

  5. @fiona, So it's like the San Francisco of the east?

  6. I was at Grand Central a few mornings ago and bought a breakfast sandwich while I waited for my train. It was next to impossible to find a seat in the food court that wasn't in close proximity to one of the camped out homeless people. I don't blame her dad for withholding rent, though he will probably lose in court.

  7. Brayson: San Francisco vs. NYC? Not even close! My gawd, if it was THAT bad I would check myself into a nursing home in Siberia! It was really bad when I lived there in the early 90s, but looking at video of San Francisco today? I totally broke down seeing the street I lived on covered with tents and mattresses and the cafes and bakeries I used to frequent are all gone. The reason there is so many homeless in the Bay Area is years ago when they closed down the mental health facilities here they put the patients on a Grayhound bus with a one-way ticket to LA and San Francisco. This I know because I worked with them and they all told me they were originally from NY and how they got out there. So damn sad.

  8. ZZ-The reason we have so many homeless in NYC is that the rents are too damn high! I stole that from a guy who ran on that ticket a few years ago. He lost. The Studio in The Village that I rented for $110 in the 70s now rents for $1,200. Same small place. No improvements. As is. A typical one-bedroom apt. anywhere in the 5 boroughs is $2,000. IF you can find one. I have been in my apt. 20 years in June and thank my lucky stars every day. Of course, it's a NYCHA apartment for seniors in one of the worst neighborhoods in the city, but it's mine!

    Of course, another problem is the continuing crack epidemic from the 80s. The crack babies are now adults and they turned to crack. Few of those poor children were able to make it in life. They were addicted at birth. That said, the government ignores them, steps over them, and hopes they all vanish one day. I think the coronavirus is the answer to their prayers.

  9. i pass through GC a few times a week. I would not wish being a tenant in the food court on anyone. It is a true cesspool. No way he makes enough to cover his rent. What was he thinking opening up there.

  10. The thing is, homelessness epidemic did not just start in 2016, nor did it start in 2000. It's been going on since before the 90's and it is a bipartisan problem with enough blame to go around on both sides.

  11. The Grand Central station FOOD COURT is not the same as a RESTAURANT.

  12. Yes, @Hunter, that’s what I came here to say.

  13. Team Gaga on this one.. better not to have a business and just not waste her money than do all this

  14. Do Tell--The chronic homeless population began, in earnest, in the 1980s. I left NYC in Feb. of 1991 because the situation had become insane. The subway trains reeked of urine. Homeless people were living in those big Crazy Eddie boxes on Avenue of the Americas. You couldn't sit down on the train because they were sleeping all day. No metro Cops. When I returned in late 1997, it was a new city thanks to Mayor Giuliani. It still isn't as bad as it was in 1991. And, I almost forgot the young women who died after being thrown in front of trains by totally insane drug addicts. One a week.

  15. I think Lady Gaga is definitely A list.

  16. @hunter, @aquagirl: I am AWARE that a FOOD COURT is NOT the same as a RESTAURANT. My point in posting was that I was in GCT's food court, WHERE GERMANOTTA's RESTAURANT IS, smack in the middle, three days ago and saw how bad the homeless problem there is for myself. you can see the place for yourself, it is open format and in the food court, not a separate entity.


  17. Gaga thought 'A Star is Born' would win more awards than it did and make her a huge movie star

    it didn't because deep down the academy hate her because she's a spirit cooker

  18. Back in the day Giuliani just sent the SHOCK Troops to kick the shit out of the homeless, maybe arrest them and sodomize with a plunger a little, then stick em on a bus to the Central NYS area. You mean to tell me Bloomberg trampled all over Constitutional rights while simultaneously letting this kind of thing spiral out?

  19. "Once a jewel, Grand Central Station is infested with hundreds of crack and heroin addicts "

    Someone came of age in a post-Ghoul city and loves it?
