Monday, March 23, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #2

March 15, 2020

This massive entertainment company is in dire financial straits and can't afford the payout to a city if they pull out of an upcoming huge event. So, they want the city to make the first move to cancel and then city would have to pay them.

WWE/Wrestlemania 36/Tampa


  1. They are getting $200 million/year for the next five years from Fox Sports, they arent in financial straits. And McMahon put $300 million of that into the XFL which he expects to lose while starting out.

  2. They wanted Tampa to cancel it so they could collect on their insurance policy. Whether they are getting it now that it cant be in Tampa, I'm not sure. Maybe some .

  3. Another typical Mcmahon major dick move.

  4. Profiting off of a pandemic... typical of these sorts.

  5. They are still having WrestleMania from their Performance Center; allegedly they are pre-taping matches and stuff.

    In Vince's mind I am sure he thinks he can brag afterwards that NCAA,NBA,and everyone else canceled events but WWE still managed to have WrestleMania.

  6. No sympathy for anyone in the McMahon family.

  7. No sympathy for McMahon, ever. BTW, with the 'social distancing', has anyone caught "Fighting with My Family" on Amazon Prime? WWE / Ireland / Lena Heady (funny to see Cersi as a lip ring wearing wrestler), Vince Vaughn, The Rock, based on a true story.... Check it out if you're just burning isolation time!

  8. It does not need to be cancelled, just no live audience. Our Governor just said today that we are not going on lock down so McMahon is hosed.

  9. it will be a weird event to watch on the TV, Wrestlemania from their empty performance center

    But the show must go on. Go Goldberg!!

  10. While it is a hit to their bottom line, they recently signed their biggest TV contract ever that will put them in the black for the next 5 years.
