Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #3

March 9, 2020

Just like I have told you multiple times, don't believe the tabloids who are wishing for days gone by with the A+ list mostly movie actor back together with the permanent A list actress who loves pretending she is pregnant. Tabloids hate when he is spotted with a different woman.

Brad Pitt/Jennifer Aniston


  1. She looks old enough to be his mom.

  2. She's way past the point of believability if she wants to "pretend" she's pregnant or "pretends" to want to be pregnant. But keep reading the Enquirer Enty and using it as a valued source of information.

  3. The oldest, most tired storyline of all time.

  4. She isn’t pretending she’s the tabloids and sites like this who are constantly reporting it.

  5. Anonymous9:46 AM

    C&*# city.

  6. She’s never once said she was pregnant it’s the magazine printing lies so ppl will buy them

  7. That's basic psychology from the tabloids, and that's how they've always operated.

    They write on Jennifer Aniston because some female readers somewhat identify with her. They regard her as a successful, beautiful, down-to-earth, middle-aged woman, who still can't keep a husband or a boyfriend for long, somehow just like them, and they wonder why she can't find the right guy. The articles are not meant to satisfy Aniston's ego, and she most likely has very little to do with the soap opera storyline she's written into. They are simply written to depict Aniston as a romantic but combative woman, who still tries to find happiness, just like the women who read the articles fancy themselves to be. What did she do wrong the last time? What is she trying now? The articles are supposed to be optimistic, with some hope of a reunion with an old flame or some child coming, not because that's what in store for Aniston herself, but because that's what the readers want to read, once again, about themselves.

    That's a psychological mechanism called projection. It's pretty commonly used in tabloids or in teen magazines. Some teen girls may not want to read about what it means to be a rebellious girl with an attitude and a quirky look. It would be boring and abstract. But the same girls will be eager to read a feature about how Billie Eilish copes with fame by staying true to herself. It's basically the same content, but viewed through a particular and relatable lens, and it's indeed easier for the readers to deal with issues in their own life that way.

    And that's basically what they often ask the writers to focus on in these publications. It's always been like that. Aniston's "story" is simply something that has appealed to a lot of readers over the years. She's more relatable to the tabloids audience than Jennifer Lopez, Mariah Carey or Gwyneth Paltrow, who are supposed to be divas. Before Aniston, it was Julia Roberts, before Roberts, it was another single celebrity, etc.

    That's never been some kind of a mystery, and Enty is perfectly aware of that. So, he tries to look clever by showing he's not fooled by the fake headlines, but he chickens out about explaining why the tabloids actually print stuff like that.

  8. From Angela: "They are simply written to depict Aniston as a romantic but combative woman, "

    disagree, I don't think Aniston is ever portrayed as "combative" at all, I'd put that on Halle Berry.

  9. @hunter
    I have the word in French (une battante), but I guess my equivalent in English (combative) wasn't right. She's definitely not an Halle Berry.

    I meant to imply that she was described as a fighter, in the positive way, striving to find happiness in the end. Which is also probably nothing like the actual person she is (maybe a big pothead and yoga enthusiast who turns out to be quite passive and boring), just the image she carries through most of her on-screen parts, the girl's next door, America's sweetheart, etc. Once again, it's all about image and identification for the readers.

  10. I read tabloids but I never bought those stories. I’m sick of Brad & Jennifer.

  11. T.W. I agree with I'm so sick of Brad and Jen. He's not going back with her. He wouldn't have left her for Angelina if he'd been happy. It was crappy what he did to Jen. But I'm so sick of her being shoved down our throats so I feel very little sympathy for her now.

  12. Hannah J said...
    She isn’t pretending she’s the tabloids and sites like this who are constantly reporting it.

    Trapped said...
    She’s never once said she was pregnant it’s the magazine printing lies so ppl will buy them.

    GTFOH, both of you. Jennifer STILL talks about "wanting to be a mom." She is absolutely the one driving all the bullshit, and she loves it.

  13. She is just one of many. He is with the Iraqi chick, Regina H and Jen. Throw in a few waitresses..and that's it. The Iraqi lady is Bi so I'm sure Brad is being entertained.
