Thursday, March 26, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #3

March 18, 2020

Apparently being called out for the gestational sac thing caused the troubled actress to delete all her social media posts about the life event.

Amanda Bynes


  1. This poor damaged girl. This is a good example of things worse than death.

  2. If she's pregnant she is going to have to be very careful, at the first sign of trouble she will loose custody. And once that happens, it's very hard to win it back.

  3. Speaking of troubled, fucked up people, the pics Kathy Griffin posted from the E.R. are from 2017, people on social media exposed the metadata...

    1. That is totally fucked up!

    2. Woah! Seriously?!! Just when I thought I couldn’t despise her any more than I already do.

  4. She’s most likely not pregnant but if she is, there’s no
    way that she’ll get custody. She’s simply incapable of caring for a baby.

  5. These are difficult days for anyone wanting an abortion, dental surgery, elective surgery or any medical care in a hospital that has an emerg attached. Just stay away for the time being.

  6. If she would take me up on my offer, she wouldnt have to worry about unwanted pregnancy. I only fire my mess into condoms and digestive tract.

  7. I don’t know, Count. That might be too big a bowl of crazy even for you darlin’. Yup, had to postpone throat surgery which gives me the sads I love my ENT Doc.

  8. The guy that she's been with, the, "fiance" said Amanda told him she experienced, "trauma as a kid" that's why she was receiving treatment. I feel so sad when I look at her, mental illness and or drug addiction robs you of your soul-you can see the light in the eyes go out.

  9. I am not a professional, but trauma as a kid would steer a person towards a personality disorder, i think. Isnt she full schizo. I think only dna, chemical imbalance, CTE and drug use can trigger that.

    I could certainly be wrong, and welcome anyone with better knowledge to enlighten me.

    1. It could be any of a number of things.Depending on how well she dealt with the trauma,how long it lasted and what ages. I have 4 different mental illnesses.

  10. She needs to leave Los Angeles and move somewhere else. LA is not a healthy place.
