Monday, March 23, 2020

Today's Blind Items - She Will Find You

This north of the border actress who starred in the long long long running tween/teen show produced in that country has worked some as an adult. Some one off projects and every so often a longer gig. Most of her income is derived from the tween/teen show and its reincarnations. She is using that platform now to start a cult that has at its foundation the Satanic Church of which she is huge believer. So, she goes to conventions and cons all over the world trying to recruit for it. Apparently sex is also a recruiting tool used by the group to get others to join too. 


  1. Degrassi high for the show?

  2. That was my thought. I've never seen it once though so i'm lost...

  3. Stacey Mistysyn?/DJH?

  4. Also on Degrassi Next Generation and the Kids of Degrasso Street I think

  5. Cassie Steele? No clue on actress.

  6. Shenae Grimes or Lauren Collins?

  7. Just a thought, but don't you have to believe in Christianity to believe in Satan ?

  8. Holly J Sinclair. Or the actress who played her, anyway.

  9. It could also be Miriam Macdonald, because she became a professional yoga teacher and is into that stuff.

    Cassie does a lot of singing.

    1. Yoga and satanism are both "that stuff"?

  10. @Kate k I just learned that about yoga a few weeks ago. My mind was blown !!!

  11. Katie K I mean "spirituality" new age stuff, not that new age stuff is satanist, but I just mean it verges on religion to some, #notall.

  12. There are also a lot of cults that started out under the guise of yoga

  13. Lot of new age stuff is put out by CIA. Long story.....don't want to bore you.Turn the other cheek and wait for that mansion in the sky? Got old.

  14. @norster,


    Judaism and Islam tell us about ha-Satan (The Adversary).

    Other religions speak on the entity we know as "Satan" or "Lucifer" but give him another name.

  15. My guess is Nicole de Boer. Conventions made me think of the Star Trek conventions. She was on the final season of ST:DS9.

  16. What happened to Kabbalah ?
    It was all over the place about a decade ago I think!!

  17. Cults are so silly. I just recently learned around the Unarius UFO cult, and am shocked that there hasn't been a Netflix documentary series made about that zany lot yet! I can easily think of at least a dozen pop stars and other musical acts who need to pay their dues after shamelessly pilfering and trying to pass off the legendary, wack-a-doodle fashions of Mama Unarius (aka Ruth Norman) as their own. Shame, shame. And to think the Unarius cult had their own public access show?! Hilarious. 😂😂😂

    1. Their headquarters are based in El Cajon and never see anyone there. Its vandalized every so often, usually broken window. Bizarre

    2. @SD, do they still operate at all? Or is the building abandoned?

      Guessing they had a hard time attracting followers when their prophecies about space visitors fell through...not once, but like dozens of
      times hahaha. Nonetheless, an interesting group. They produced wacky, zany programming that would air on public access. Their high priestess, Ruth Norman, who went by the name Princess Uriel (seriously) would dress up like a fairy godmother and the sets were colorful and nutty. Think Wizard of Oz meets LSD and on steroids.

      Ruth's a bit of a trailblazer in terms of her getup and persona. She inspired everything from psychedelia to avant-garde couture...from theater productions to drag shows...anytime you observe fashions at Pride festivals, raves/EDM events, concerts for artists like Lady Gaga, Kesha or Flaming'll undoubtedly see the influence of good old Mama Unarius/Uriel/Ruth Norman. Surprised she doesn't get more cred. Tami Faye Bakker is heralded for example, but Ruth remains pretty well unknown.

  18. @T.W. I appreciate most religions have an opposite/evil adversarie, was referring to Santanists in particular.

  19. @T.W. I do appreciate that other religions have an opposite/evil adversarie, but thought that Satanists referenced Christianity.

  20. @T.W. Ha Satan and Lucifer ,are different in judaism

  21. @Norster

    Another 'No': you can reject ALL Abrahamic (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) traditions and be a satanic occultist.
    It's about the craft or practices which endue power on subjects.
    Really evil stuff.

  22. Miriam McDonald she’s had almost nothing to do once the show quit her even though she was promoted as lead.

  23. Hello, most actors are Lucerfarians. They make a deal with the Devil (and those who promote santanic ways) to further their careers.
    Sex, money, sex magic, rituals, drugs, etc...are used to lure them, the victim is then recorded in compromising positions using/abusing their kink in order to be blackmailed into recruiting more victims.

    Basic honey trap/blackmail operations is what built the entertainment industry. As soon as audio/visual technology was created, the trap was set.

  24. OTO temple in Canada. Do what thou wilt

  25. How come no blinds on Jared Leto's island cult,? It sure is expensive to attend his weekend "retreats."
    He dresses in white robes and has everyone else dress in white.
    Weird, weird out of the US purview stuff.
    Part Fire Island, part cult.

  26. I was voting for Nina Dobrev as well

  27. I volunteer to go undercover in this cult. For research purposes, of course.

  28. Doesn't Andrew Keegan run a cult also? He was a 90s former tv child star and was the douchebag model guy in the movie '10 Things I Hate About You'. Maybe I'm getting him confused with one of the Lawrence brothers, though. Or the kid who played Corey's BFF on Boy Meets World. All those floppy haired 90s tv stars were sorta hard to tell apart LOL.

  29. I don't think it's Nina Dobrev. Vampire Diaries was filmed in Georgia (USA, not the country).
