Monday, March 02, 2020

Your Turn

Last time you held a newspaper in your hands and read it?


  1. Today morning....that's how I start my day!
    Chai & Newspaper....heavenly !!!

  2. Today. Read LA times on days off. Short attention span on screens...

  3. Maybe a decade ago for a full-sized newspaper.

  4. I very rarely read newspapers for news as I found them anxiety producing. On the other had, I often glance at the comics or the Suduko puzzle in our break room newspaper while heating my lunch. Just today, I read Dilbert and Hagar the Horrible and Beetle Baily.

  5. Replies
    1. Same. Just about every day really.

  6. This morning- I still get the Seattle Times delivered to my house

  7. People leave them in the breakroom from time to time, so I might read them there. But i have gotten spoiled by the immediacy of breaking news via internet.

  8. RIP, James Lipton. Will Ferrell did you justice.

  9. January 17, 2020 - I was at my dentist's office.

  10. too many years to count

  11. When I was in the hospital last year. I am a big crossword fan, and specifically got the NYtimes for the puzzle - which I finished!

  12. Every day - WSJ comes to my office I peruse while making my coffee

  13. i read the paper every morning. i support print journalism!

  14. Yesterday. Im down to two, but I love them. I much prefer to read books and paper over the screen, though I know it's not practical.

    I love to do daily crosswords/sudoku, too, and that just isnt the same on a screen

  15. Crossword addict. Only real papers and real ink satisfies.

    Read several a week as a result.

    *Always* buy a local paper, if any, getting gas on road trips. Serious Jones for smalltown police blotters ... another fav genre, like classically styled boxing features in the sports pages, I'll suss until they die out entirely.

  16. Over the weekend when I visit my mother. God bless the older generation, they still read books, newspapers, and can hold their attention longer than a border collie. My generation and younger, not so much.

  17. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Six maybe eight years ago?

  18. 2009. I used to read 5 papers a day. I can't read them now. Propaganda rags, no better than the Tabloids.

  19. good work momo. times is no joke. no googling!!

  20. Very recently - local paper still gets published and ends up in lunchroom at work.

  21. About a week ago! We were out for breakfast and they had some copies on the counter for customers to read.

    In my own home? It's been decades.

  22. Philly - No way no Google! I think dictionaries are cheating and must use ink, otherwise the hands get too dirty. I have been doing them since I was 14. Only child in a treehouse syndrome. When you do them for years you get all the clues. It's like a secret society or something.

  23. Momo & Philly-- Will Shortz is a king, lol!😍 I love all Sundays (agree, no googling), can usually do thru Thursday, but can rarely complete Fri or Sat.

    Unabashed hope to get a crossword published one day!☺

  24. I heard yesterday that Men's Journal just laid off their entire staff in New York.

  25. Today and every day. Support print journalism folks!!

  26. Flipped through one while waiting for my tea the other day. Felt weird.

  27. Today and every day.

  28. Every weekday morning - they have one at my local coffee shop so I read while I wait
