Monday, April 13, 2020

Blind Item #12

The guy could be lying, but I do find it interesting that this foreign born A list singer who recently dropped another record is paying all the bills for her boyfriend. The father of the boyfriend apparently is going through some big financial difficulties. We shall see if the more famous siblings are also affected because they have a very expensive lifestyle he pays for.


  1. But the all the Hadid offspring are "Super Models " and earn their own money! Lol

  2. She could do better. He looks like he's eaten a wasp...then again, her last interview over Skype, she had the personality of a turd.

  3. Whoever old, slimy, rich man Dua Lipa'ed, it's finally paying off. She's still a graceless, horrendous dancer/performer but with expensive clothing, choreography and production sets, her career is looking good.

  4. I hear she sucked on more Cowell-bell-end.

  5. These people ALL deserve themselves.

  6. The daughters must pay for a bit themselves, but in lockdown I expect the brassing has tailed off.

  7. Dua looked robotic on new years!

  8. I cannot believe someone hires him to model. He can model detergent, body soap. He needs a bath and clean clothes. Grunge look to the max. I do not see what Dua sees in him and if she is supporting him how long can that last. He needs to grow up.

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