Thursday, April 16, 2020

Blind Item #12

This foreign born A/A- list mostly television actress from a very very long running network show had a party at her house for almost two dozen friends. Apparently she got angry that no caterers were available, so she brought in two chefs without telling them just exactly how many people were coming.


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  3. I hope everyone has a really excellent weekend :) Another 3 day weekend for me.

  4. Vergara sounds good....but are her friends dumb too?!
    They don't know what's going on?
    Maybe this is matures way of eliminating the idiots!

  5. Happy Weekend @MDS9not to be noisy) what do you do, are you an essential worker?

  6. @ Indie brilliant response I was thinking the same thing!😂

  7. Thanks Tricia :) I'm an officer manager for a lawyer. The entire office consists of 4 people including the lawyer. My boss is 80 years old and my other co workers are in their 60's. I tell everyone that I work with the Golden Girls.

  8. Gotcha.My good friend here does same exact thing(just got job before all the craziness strtred and is so grateful to goin everyday).Shes a single mom

  9. +1@Indie: Which part of staying at home and self-isolating don’t they understand? (Although maybe a party is better than the endless bikini/lingerie pics that people keep posting.)

  10. @ MyDogSmiles Sounds like you are the Toy Boy lol 🤣 Have a good weekend.

  11. @Indie They're all anti-vaccers, too, so they've already demonstrated they aren't the brightest bulbs. They are really so entitled that they think they won't be affected by Mother Nature.

  12. Sounds like a recipe for disaster.

  13. This blind item, once again, makes very little sense. If a chef wants to work properly, they have to bring enough tools, ingredients, etc. to cook at some place for a determined number of people. It can't happen that they're told they'll prepare some dinner for four people with everything already in the fridge and in the kitchen, and they discover when they arrive they're supposed to actually cook for twelve people each. Also, you don't work the same way.

  14. She sprayed essential oil
    It's okay, don't worry

  15. Darwin award winners! Natural selection at work...

  16. I'd cook up some sause for her

  17. Interesting. Did everyone remains 6 feet apart and wear masks, except when feeding their faces?

  18. A POS whomever it is.

  19. Another hot spot in the making.
