Monday, April 06, 2020

Blind Item #1

This actor is a superhero. He is set to star in his own full length feature on a hero that has only been seen in movie bit parts. The coke bender and hatred towards fan rant, is probably going to change that.


  1. Ezra Miller / the flash?

  2. Flash choking out some bitch.

  3. Ezra Miller, saw that this morning, and thought why the hell would he do that do that ? !!

  4. Yep, Ezra Miller. Starring as the Flash.

  5. Warner Bros to needs to cough up a ton of $$ to bribe that girl to say it was just a harmless, friendly "play fight". Stat.

  6. Usually I would say it's Renner. But after seeing him choke a fan. It's the Flash. Erza Miller.

  7. Renner is pretty good with his fans, I've read. It may have even been told here, that when there was a "Meet Hawkeye" contest, instead of meeting him at some restaurant, he had the (young,female) winner come to his house. He is a true superhero!

  8. When I saw Ezra Miller in his breakout role in WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT KEVIN, and other rolls around that time, I thought he seemed like he would be a great forward to his inane, affected, entitled annoying BULLSHIT and I am HAPPY he was caught choking a woman. He wants to be called 'they' (like the royal we, lol) but he doesn't deserve that respect or any other respect. I am sorry someone was assaulted, but she is the sacrifice it will take to hopefully ERASE THIS FAKE, REPREHENSIBLE MAN FROM OUR VIEW FOREVER

  9. Something tells me "they" might ENJOY some prison time. Cause "they're" a little bitch

  10. shocking looking at his images.Seems so utterly well adjusted,that Ezra.

  11. omg lol. I was thinking more of an Anais Nin turn(who I adore) but she was rather saucy and vulgar(albeit it in a charming way), as well.

  12. D.H Lawrence was one of her writing idols fwiw

  13. Anonymous5:28 PM

    To be honest I really don't understand why Warner Brothers keeps on trying to make both The Flash Movie and Ezra Miller happen.

    I mean This Film is on it's 4th Director Now.

    3 of them have left due to Creative Differences ( But really it was actually due to Ezra Miller being a Diva each time and constantly wanting his own way )

    And He's also in both Fantastic Beasts.

    And I just don't understand was is it about Ezra Miller that keeps Warner Bros going back to Him.

    Although hopefully now after this incident they finally well let Him go but we'll see.

  14. @Gold 1984, I agree.

    I think they should get Grant Gustin to do it. I think he's great on the CW version of The Flash.

  15. Ezra is and has always been a beautiful soul. Something else is going on if this blind is indeed about him.

  16. Anonymous8:36 PM

    @SarcasticBimbo Honestly I think they should just cancel The Flash Movie altogether I mean they have been trying to make The Film happen since 2013.

    And as much of a beloved character The Flash is.

    I just think at this point This Film has had so many problems over almost the last decade that why brother trying to continually fix it.

    But also Ezra Miller has been with Warner Brothers Since 2016 now.

    And I feel like if He didn't then He sure as Shit is not going to happen now.

  17. Grant Gustin is fantastic as The Flash even on that crappy show. He's very good. He should replace this loser.
