Friday, April 03, 2020

Blind Item #2

This closeted long time actor/writer/producer/director who is A list sleeps every night with his boyfriend, but his girlfriend also lives in the house.


  1. Jake doesn’t direct so go with Tyler.

  2. This totally describes Tyler Perry. Every cute gay boy own Atlanta knows it.

  3. Tyler Perry, who sold his private jet to right wing, Trump loving evangelical Pastor Kenneth Copeland. He can't be openly gay and have anything to do with the right wing evangelical crowd. He goes on religious shows like TBN also. They believe it is sin and do not tolerate it. So why does he live such a double, quadruple life? Who does he think he is kidding?

    1. Sold his private jet to right is the only religion after certain millions !

      Who he thinks he's kidding?
      US...he's kidding us!

  4. Ms Tyler Perry it’s been rumored that he sleeps with 1/2 of the men on his show

  5. I loved Madea for some reason.....

  6. Was he named after two of Aerosmith?
    Dude looks like an old lady.

  7. That would have been Bradly Cooper before his baby mama's contract ended

  8. To Studio 54, the AA community largely abhors gay men, and it is particularly true in the South. Politically, they may be allies under the liberal/Dem tent, and the AA community does TOLERATE homosexuality to a large degree. But they won't support it financially. An openly gay AA man will find no wide ranging support (for his entertainment endeavors) in the AA community. Again, this is more prevalent in the South, but that is where a lot of AA folks live. With the wide and deep and loyal support of AA consumers, Tyler is probably close to a Billionaire. Without it, his career is essentially over.
