Sunday, April 05, 2020

Blind Item #2

The superhero who still looks like a little kid had to move on when his high school friend got tired of pretending. The same thing happened back in the day when that movie vampire actor in the same situation brought out the high school "girlfriend" for a year until she got a real boyfriend.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. He looks 14.. this is a movie star?!?

  3. I guess the other is Taylor Lautner/Twilight?

  4. He’s young. He’ll get better at his bearding game.

  5. Yeah well puppy love don't last forever like in the movies! Let this be a life lesson for you...
    Try that Camilla Girl,Iam sure Shwan will move on once he finds Real Boyfriend too!

  6. Tom Holland, other actor Taylor Lautner

    Speaking of young Tom, he was soo good in the movie about the '04 tsunami, Impossible. He couldn't have been more than 12. The three boys in that movie kill me just thinking about them, such good little actors!

  7. Tom Holland.
    His girlfriend didn't like going Dutch.

  8. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Tom Holland and Taylor Lautner.

    The thing is though when it comes to Their Beards you can't feel too sorry for them because it's not like they didn't know what they were getting into.

    So them Bitching, Moaning and later on Breaking Up with them to have a Real Relationship with someone else.

    While I understand were their coming from.

    At the same time they are far from being Victims.
