Friday, April 10, 2020

Blind Item #3

Maybe this B+ list mostly television actress should take those feelings she has right now and do something about the hundreds, if not thousands of forced terminations of pregnancy she supports through her donations and advocacy of her "church," which requires certain members to get abortions.


  1. though not sure of her church affiliation....?Shes not Scio
    maybe Kirstie Alley?

  2. Laura Prepon and Scio?

  3. Definitely Scio and Laura fits better

  4. I think it's Laura Prepon and Scio!

  5. Alyssa Milano is a steaming piece of hypocritical shit.

  6. Laura Prepon and Scientology
    However, I’m glad she was public about having to terminate and her reasoning behind it.

  7. Below is from a wiki page on Scio, I don't blame Katie Holmes for not wanting her daughter to go on that cult's ship.

    In a 1987 interview with sociologist Stephen A. Kent, a former member of Scientology's elite organization called the Sea Org discussed the views of Scientology with regard to abortion in the 1970s.[13] During the mid-1970s, the Sea Org operated on vessels at sea.[13] Women understood that it was not permitted to raise children on board the ships.[13] According to woman interviewed by Kent, these women on board the Sea Org ships were pressured to undergo abortions.[13] "On the ship, I know of a lot of people that had abortions, because they didn't want to leave the ship. It wasn't like anybody said 'You have got to get an abortion.' It was more an implied thing. If you don't you're going to leave," said the woman to Kent.[13]

    According to Brian Kelly, editor in chief of From the Housestops journal, Sea Org members were shown unpublished writings by L. Ron Hubbard in order to assure them that having an abortion was not against Scientology practices.[14] "To convince members that its [sic] OK to have an abortion, when the organization was supposedly anti-abortion, pregnant Sea Orgers were shown unpublished writings of Hubbard where he taught that babies didn’t receive their own spirit until birth," wrote Kelly.[14]

  8. Katie Holmes literally saved Suri, for sure. Scio is... *chills*

    1. Suri is Tom's first born....he is definitely involved in that elopement !
      He's too deep in it can't escape out....he liberated his child !

    2. Cruise rolled over on the custody deal because Suri is not his. He cant have kids. That is why is didnt work out w/ Mimi Rodgers and why he and Kidman adopted

    3. His adopted kids are his first born Conner Cruise looks just like him and so is that daughter. Adoption does not diminish their importance Indie. Tc Controls those kids and how the son escapes someday

  9. How does Alyssa Milano fit? Or is this just an opportunity to bash her?

  10. I still kind of like the Suri is a lot older theory and is Chris Klein's kid. She was a huge, well-developed baby.

  11. You mean "don't go out and buy a gun" Alyssa Milano?

    The same gal that admitted to being a "2 gun household", that hypocrite former child actress? hard to see her as b+.. other than having a loud twitter voice, she has nothing going on

  12. Is the religion harvesting fetuses for stem cells to keep Travolta and lil Tommy youthful, or they passing out morning after pills as post sex breath mints?

    1. It's not working Count. Gramps Travolta and pudgy Tom...cmon.LOL.

  13. Scientology and forced abortions on Sea Org members.
