Saturday, April 04, 2020

Blind Item #3

The foreign born singer who was once a boy bander is in bad shape. His drug dealer died of COVID-19 and he has been unable to find a consistent replacement. 


  1. He's always in bad shape.

  2. Alcohol, drugs / ZM's doing it all. Dealers are plentiful. He'll find another to support his cravings.

  3. Zayn he’s going to run out of money
    Rap producer lost 70 million dollars on drugs, one of the best producers around was hooked on Coke

  4. Go to Ghost Town in Venice Beach, put your car in park and whistle and people will appear with drugs for sale. OR go to nasty ol' San Julian Park in skid row. There will be tons of people on the corner milling around. Just say in a regular voice, who has heroin, and ten people will say "how much you want". I know this but I have never done drugs in my life...except weed, which is legal. People who do heroin know where to go. None of those people selling will have any idea who this dude is seeew...

    1. Thanks for the heads up....I'll avoid these places!

    2. He is on the East Coast. I doubt he can get to LA. He can find some oxy and call it a day

  5. RIP dear dealer!
    It's always heartbreaking to loose a loved one!
    Now Zyan's gonna use twice to overcome his loss!

  6. Replies
    1. Definitely not him.

      This is Zayn.

  7. Zayn...where is he? NYC, LA, London? I think key word here is reliable. I do imagine celebs are likely to get taken advantage of in that world.

    1. NYC and London are hell holesright now but last time I saw he was in Manhattan

  8. Yes I also believe Zayn lives somewhere in NYC, presumably Manhattan.

    I don't know much about heroin but I'd think it's not so hard to find if you know the right people. On gay hookup sex apps they put it in their profiles using key words for meth, GHB and more.

    1. If we are to believe the other blinds. He should call Harry as he will have aforementioned apps 😜

  9. the gay sex parties are meth focused though, not really a heroin crowd

  10. All of the ideas about finding replacements involve extensive IN PERSON interaction. With reduced crowds, cops are 3 deep staking out the "usual" hang outs. Even sophisticated delivery systems require extensive vetting by both the dealer and the user, with a ton of peroneal interaction and "feeling out" of one another.
    This isn't like getting weed delivered (Back when that was illegal in CA). A few dime bags was safe enough to deliver. Dealer ran a relatively small risk. That same amount of Coke (or similar) gets the delivery boy 20+ years, so he'll roll on his boss. Like immediately. Before the cuffs are actually attached.
    I thought when all this hit that drug users were going to be in trouble. Getting routine resupply of quality hard drugs is going to be very difficult.

  11. How about stop taking drugs? Problem solved.
