Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Blind Item #4

This foreign born A/A- list actor thought he had COVID-19 so he told the world he did. Several times. It turns out he had the flu, but didn't bother to correct the record. In fact, he didn't even get tested until after he told everyone he tested positive.


  1. So the wife doesn’t have it then?


  3. It's a good thing because now we all know Idris is a child. AND a complete dipshit

  4. Asshole is right.

  5. Him and his wife were travelling and even met somebody who tested positive for the virus. What your saying is that the person who gave Idris "flu" is also lying about their state of health as well.

    Breaking News: Celeb cover up over Covid-19, more to come on the news at 10pm.

  6. You can be exposed and not contract it. Doesn’t mean Sophie Trudeau is lying.

    1. I know her husband ain't lying
      On top of her..ever.

  7. Well that's one of the problems, isn't it, the only way to know if you have it,or have had it, is to be tested. And they are not available in Britain, even to health workers !!

  8. TBF Idris made plenty of celebrity obsessed types take the virus seriously. So public service.

  9. No wonder people are flippant about this "pandemic".

  10. i found it weird that Prince Charles had the virus than after one week only ended his isolation period without even doing a test. He could be a carrier and passing it on

    I have never heard of anyone testing positive and going "clear" that fast.

    1. Weird. I also find it weird that a lot of “important “ people seem to have it.

  11. I don’t think this is Idris would come back and admit his wife eventually tested positive after all the flack he took from being near her in his initial announcement if he was being dishonest the whole time.

  12. I saw a red flag when I read that Prince Charles isolated, recovered and was out and about so quickly. Would certainly hope this was not a PR move to boost his relevance.

  13. Only one I can think of is Idris, but eek, to say positive, wife positive AND imply who gave it to him...that's nuts!

  14. How nice everyone supporting him and thrashing that other Reality guy with a book coming out!

  15. @granny i almost wonder if it was a ploy to get harry back, as it was about the time they were moving to LA

  16. I thought it was weird he was holed up in Santa Fe, New Mexico and was able to test himself while symptomatic. Didn't realize New Mexico had a plethora of tests.

  17. this doesnt seem like idris considering the entire production, cast and crew, were required to take a test once somebody on set got sick and later tested possible.

    it was done for insurance/liability purposes, which is common on all sets, but ofc this whole thing is new (a pendemic affecting all industries where insurance/liability etc issues come up

    i dunno, something doesnt add up for it to be idris. everybody cast and crew took a test
