Thursday, April 02, 2020

Blind Item #4

This A+ list mostly movie actor is pulling one of his famous I am going to donate a whole bunch of money but really I'm going to donate squat and all these other companies are going to donate but I'm going to take the credit. It is what he has been doing for decades. He talks a big game, but never comes through. Kind of like when he has sex.



  2. It’s not Clooney. He donates to his own charity. He launders money to himself through his “charities”

  3. Leo. Most want us to donate money and they take the credit

  4. Leo, the cowardly lion.

  5. Leo. WTF is his problem? He really has the money... he wants to be seen as philanthropic.... why can't he just BE so? So f-ing sad.

  6. Most of them do that- Beyawnce, K-Trash, etc

  7. regarding the "has sex" part...wasn't there a blind going back a few years where he has to wear a sock on his weiner when he does it once a year (I kid you not--it was a blind)

  8. They shouldn't be allowed to announce it until the charity makes the announcement when the check clears, or better yet, when the money begins to be put into use.

  9. Sunkist-- whaaa? I missed that one!Any explanation?

  10. Does anyone else remember Leo getting with Demi Moore, when she was married to Bruce Willis?

    Some people give money to charity, just to look good. Other's want to look good without giving the money!

    1. I know Demi and Leo hung out in Paris in 97'. Saw them several times. There were rumours of them having something going on.

  11. If this didn't say A list movie actor, I'd say Trump.
    He famously, "built" an ice skating rink in NYC but he really talked another builder into doing all the work than stiffed him on the payment (several hundred thousand dollars). trump bragged about how he'd completed the work in record time and bragged he should be mayor. It's true he fasciliated it all-that was great but he's incapable of leaving it at that, he had to lie and take all the credit.

  12. Can't he just go plant a tree on Mars in his eco-friendly spaceship or something

  13. He's a mile wide douche.
