Saturday, April 04, 2020

Blind Item #5

As he got older, he wanted to do the right thing with his thousands of photographs that were essentially celebrities with underage teens in compromising positions. The photos stretched back many decades and involved some of the biggest celebrity and power broker names in each era of the photos partying and naked in bed with the teens. The photos continued up through about ten years ago when he tired of going to parties and just wanted to live. What happens when word gets out about the photos, especially the friends of the billionaire pedophile. The John Does of the current court cases. They have the guy killed.


  1. Epstein’s tentacles reached far and wide. I met Beard once. E wa wonder and refined. He clearly wanted no part of that

    1. Epstein's Tentacles.... you're so dirty Tricia!

  2. But Beards in full blown dementia. If he has photos, he probably doesn’t know where he put them, and someone has to have gone through everything he owns before now.

  3. He had advanced dementia, so prob invited his killers in for a game of bridge or cribbage, thinking they were friends from school. Just saying, its Not The Worst Way To Go

  4. They probably slipped something in his drink?!🍻Poor guy.....

  5. Are you accusing Roof? πŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸΊπŸš‘

    1. Fap fap fapfapfap
      fap fap fap fap
      fap fap fapfapfap

  6. Partied with Beard several times. Far superior to Corona's "most interesting man in the world."

  7. Hey Indie, I watched Anatomy of a Murder last night. Very good!

    Thanks for the recommendation.

    1. IKR....finally some good use of free time!
      Try 'Viva Cuba' or 'Everything is Illuminated',liked them too!

  8. Yeah if they have not found him in a canyon or ditch. Most likely a skeleton in the summer. Prefer to think he wandered off but wifey may have tired of taking care of him too

  9. J/ is it me or are you seeing a simpler descent into madness/ pattern of gibberish between Dr Feelgood and the other -cuckoo?

  10. Decades old? Anything before 1986 is grandfathered in and legal under kiddie porn law. Should auction them off.

  11. It means his network reached far and wide ,indie.
    J-Everyting is Illuminated is a brilliant film I’ve mentioned here a zillion times. Liev Schreibers directorial debut. I spoke to him about it- he was so excited I loved the film as much as I did (we are both Ukrainian(for me my fathers side), and it resonated greatly:it was His passion project.

    1. I Know babes....just pulling your leg!
      Try Viva Cuba,with your kids awesome movie! You'll see REAL Cuba with it's natural beauty!
      Also try
      Partes Usadas
      Sangre De Mi Sangre
      Both awesome!

  12. Creepy about the pics, but I hate the thought of a severe dementia victim being lost or harmed.

  13. wat a sec, trish, my love. how is it that you get a word with liev? interdasting, big time. as for the John Does, NOTHING can stop whats coming...NOTHING

  14. He can send them to Wray

  15. @PhillyWilly have met him
    Many times over the years. Theatre 🎭 circles (New York) and then just kept in touch. The time I spoke to him about this film
    Was a chance encounter at a restaurant downtown(he was with his bro Pablo), and i was excited to give him the praise. I really love that film. He is humble, and smart beyond belief.

  16. @Tricia Pablo!! Love him!! No matter what I see him in I can't get his William Lewis from SVU out of my mind

  17. He was nice @E. Very reserved, but extremely charming and polite.

  18. The best way to protect yourself is to SHARE the info with at least four other people as a "just in case" policy.
