Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Blind Item #6

The A list everything in her mind diva is realizing marriage to her significant other is probably not the right move. Considering how many women he was juggling, that is probably best.


  1. Bigballs Arod.
    I regret the day enty put out the blind about Arods elaphantiatus scrotum
    I will never read his name the same.

  2. Yeah, another couple who ‘can’t plan a wedding date’ because of x,y, or z. If you really want to marry someone, you just do it.

  3. Aint Arod gay? Grooms his hair too much even for casual days and wears too many suits. Definitely overcompensating for something. But that could probably also be due to his low intelligence, heard it's why sergey brin's ex broke up with him.

    1. The grooming and suits may be from his days as a Yankee. They are required to wear suits when traveling and have other restrictions such as length of hair, no facial hair, etc.

  4. Freed weave- that would fit in with her- usu marries gay men -
    He always seems to transform his women- like they take testosterone ( Madonna,Diaz, )
    Match made in heaven?

  5. I agree @Aquagirl about both the suits and the reason for marriage pause....

  6. Get married, have kids, ignore them, raise them with cell phones after leaving your partner. I hear that's a great plan.

  7. Jlo and ARod postponing their wedding.

  8. @ Freedweave. I used to be a professional dominatrix and I think A-Rod is just a sub/crossdresser type. He likes women to get buff, big guns, and dress up in their clothes. He's got a pretty boy/girl thing going on. I don't think he is gay but I also think he had ZERO interest in JLo beyond her fame factor and then she changed her body to fit his image.

    1. Thought the same @kik71. Looks like the gal on rush hour 3...

  9. Free Advice to love birds!

    If your partner doesn't respect you, get out of the relationship quickly.
    They are never going to respect you.

    (When they cheat on you, they don't respect you!)

  10. @kiki71 That's the most entertaining thing on this site, so far lol 🤣

  11. This again? Oh, please. On, off, on, off, on, off...who cares. ffs

  12. @Aquagirl "Yeah, another couple who ‘can’t plan a wedding date’ because of x,y, or z. If you really want to marry someone, you just do it."

    Just do it = the reason the divorce rate is so high. Awful advice

    1. @TEL: Apparently you misunderstood my comment. I’m not at all suggesting that anyone rush into marriage. I’m specifically speaking about celebrities who are ‘engaged’ but keep making excuses as to why they can’t plan a wedding. My point was that, if you really love someone and you really want to marry them, you can go to city hall or you can have a small intimate wedding.

  13. @norster lol. Well I wanted to issue my so-called 'area of expertise' in making the call on A-Rod. Can not STAND the guy. I'm a big baseball fan and listening to his whiny voiced commentary on MLB is painful. He and JLo are so sad. She cares so much about what folks thing, he wants to be a super couple brand but can't be faithful. They are a disaster waiting to happen.

  14. @Aquagirl I understand now. Thanks for clearing it up :)

  15. Now she realized.....not as smart as shiny!

  16. Totally JLO and I really liked Kiki's on point comments about ARod!They are so phony together!

  17. This is and has all been publicity for the thirsty JLo. She did it before with Ben - sadly, I think Ben actually thought she was serious and he was in love - that she wasn't just using him for publicity. I think this really messed him up. She's had her kids w/skeletor, there's no need for her to marry ever again, just the need for the press it generates.

  18. the dancer dudes she was with were definitley gay. Especially the skeevy one that did the Bee dance.

  19. So he's juggling a lot of other women and a closet full of ladies clothes, huh?

    Thank goodness he's retired. He's got a lot going on!
