Monday, April 13, 2020

Blind Item #7

This former tweener turned A- list singer/meh actress has completely given up talking about her "disease." She doesn't even allow reporters to bring it up any longer because it is in the news and she doesn't have the right answers.


  1. Selena Gomez, yup.

  2. Didn't she have enough time to research on it all these days?!

  3. Being too sensationalistic and problematic is drastically falling out of fashion with fans and social media alike. Sympathizing with fake drama is exhausting when there REAL WORLD problems to think about.

  4. Ungrateful young lady moving on

  5. Selena should be on the same type drugs that are being talked about for treatment of Covid-19. That she claims to have both lupus and a kidney transplant should make her an expert on the drugs. But when she talked about treatment for lupus a while back,she referred to Chemotherapy and everyone was like what?

    1. Some of the infusions are referred to as chemo. Such as tax for Rheum arthritis. It's done at the same centers

    2. Rx. Not tax..damn it

  6. She could have meant methotrexate, which is an immune suppressant developed for use in conjunction with chemotherapy. It is often paired with hydroxychlorine (Plaquenil) for treatment for autoimmune disorders. I was on both drugs for years for rheumatoid arthritis, so it’s possible she might be on both for lupus.

  7. Someone very close to me had lupus and was so, so sick for so many years. The side effects of drugs were almost as bad as the disease. And the steroids, omg. those make a person gain a ton of weight. She just doesn't look like it. It's a heartbreaking disease to watch in progress.

  8. Didn't she actually have a "kidney transplant" though? So that would mean she actually has a "disease", whether or not she takes it seriously.

    She'd better be really careful. She is in a higher risk group for Covid19. And because of her, so is her donor friend.

  9. Much bigger risks she took fucking all of the hillsong congregation for good dope!

  10. She should only be on cocaine and my dick

  11. Agreed,@S D Auntie and @Blue Haired Witch, but I guess the point Enty has always maintained is that she never had lupus in the first place,and if you read her interviews, the stories make no sense. Not sure of the kidney transplant,I thought maybe because of an overdose. Her mental health issues ring true though.
