Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Blind Item #9

This permanent A+ list mostly movie actor who has two massive franchises to his name has been going to his assistant's house every day. The assistant then leaves and the actor and his lover have sex. Meanwhile, the actor's wife, who used to be an actress has no clue.


  1. Michael Douglas/CZJ

  2. Antman/The Avengers as the franchises

  3. It would fit Hugh Jackman but wouldn’t it say foreign born? And which other franchise is he in besides X-men?

  4. Michael Douglas cannot possibly retain status as a fully functioning male. He is a decrepit old man who had stage IV cancer....from oral sex no less.
    FFS these people need to pack it in, pack it up and zip it.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Wolverine and X Men and his wife is listed as an actress and producer. She probably hasn't acted in a long time.

  7. Hugh’s wife would know.

  8. Deborra-lee Furness (born 30 November 1955) is an Australian actress and producer. She is married to actor Hugh Jackman.

  9. I agree with AquaGirl. There is no way Hugh's wife is in the dark about this.

  10. I’m pretty sure she knows he sleeps with men though... they are BFs, hence their arrangement,surrogacy,kids etc?

  11. Sorry adoption* I think

  12. Replies
    1. Good guess @MD. Calista has been on ‘hiatus’ since 2018.

  13. there's a good one too MD..

  14. @mdanderson. Harrison Ford was my first thought too. Can’t get any more massive than Indiana Jones and Star Wars.

  15. If it's Ally McBeal though, the misinformed Entern is wrong about her being an ex-actress because she not an ex-actress and still works plenty, but that wouldn't be much of a surprise.

    1. Actually her IMDB says she’s been on ‘hiatus’ since 2018.

    2. Sorry, Wikipedia.

  16. Has two massive franchises to his name? Both Douglas and Jackman are stupid guesses.

    Douglas is a supporting character in the MCU, and he isn't part of the Avengers. Besides, Catherine Zeta-Jones still acts.
    Hugh Jackman is no longer part of the X-Men, which makes just for one franchise anyway, as the Wolverine movies were spin-offs.

    People that would fit more or less the description are Vin Diesel (Fast & Furious, XXX, Guardians of the Galaxy), Chris Pine (Star Trek, Wonder Woman).

    But the obvious answer is Harrison Ford.
    Permanent A+? Check.
    Has two massive franchises to his name? Check. Indiana Jones, Star Wars (Jack Ryan as an alternate pick, and Blade Runner, while a franchise, isn't exactly massive)
    Wife who used to be an actress? Calista Flockhart.

  17. But the bigger question is, who wants to sleep with a 77-year-old guy every day?

  18. @AquaGirl - fans are crazy people.

  19. who sleeps with Morgan Freeman and Jon Voight?

  20. @Angela, we are having some fun here. It's not that serious. Are assumptions being made the lover is same-sex, thus Jack or Chris? But yea, Harrison Ford is more likely the one.

  21. Chris Hemsworth? Does he have 2 franchises?

  22. Chris Pine, Chris Hemsworth and Vin Diesel aren't close to "permanent A+ list". Ford's the only one that fits.

  23. Ford is a seriously good guess and after seeing him with his shirt off in that Call of the Wild movie (sorry... self distancing and watching EVERYTHING) he has still got it... well for an old guy.

  24. Ryan Reynolds?

    don't yell at

  25. Agree with the Ford guess

  26. Can I add, sucks to be that assistant! Not only sacrificing your home on the daily, but having to lie to his wife forevermore. Boo.😝

  27. When it says two massive franchises
    Do you think it could mean that this actor owns KFC and McDonald's restaurants.
    Asking for a hungry friend.

  28. definitely harrison ford, two mega franchises being star wars & indiana jones. calista flockhart as "used to be an actress"

    yikes. somebody should not let him fly planes anymore (the pandemic tho will keep him grounded thankfully until further notice. he almost collided with a COMMERCIAL PLANE near an airport, then his emergency landing after messing up on a golf course. its like the unfortunate but inevitable taking away the keys & ubering it up for an elderly relative. its kind of ridiculous he's doing another indiana jones movie......tho i guess he wont have to do any physical stuff, maybe? they must be paying him a lot of dollah
