Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Blind Item #9

This A+ list author is going to be holding a series of online classes. Will the classes include how to pay someone to ghostwrite every book but the first? 


  1. Rowling,

  2. A+ and alive sounds like Rowling.

  3. @Tricia- Nicholas Sparks will do it after someone else does it, plagiarize, and claim it was him all along.

  4. Gotcha @Zebra! I knew there was some shade with him (also allegedly affairs w/ underage girls bi could be off on that

  5. It's Dan Brown with free Masterclass lessons.

  6. Nicholas sparks yeah right. A+ only to metrosexuals and desperate housewives.

  7. Dan Brown makes a lot of sense, but DaVinci Code wasn't the first book in that series. I don't think you'd hire a ghost writer after Angels and Demons.

    1. DaVinci Code wasn't the first book in the series. DaVinci Code also has forever been said to have been written by his wife, not him.

  8. I hope this one gets a reveal!

  9. Oh my god you guys for sure hate a lot of authors 😂 you name so much! The blind says except the first so I'd go with an author known for one and only one well known series. King has more...Brown has not THAT typical series. My bets on Rowling. :/

  10. Wait someone ghostwritten Harry Potter or her other series (sorry I don't keep up with her. I read HP books and didn't like them much. I also don't like her)?

  11. I'm with the Patterson guess. There's no way he could write all the stuff out there with his name on it. I liked his early stuff, then started reading some of the stuff he wrote "with" other authors, and it was like none of James Patterson was in it. All the series, the kids books, the anime. Nope. I believe there's a stable of writers using the Patterson name.

    1. That's not even a secret. He has a bunch of writers working for him. No one could write 60 books a year or whatever his ridiculous output is.

  12. Oh please let this be King!!! That would be so fitting lololol

  13. If it's First Rowling then the ghostwriter(s) had a hell of a task trying to live down to the level of puerile and unoriginal shiteness of the first one.

  14. I hope this is JK. She's a billlionaire now or near one. I hope she paid those writiers well to keep their mouth shut.

  15. I'd go with Patterson. It's well known that he outlines most of his books and then has his "co-authors" finish them.

  16. JK Rowling has a second, excellent series(CB Strike). I can't imagine it's her

  17. it’s pay ghostwriters to write every book but the first. doesn’t that mean their first book?
    what about the authors of divergent, or that katniss krap, or the little red-riding-cloked craptastic books

    there are too many authors to choose from

  18. Those commercials are heeelarious, my fave's the Penn & Teller one.

  19. If it was Stephen King he'd have hired a ghost who could write decent explanations for his supernatural phenomena, and I say that as a fan. He has a researcher/consultant but his work is his own, warts and all.

  20. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Its not King. There's already been a blind indicating HE ghostwrites for his son. Why would he be ghostwrit if he ghostwrites? Brown seems a good guess, but I am going with Patterson due to his sheer volume of output. He's *too* prolific.

  21. To play devil's advocate, it's possible she narrated the story line and let ghost writers flesh it out.

  22. James Patterson is pretty open about using a writing team could be him

  23. Dan brown and masterclass for the win baby!

  24. I liked the 1st Harry Potter book
    very much
    The other ones not so much
    Heck I thought it was just me

  25. King is a true writer. He needs no one to ghost write for him. Get it straight.

  26. No way is this King. If you know his work, then you know when you're reading a King book, he writes like no other. My vote is for Patterson, he has half a dozen books come out in the time it takes everyone else to get just one out.


  28. This is obviously James Patterson.

    If any of you think JK Rowling used a ghost writer for HP, you're out of your damn minds.

  29. Please let this be that annoying TERF Rowling.

  30. Yes, saw that James Patterson was offering that "Master Class" bs online. He is a writer like I am a sculptor. I have my high school sculpture in my house.

  31. Richard Castle. I knew that whole "joining the police team for research" story was bullshit.

  32. (J.K. & King - no way on earth. Patterson, it should say "except for the first few" since he clearly wrote the first bunch himself. Also, is it "ghostwriting" if their name is on the cover too? Dan Brown makes sense. Nicholas Sparks too, since there's a whole army of generic romance writers out there. At least no one guessed George R.R. Martin. 😂)

  33. longtimereader - all JK Rowling said was that someone should not be fired for stating the fact that biological sex is real. What is wrong with that?
