Friday, April 03, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #1

March 26, 2020

The lying banned from television actor who lost his show and quite possible could lose his freedom is just pretending to his fans and to the public none of that is happening. In order to move forward, he is going to have to come up with an apology.

Jussie Smollet


  1. Kind of surprised he hasn't said he's got the rona.

  2. Amber Heard should learn from this. Legacy media can only do so much at ignoring things.

  3. Jussie Smolett is going to have to come up with $130,000 plus that the City of Chicago had to WASTE on overtime, in a polar vortex, sending their officers out in the bitter cold, to investigate his scam that was designed to make him more money from "Empire" producers.

  4. Jussie, and bad idea to resurface while case is still (re) opened.

  5. Anonymous10:02 AM

    The weird thing is that he could have apologized long ago and it would all be forgiven and forgotten by now. Something is wrong in his brain.

  6. He's plain Disgusting!

  7. I hope he doesn't get away with this a second time, since they're busy emptying the jails.

  8. MissDavie

    What is "wrong with his brain", is nothing that many other 'celebs' are also afflicted with.. huge egos and massive arrogance.

    I've never bought into celebrity worship.. not ever

  9. I don't think he is sane enough to be able to apologize and make it sound sincere, even if forced.

  10. His buddy Kamala Harris dropped him like a hot cake.

  11. Trying to incite rioting would be a charge he should receive.

    Chicago is corrupt as hell and always has been.

  12. His whole big family of strangely named brothers and sisters all support him in this fairy tale. It is a mass delusion in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, like when 95% of people of color actually thought Ho Jay was innocent.

  13. Juicy Smoooyay can hit the road. Nobody wants him and his fake apologies.

  14. In the age of Trump, we are really going to hold someone accountable for lying and then asking them to apologize. Either we hold everyone accountable or no one but let's not be selective.

    1. This is exactly right. I hate both but how are we going to let Trump lie EVERYDAY but ask this guy to apologize? No one died with JS. Dropping dead all around us from Trump's lies
