Thursday, April 09, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #1

March 31, 2020

It is shocking that this back in the day A+ list singer turned serial sex predator/child porn producer gets tens of thousands of dollars each month from fans helping to pay his legal bills. Would they let him spend time alone with their underage female relatives?

R. Kelly


  1. Actually....they would !
    Don't underestimate their stupidity! They might even film it!

  2. They certainly would. It's their only way out of the ghetto, in their mind.

  3. Glad to hear that his request to be released from jail due to COVID-19 has been denied.

  4. I believe it! His fans are stupid. The #FreeRKelly hashtag has more tweets than ones calling for Justice for the MANY victims of the perv.

    If you never saw "Surviving RKelly", please watch it now. It is an amazing documentary of this man's predation.

    Kelly preyed on the black community, and his fans are black, sending him this money. That's who his victims are, black. You know, the same fools giving money to "Reverend" KON West...

  5. Robert Kelly is like human garbage to me. He totally repels me.

  6. The Cook County jail, where R Kelly currently resides, is now the No. 1 hotspot in the country to catch COVID-19. They better not release R Kelly:

  7. Thank God:

    Judge rejects R. Kelly's request to be released from jail over coronavirus fears

  8. I think COVID-19 could solve a lot of problems/expenses with our prison population.

  9. I flove that he was denied release.

  10. No releases unless there is a prior medical condition, or they are elderly... no other reason.

    Pedo Kelly is neither of these things
