Monday, April 13, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 3, 2020

The celebrity offspring of a permanent A list model has caught on quickly. Even when apologizing for something that people hate about you, use it as a marketing opportunity. She did just that and tried to sell some of her mom's booze.

Sailor Lee Brinkley-Cook/Christie Brinkley/"Bellissima Prosecco"


  1. Whatever it takes she’s not yachting so goody goody

  2. We will get a yachting BI about her as soon as Enty's staff puts in the list for the next month's made up BIs.

  3. She's got no star appeal at all. And she looks older than her mom

  4. She is already annoying and blah without shilling for her mom's business.

  5. I would love to know why they named her that, was it a joke: "Well hello Sailor..😉" ??? Lol 😂
