Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 6, 2020

This B list actress with A list name recognition because of who she used to be married to is on a dating app just to find friends because she only has one or two actual friends who want to hang out with her.

Katie Holmes


  1. Anonymous9:01 AM

    That’s sad

  2. It's still better than no friends.

  3. 'two actual friends'.....
    That's way more than 90% of Hollywood and half the Adult world!
    Quite lucky she is ....

  4. I bet if she went to Ohio to see her old friends she grew up with, she'd have more than 2 friends.

  5. Occam's Razor suggests she has a horseshit personality.

  6. I wonder why..she doesn't seem that bad. She had the nuts to leave the Sciloontologist in the middle of the night. She used a burner phone, setup living arrangements in NY and retained divorce lawyers on both sides of he country. That's some good planning!

    Maybe she has trust issues and that's why she can't form lasting friendships?

    Useless information: I created this fake email account in google back in 2012 to use to troll scientologists. Back when I was afraid of them. haha

    1. Shouldn't have revealed....thus is our final good bye!

  7. She seems like a good person and nice mom

  8. Katie also had the guts to take on Jamie's massive wang.

    1. The Scientologists who still follow Katie everywhere thought she was giving birth and shouted through her bedroom window to stop screaming.
      It was just Foxx practicing baby-making

  9. She seems like a sweet lady but maybe people still think she has the stink of Scientology on her.

  10. IDK - I have two close friends and lots of acquaintances. I prefer to hang out with the close friends vs. the acquaintences.

  11. I don’t know why she doesn’t just move close to her family and old friends(I’m hoping she still has a few and didn’t burn bridges when she got famous). She doesn’t have much of a career and doesn’t really seem the celebrity type. She may find happiness getting a normal job and raising her daughter around family. Is it really that hard to leave the celebrity life once you have tasted it?

  12. 40 year old are busy with kids, careers and older family members. It happens. Cant trust a lot of people because of scio

  13. She's from Toledo, Ohio. SHe wants real friends, not fake Hwood types.

  14. That's sad. If the Scios are still following her, it makes sense that people might be wary of befriending her. Not because of her, because she does seem nice, but who would want to be on their radar?

  15. Why are Americans so obsessed with friends?

  16. Introverts don't need 852 friends on FB, and constant contact with people. A few quality people go a long way.

    Two extroverts I know said they wanted to die on the first day of quarantine.

  17. Wait. That isn't normal?

  18. Hey I'll be her friend. And I don't even mean that in a dirty way

  19. this is so stupid. millions of people are passing time on apps right now, chatting away
