Saturday, April 18, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #3

April 10, 2020

The celebrity CEO is on the latest membership list of that shady group of people that meet once a year in Northern California. I wonder which ritual is his favorite. Also on the list for the first time I can remember is the very very wealthy, recently retired tech king who has a lot of can't remembers about his times with the billionaire pedophile.

Elon Musk/Bohemian Grove/Bill Gates/Jeffrey Epstein


  1. With Epstein gone,they have to have fun somewhere.

  2. Pure garbage again about Bill Gates. Just sickening how much these monsters lie about liberals. As Gates spokesman rightly said, none of these false accusers are doing anything to help anyone like Gates is.

    1. How do you explain how Gates name has come up on Epstein’s flight log so many times???

  3. One is looking towards simulating "accidental" baby mama ODs. The other is celebrating the many, many billions he'll earn from the vaccine for this stupid Corona. Because no one releases a virus if there's no cure just in case it infects them.

  4. Excellent post --- need more like these that shine a light on the deviant behavior of these truly disgusting megalomaniacs. Keep the light on these cockroaches!

  5. They are all satan worshippers!!

  6. @Billeye4: Corrupt to the max Attorney General Bill Barr won't cover anything up for any liberal if there is EVIDENCE. There is NOT because he would have done something.

    Bill Barr was the "legal adviser" who helped George HW Bush cover up Iran/Contra with mass pardons on Christmas eve 1992, to bury the news from the American people getting ready for Christmas. That's why Trump hired him, to cover up and gut Russiagate for him the same way. Corrupt Barr only covers up right wing crimes.

    1. Anonymous2:48 PM

      Russiagate really? Still? I love your user name. Did you lose your mind snorting coke in the 70s? It’s preposterous how the Russians were turned into these bogeyman. Those Slavic morons would screw up a one car funeral procession.

  7. << Russiagate >>

    Whoa - easy with the racism, folks ;)

  8. This is your weekly reminder that Epstein didn't kill himself. That is all.

  9. @Studio54, your comments are absolutely exhausting.

  10. Corrupt to the max Bill Barr tried to gut Trump's friend Roger Stone's GUILTY sentence over RUSSIA, being involved with Guccifer 2, Wikileaks and Assange, after the four prosecutors made their sentencing recommendations to the court. All four prosecutors on the case QUIT when Barr tried to gut their sentencing. He was hired to fix and destroy these cases. When Congress is physically able to be back in session, all four prosecutors have been summoned to testify about what Barr did.

    1. Hey dummy...Bill Barr is having Roger Stones sentence for LYING reduced from 9 years. Liberals never ever get their facts straight

  11. Omg you oxygen thief.��Why did you take such a hard left when the fork in the road that so clearly stated sanity➡️ Vs. your daily meltdown called a life ?
    Seriously,what happened to you that was so catastrophic that you come to a gossip site and unleash unhinged,unsolicited personal political views? It’s more than a bit unhinged

  12. This is a POLITICAL cult lying blind about Bill Gates, the latest target of the Q Cult.

    I am pointing out the FACTS about Trump's corrupt AG Bill Barr, who would NEVER cover up for a liberal, who only covers up for the right wing. The right wing can't handle the truth about Barr and why Barr is gutting every Russiagate case of Mueller's. Julian Assange's lawyer said Trump promised him a pardon if he would LIE about Russia's involvement in the 2016 election.

    1. Go away.. You are the idiot who will realize way too late that Bill Gates is using us to depopulate the earth and if you won't believe his own words look at what they did to women in are gross

    2. Obviously it wasn't your kid who was mutilated in illegal clinical trials in Haiti, Indua, or multiple African nations.

  13. Bill Gates is now the leading target for coronavirus falsehoods, says report
    Lies about Gates outpace 5G conspiracies

    Bill Gates is the top target for coronavirus conspiracy theories

  14. It’s always funny to me when people like @Studio54 say they are using “facts” when they scream like an unhinged lunatic babbling nonsense.

  15. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Old hippies like Studio54 are the worst. All they ever did and all they still do is bitch about everything.

  16. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Who would get a Gates vaccination?

  17. @studio 54

    " As Gates spokesman rightly said"

    Do you even read your pasta?

  18. Although Gates refused to comment on his new-found notoriety, Mark Suzman, chief executive of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, told the NYT that it was “distressing that there are people spreading misinformation when we should all be looking for ways to collaborate and save lives.”


  19. "Bill Gates is the top target for coronavirus conspiracy theories"

    And you have doubted this thought with all the evidence out there that sure does lead to a worldwide awareness that is being brought out about how and why these "things " operate?

  20. Bill Gates in the 80s:”Lets infect computers with virus’ and then sell anti- virus software.
    Also Bill Gates circa 2019 “Lets infect people with a virus and then sell a vaccine”.

  21. Anonymous7:23 PM

    This ☝

  22. Fact, the Gates funded Polio vaccine caused a widespread outbreak of polio in India, the Philippines, and elsewhere. Fact, another vaccine program in Africa used to sterilize young girls without their consent or knowledge. There are other horror stories. Why does @Studio54 have blind in a billionaire who hung out with Epstein After he was a convicted pedophile?

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Not entirely sure @Guesser,but I think it might rhyme with TDS.
    Oh wait..... 🎯

  25. That garbage about Bill Gates and India is FALSE OF COURSE:

  26. I see everyone knows Studio 54 is satanic apologist trash, so I'll stop harping about it and go back to lurking again.

  27. All that garbage about Gates and Africa is also false:

    These nuts that peddle these non stop lies are SCUM.

  28. How did Barr gut Russiagate when it was completed by Mueller with no findings for charges?

  29. I loved seeing you here again @DDonnaTarttty. I thought I saw your name pop up yesterday. Always enjoyed your comments:)

  30. @Murph: Mueller won numerous GUILTY verdicts against Paul Manafort and Roger Stone as well as pleas deals and other cases from Russiagate. Barr was brought in to gut every last one of them:

  31. @Studi54 thanks for fighting the good fight. And for crafting concise, intelligible responses with EVIDENCE, something the right wing nut jobs are patently unable to do.

    I’ve never understood why they accuse the left of having TDS when they’re the ones who are so clearly deranged.

  32. That is because that you were taken in by that verdammte Allied propaganda! Such filthy lies! They told lies! But nobody ever said a bad word about Winston Churchill, did they? No! 'Win with Winnie!' Churchill! With his cigars. With his brandy. And his rotten painting, rotten! Bill Gates - there was a painter! He count paint an entire apartment in one afternoon! Two Coats! Churchill. He couldn't even say 'Nazi'. He would say 'Noooo-zeeehz, Nooooooooooooo-zeeehz!' It wasn't Noses! It was Nazis! Churchill!...Let me tell you this! And you're hearing this straight from the horse. Bill Gates was better looking than Churchill. He was a better dresser than Churchill. He had more hair! He told funnier jokes! And he could dance the pants off of Churchill!...Churchill!

  33. Bill Gates throws so much money at issues that he doesn't stop to think how the people vying for the cash will spend it or what lengths they'll go to receive more. That's my biggest gripe with Gates.

    He flew once to an event. I'm not surprised Epstein would try to hustle Gates. It proves nothing.

    I just can't see the Gates scandal here. He's pretty darn clean so far as billionaires go.

  34. OK inkblot, you ripped off Kenny Mars batshit insane & hysterically funny monologue from The Producers!

  35. RFK Jr has been questioning Gates motives:

  36. Whenever I see a lot of posts in a thread, I know it's our sockpuppet army at work. I always try to guess which one will dominate? Our foreign friend? Our dance floor maven? And how many sockpuppets will be echoing agreement all over the place?

    At least change or modify your writing style so it isn't SO "obvious"

  37. For the Gate cultist who are so “ shocked” that people can see the emperor Gates has no clothes- literally. It was he who gave the MIT corrupt scientis $$$ t in the name of Epstein. Why do you think EPSTEIN NAMED GATES RIGHT HAND MAN Boris Nikolevic as the executor of his will- essentially making Gates the executive.. reportedly he is the John Doe trying to keep his name out of the case- but too many connections . Montecito visits’s coming out this time- will be interesting who the elites sacrifice- Bill Richardson and a George Mitchell come to mind - they were NAMED same as Andrew

  38. @Youreallwhack: Thank you. Since 2016, Putin and other "bad actors" are waging disinformation warfare 24/7 on the internet. Putin has had more success with disinformation than all their nukes and proxy wars combined. This is new warfare, that goes on day after day, and they are after your mind, to poison it with lies for a specific, political result.

    This stuff is designed to poison the mind and manipulate people to the right wing. Read "Mindf*k" by whistleblower Christopher Wylie about Cambridge Analytica (which Steve Bannon and Trump both used) to manipulate the Brits about Brexit. Read the Mueller Report, about Russian disinformation and hacking to elect Trump. It's on every news site and now the gossip blogs. It's warfare and you have to be armed with facts to fight it.

  39. Bill Gates has always been about world domination. He put Netscape out of business by giving away his browser for free with his operating system and was then sued the United States. Anyone who wants to observe his raw personality, check out his deposition highlight reel on YouTube:

    He has set up multiple vaccine companies and has been "predicting" an epidemic for a couple of years. Fauci predicted Trump would have to deal with an epidemic. They even did a dry run of the epidemic last fall, Event 201.

    There's a patent (through a company called Pirbright that his foundation funds) on a variant of a coronavirus that may be used in a vaccine.

    "The present invention provides a live, attenuated coronavirus... may be used as a vaccine for treating and/or preventing a disease, such as infectious bronchitis, in a subject."

    From a reddit AMA he did a month ago, there's this quote:

    "Eventually we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it."

    And there it is: a digital certificate tying you to a digital ID through this ID2020/RealID effort, and microparticles in vaccines that leave behind a invisible (to the naked eye) tattoo that prove a person was vaccinated.

    That patent just happens to involve scientists from MIT who were funded by a company called, "Global Good Fund" -- which is a company funded once again by Bill F-ing Gates:

    Bill Gates is also an advocate for GMO food:

    So, create GMO food that makes people sick and then have a "cure" for them in the form of a vaccine. And people in Africa are not happy about his insertion into their agriculture. For example, from Ghana:

    For example, this passage is indicts Gates as having a 'white savior complex' -- my words:

    "The suggestion that African governments and peoples can choose to 'have enough to eat' is classic neoliberal positioning that overlooks the structural causes of poverty and insufficient food access, and instead blames marginalized communities for their predicaments... Activists... notes that there is little evidence to back the claim that GMOs actually relieve poverty, and suggests that proponents like Gates are on a 'technological civilizing mission' to integrate countries into global seed markets rather than ease poverty."

    People like Gates are destroying countries that have existed for hundreds of years without his "help," including the United States. And I will keep detailing the disturbing details of Gates' God Complex until he is six feet under.

    Anyone who believes Gates a 'benevolent' billionaire who is just trying to 'help' the average citizen doesn't understand the kind of psychopathy and lust for power it takes to become a billionaire. More like Dr. Evil.
