Thursday, April 09, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #3

March 31, 2020

This supporting superhero player who is foreign born and probably A- list is a dual threat actor. As his character moves to streaming, there is talk the character will get a boyfriend and expand on where print versions have taken the character. The actor is fully on board.

Tom Hiddleston/Loki


  1. Totally Hiddleston. It would be hiding in plain sight for him. And I really think that Disney + would permit a little bit of narrative freedom in his series.

  2. Loki is a hugely entertaining character as played by Hiddleston. I hadn't seen TH in anything before the Marvel movies, but he is very, very funny.

  3. Hollywood is really committed to going down with the sinking ship...

    1. They are. By the time this could become a reality, most of those who would have been involved will be exposed and long gone.

  4. He is really good as Loki, but if they think audiences are going to go for this ... Eh, they don't care. They have so much IP they can throw on that platform that they can waste a few shows.

  5. Like, I think it would work but I can't see selfish Loki in a relationship that's positive. And the outcry of having a same sex relationship that's not 'happy happy' will go down terribly. Is he just gonna have a boyfriend who he cheats on all the time cos damn that is the only way I'd see Loki.

  6. Hasn't he learned his lesson from the QUEERific backlash from the I♥️TS PR gaffe. If he wants to keep doing action/beefy roles he better stop duct taping his floppy dick to his ass.

  7. Even if it's Disney+ I dont see this fitting their family images.

  8. Since censorship is a common action at Disney, they could simply take away this kind of scenes in certain countries, and leave the uncensored version online in USA, Europe, and so on. It wouldn't be the first time. So they could maintain narrative freedom and their precious money at the same time. If all this will happen.

  9. Bi-sexual trickster could work if they don't make it too prominent.

  10. Good for Tom H

  11. There needs to be a Toddler Avenger with some unstoppable superpower.

    And that toddler needs to be post-op transexual.

  12. Hey Onward made by Pixar which is owned by Disney had a female police character discussing her girlfriend and that was a cartoon aimed for children. Not surprised by this at all.

  13. can you spot the bigot in the comments?

  14. Surprising only because they've made it clear that Valkyrie is sapphic, and wondering why they would tinker this much with a second character in the Thor universe.

  15. I'm totally against toddler transexuality. Do you mean me?

    Guess you're for it.

  16. Gay super hero? Superpower a self lubricating butthole?

  17. @J,
    no, everything is not about you.
    I haven't formed an opinion on your newest obsession.

  18. I would love to see this, but I doubt Disney would ever go there.
