Monday, April 13, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 3, 2020

It's pretty telling that this studio didn't try to sign the alliterate former actress for any additional projects.

Disney/Meghan Markle


  1. Yeah well Disney's loss!

  2. They couldn't afford her food demands

  3. Being in a debt spiral, Disney couldn't afford her $1m per interview fee.

  4. Plus, she'd require a very expensive and comprehensive post prod retouching/enhancing

  5. Don't they have other shows she'd be a good fit for?

    Like Whale, Hippo, Pig?

  6. I'm dying to hear how awful she is, but have no desire to support her "career"

  7. Whatever she's been offered ONE BILLION dollars to spill secrets!
    Take that Disney !

    1. By who, Dr. Evil? Please. You can count the time she was a senior royal in terms of months (like a baby's age) rather than years. And the Royal Family absolutely will sue the tabloids and her for libel if they/she gets even a tiny detail wrong and cut Harry and Archie off the old money entirely.

  8. Watched her in a Castle episode. She played a stone cold killer. She was meh.

  9. Wow I wonder how that's possible the great shining actress she is... ugh almost threw up

  10. She is not even worth whatever she is getting paid for.

  11. Was a die hard fan of Suits, but every time she came on, I waited for her to cry and wanted to just see her outfit.

    1. Me too! Loved her wardrobe.

    2. Yes, I always thought she should have hired whoever dressed her Suits character when she was a senior royal.

  12. Those Disney ads that advertise the documentaries narrated by Natalie Portman and "Meghan, Duchess of Sussex" make me cringe every single time.

  13. Whaddaya know, personality and/or actual talent DO make a difference in Hollywood success.

  14. And yes, she was atrocious in that Castle episode. Even before she was a name, when I saw that episode she was grating all over my nerves with her terrible performance.

  15. But, but! I have heard it from impeccable sources that she is buried in scripts! She's only working with top line directors, though as she has standards.

  16. It's pretty telling that every single person on CDAN guessed this correctly.

  17. Their brand is toxic. No matter how hard Harry hustles for a gig, no one is going to want to hire his talentless grifter wife. They can always release a sex tape if funds run low. It wouldn’t be the first time she’s done that.

    1. One sex tape I wd be curious to see - not for the sex - for the overacting!

  18. She markles everything she touches. The thing she has markled the most is Harry.

  19. Bleu, something tells me she burnt that bridge too. It's the only thing she's efficient in.

  20. Superfly-- Markle (verb), lol! Did you ever see Kingpin with Woody Harrelson, Randy Quaid and Bill Murray? Older Farrelly brothers bowling movie is all that I will say plot-wise for those who've never seen it. Comparable to There's Something About Mary in "adult" non-PC humor, but it cracks me up every time I see it! The whole point of all of that is to say pulling a Munson (a character's name) becomes a term.

  21. Telling, yes --- but not a surprise to anyone.

  22. Kingpin is classic. " What is about good sex that makes me want to crap? You really jared something loose tiger."

  23. PhillyWilly said...
    I'm dying to hear how awful she is, but have no desire to support her "career"

    @Philly You can get a sample online without paying a dime. It's really not good.

  24. I would still like to know why Disney / Iger bothered with this?! And why in the world did they agree to the Meghan, Duchess of Sussex billing?! It just reeks of pretentious trash. We all cringed at Harry pitching Meghan at Lion King premier. Even Bob’s wife was flabbergasted, and yet, it was a success?! Bob was convinced?! WT actual F indeed....

  25. Mike M-- 👍 hilariously grossss!!

  26. Disney is in deep shinola, I doubt they'll be announcing any major deals for awhile.

  27. Her Disney documentary Elephants was AMAZING. My daughter loved it. What’s wrong with her being focused on herself and her son!?! Especially since NO ONE BUT HER HUSBAND and maybe his dad and grandfather welcomed her with open arms. She doesn’t owe the BRF anything especially since they allowed the UK to chase her out of the country. It’s so funny how the only people who have negative things to say about her are of course old, white people! Just a bunch of fucking haters! BRF lost a GEM. I’d much rather see Meghan at events than the actress Catherine, who just looks fucking miserable! Everyone wants her to fail so badly and why?!? Because you think she is controlling her husband? He is a grown ass man A PRINCE BY BIRTH, I highly doubt he’s allowing any woman to dictate HIS personal decisions. And I applaud him for choosing his FAMILY over his “duty”.
