Thursday, July 30, 2020

Blind Item #6 - Reader Blind Item - Kindness

This classy, urbane, deceased foreign born actor was most famous for a foreign TV series that was popular all over the world and was unique in style.  During the run of the series, he was pared with several co-stars. The most successful pairing was with an actress who is still alive. He was also in films. One claim to fame - He played both this famous fictional character and the character’s assistant.

Like most men of his generation, he fought in this large conflict but was always circumspect about his experiences there even in his autobiography. He didn’t like to talk about it except to state this was why he did not like violence in films. However, the notes on one of the decorations he received told of how the actor found himself, after a particularly intense engagement that killed a lot of his shipmates,the highest ranking officer present. This was temporary but in the time he was in this position, he saved several boatloads of refugees from being sunk by enemy submarines.

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