Saturday, August 15, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 7, 2020

This child porn loving/underage sexual assaulting/foreign born political go between has been in jail for just a couple of months and is already spending most of his time working on a deal between a couple of countries and not in a jail cell. I just don't get it.

George Nader (I guess we learned which countries this week)

Blind Item #8

This pint sized rapper who used to be A list back in the day and has gone through a dozen body transformations is taking up porn to earn extra money. The thing is though, she is doing it with her significant other and our rapper is trying to find women to have sex with him so she doesn't have to do much of the sex herself.

Blind Item #7

The foreign born B+ list actress who did the whole showmance thing with the actor who likes to pretend he is French, has moved on to another guy who promised her a lead role in a movie.

Blind Item #6

This back in the day A list mostly movie actor all of you know because of one movie he made, is having an affair with the makeup person of a CNN anchor who is vacationing near our actor and his wife.

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 7, 2020

This long long long time local news anchor on the east coast was forced out. She is already talking about all the inside details that are going to come out in a lawsuit she is going to file. I had no idea one of the anchors there owes her job to sleeping with an executive on the show. Does she know about the other reporter who also sleeps with him? This should be fun.

Allison Seymour/"FOX 5 DC"

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 7, 2020

From recent actions and interviews, it seems like the long time companion to the permanent A++ lister wants to spread his wings in his retirement years. This should be interesting.

Stedman Graham/Oprah Winfrey

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 7, 2020

As someone recently said to me, "I have given up on him as a performer, I am in it solely for the kids now." The child total has once again, professionally, in a news article, been reduced from three to two. Perhaps the foreign born A list dual threat as trouble counting the number of children under the roof.

Benedict Cumberbatch

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 6, 2020

I do wonder if the A- list reality star with the lucrative side gig tires of always paying to keep her friends by her side. Always buying them clothes or gifts or even giving them cash.

Kylie Jenner

Blind Item #4

It looks like some of those disgruntled employees of the daytime talk show host got together and robbed her.

Blind Item #3

This YouTube star has learned the hard way that shining a light onto the goings on of the family overseas and the breakaway couple here, can bring danger. Two homes, both set on fire via arson.

Blind Item #2

This A list group who had a big resurgence the past 18 months after being dormant for the better part of a decade is trying to contain a flood of bad publicity. The lead singer and his friend are being accused by dozens of people of harassment, but have managed to keep it out of the light and a forced response from the A+ list singer who partnered with the lead singer last year.

Blind Item #1

One of the best wrestling stories of all time involves this long time wrestler who used a stage name of a mountain. He and his tag team partner who were both from the same state, pretended for wrestling they were from another country. Because they did so, it made them a hot commodity in that country and here too. Well, the wrestler named for the mountain started messing with his partner's bookings so he could get more bookings for himself. The tag team partner didn't take to that very kindly and ended up serving the wrestler named after a mountain his dog in a meal. Yep, the tag team partner killed the dog and then served it as meat to the unsuspecting wrestler.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Blind Item #11

This former A list "singer"/dancer/host now relies on an annual check from a former co-star to maintain her standard of living. He also tries to get her paying gigs to help her out too.

Blind Item #10

This permanent A+ list mostly movie director is searching for more women to cast who will get naked and have sex scenes, which translates to they will have sex with him to get parts. It is a pretty open call for people willing to hit the casting couch.

Blind Item #9

People are finally catching up to what I told you months ago about the former A list tween/teen actor turned A- list adult actor being back on drugs and overdosing. 

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 6, 2020

I mean, it is as good of a story as she could give, but bears nothing resembling the truth. The former A+/A list mostly movie actress didn't even hint at the real reason she stopped acting.

Cameron Diaz

Four For Friday - The Secret Billionaire

You won't find this person in Forbes, although they should be. They literally have at least a billion dollars and have taken advantage of their position in the entertainment industry to make all that money. Oh, they don't have a makeup or clothing line. They have never licensed any bottles of perfume. They have never sold overpriced sneakers and prison clothing and called themselves a designer. This person is a writer/singer with the emphasis more on writing. About a decade ago, they were just starting out and someone needed some rent money, and this writer/singer helped the person out. They got paid the next week and the person who paid them back added 10% to the amount loaned.

Our singer thought nothing of it until a few months later, the singer realized they were fronting a dozen rent payments a month and getting 10% on the loans. Nothing was ever formalized, it was unwritten. Within a year, it wasn't just apartment rents, it was mortgages, and car lease payments and so much more. The singer was making far more money loaning money than singing or writing, but the loans led to more singing and writing jobs because the singer/writer suddenly knew everyone. The singer/writer never traded jobs for payment on loans, but did accept transfer of copyrights in lieu of payments on loans. Many times the copyrights being transferred were not worth all that much, but samples could be used royalty free now and that was helpful. Also, there were some very big copyrights that were transferred. Our singer/writer has saved lots of homes from foreclosure and also bought homes and then leases them to the previous owners when they couldn't catch up on payments. Just in real estate this singer/writer probably has $400M in properties scattered across the country. They own stakes in probably 500 franchises that each make money. They own copyrights that generate tens of millions of dollars a year in revenue. They own catalogs of recordings and even the rights to a series of books that has sold millions of copies.

Meanwhile, they just keep writing and singing and keeping their head low while they work with A lister after A lister, many of whom are actually in debt to the singer/writer.

Your Turn

Does anyone still write checks?

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 6, 2020

This back in the day A+ list tweener turned A-/B+ list adult singer in a "relationship" tried to hit on the foreign born A list female singer and the foreign born singer was having none of it.

Miley Cyrus/Dua Lipa (and a few days later the "relationship" ended)

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 6, 2020

Former A- list mostly television actress who likes lots of attention: Hey, guess what?

Supermarket checkout person who has no idea who she is and wants to go home, but has to pretend to be interested, to keep one of two minimum wage jobs they have, so they can live.: What?

Actress: I got a new show. Well, not a new show, but a reboot of an old show. Not so much a reboot but a retooling. Did you know they guy who played my dad is still alive. I had no idea. I never check in with him. I am online a lot. I am a pretty big deal.

Checkout person: That's great.

Actress: Oh, I got COVID four months ago and thought I was going to die. I didn't know it wasn't COVID and didn't tell anyone at the time even though I spend all my time online because I wasn't sure and didn't really have anything to promote either.

Checkout person: Have a nice day

Alyssa Milano/Who's The Boss/Tony Danza

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 6, 2020

This three named A- list actress has her own truth and call her own story as she see fits. So, if she is still not ready to call out the alliterate former A list rocker specifically by name who likes to use drugs with the A+ list actor, who sexually assaulted her and abused her, that is her choice. However, if there are others she knows, which she says she knows and can identify as preying on children and just wants the spotlight on herself for knowing rather than for naming names, she might as well be that former A list teen star.

Evan Rachel Wood/"Showbiz Kids"/Marilyn Manson/Johnny Depp/Corey Feldman

Blind Item #8

Police in this country were given the opportunity to extradite one of the killers of this celebrity chef. The country chose not to do it because then it would open up so many other cans of worms they want kept closed. So, the country that was holding one of the killers released him. Of course one of the other men involved in the murder has been in a long term relationship with the alliterate model.

Blind Item #7

All of you know everything that goes on behind the scenes of this award giving organization and how it is simply one big con. However, the general public has no clue. So, this shakedown lawsuit would provide a chance for the public to see behind the curtain. Don't make any mistake. It is a shakedown. They want in on the grift. They are just calling it something different. 

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 6, 2020

Don't believe the hype. As much as I dislike the permanent A+ list singing diva, once a year her sister makes a cash grab spewing a brand new story so she can get paid by the tabloids. This year, she latched on to what she thought would sell best.

Mariah Carey/Alison Carey/pedophilia and satanic rituals 

Blind Item #6

This former A+ list mostly television actor gets on social media fairly often to talk about everything but his years long support of a serial rapist. This is the guy who is supposed to be doing something about human trafficking and his hugely embellished accomplishments, but provides unwavering support to the serial rapist. That is not how these things go.

Blind Item #5

Speaking of illegal, the one named rapper who is always short of cash has a girlfriend of sorts right now who is barely old enough to drive. 

Blind Item #4

The former A+ list tweener actress turned B+ list adult singer can spin whatever story she likes about her sexual history, but there is a guy when she wasn't even old enough to drive who will give you a different version of events, even if it was illegal.

Blind Item #3

This actress probably peaked at C+ list. Maybe B- if you are being really generous. She does come from an acting family though where some parts of the family achieved her level of fame, and others achieved A list. She says when her youngest sibling was about 12 but looked 20, that the accused former tween/teen star hit on the tween actress all the time and did everything possible to be alone with her. He was in his mid twenties. 

Blind Item #2

It was not all that long ago that this one named permanent A list singer used to throw slave parties where she and her guests would bid on people to be their slaves for the night.

Blind Item #1

The next eight months are going to be filled with nothing but puff pieces telling us all what a wonderful person this A list celebrity/host is, when it couldn't be further from the truth. It just a shiny object to distract us all from confronting her.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Blind Item #10

This latest entry into the talk show world is having trouble at rehearsals for the show because she is drinking a lot.

Blind Item #9

Haven't heard from this A+ list mostly movie actor in a while, but our married actor has been hooking up with a threesome partner who has joined the actor and his wife.

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 6, 2020

Apparently one thing that caught the attention of the investigators who raided the home of this YouTube star from a YouTube family is a plan for a bank robbery like an Ocean's 11 robbery. Were they going to film it too? Was it just for show?

Jake Paul

Today's Blind Items - Protection

This former victim turned procurer of the billionaire says she is being followed by several people 24/7 and believes her home is bugged. Apparently the people doing it are not law enforcement and she wants to cut a deal where she can be protected by law enforcement. She says it started just prior to the wealthy producer dying, but has increased over the past ten days to the point she refuses to leave her home.

Your Turn

How many tattoos do you have?

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 5, 2020

The guy who took the virginity of that back in the day A- list mostly television actress when she starred on a hit network show and she wasn't ready and claims it messed her up to the point where she is today, is back on thirst patrol in order to get some work. His former "reality love" is helping him out.

 Stephen Colletti/Hayden Panettiere/"Heroes"/Kristin Cavallari/"Laguna Beach"

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 5, 2020

It is just the tip of the iceberg for this multiple time network reality star and his raping underage teens. The police just have not been able to identify the other teens they found in the pictures and videos of his phone and computer. He was the face of a show, but crickets so far from the show.

Drew Drechsel/"American Ninja Warrior"

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 5, 2020

The after effects from the serial sexually assaulting network head's run at his company keep showing up. In addition to the sexual harassment suits being settled, the crazed decision to have his biggest supporter/hatchet person have her contract extended, there now are the tens of millions of dollars in litigation and fees the company keeps paying out because of his bungling of the long running daytime court show.

Les Moonves/Judge Judy

Blind Item #8

This former A+ list NBA player is the source for several people trying to break a code being used by people who have adopted the language of the former NBA player to try and traffick people while their communications all sound like gibberish. 

Blind Item #7

The alliterate former actress is being offered about 10% what she thinks she deserves. Apparently she thinks she deserves former First Lady money and is being offered television host money which is still more she would have received if not for marriage. This was someone who was lucky to get $2K for an appearance of four hours.

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 5, 2020

Apparently during their marriage, this celebrity "Doctor" didn't tell his wife the true value of that huge deal he signed within the last decade just in case they did split.

Dr. Dre/Beats By Dr Dre

Blind Item #6

The permanent A list "singer" has to record for one hour per day. The plan is to release a record and have her go back into residency as quickly as possible. 

Blind Item #5

This one named back in the day A/A- list singer is still in the public eye, but also has a regular job too. She has made some comments about supporting her murdering ex which just reminds everyone that she wasn't old enough to drive when he sexually assaulted her and made her have sex with all of his friends to prove her love for him. He did eventually leave his wife and kids for the singer who still battles drug issues because of him.

Blind Item #4

For years I have written about this cartoon show runner and his pedo ideas and videos and the people that make excuses for him or how none of us understand his vision. The guy is a predator. This time the wave is going to be too much and suck him under.

Blind Item #3

One day all is well in the world of this A list mostly movie actress who sometimes directs. The next day, she is convinced her ex is sleeping with a maid and getting inside information.

Blind Item #2

The child rapist/turncoat can spin whatever story he likes, but he thought people were about to attack him, which led to his injury. The days are winding down to Labor Day.

Blind Item #1

This former A- list mostly television actor who has not done much since his long running iconic show went off the air, does volunteer at homeless missions which specialize in keeping single moms with their kids. There are very few single moms he hasn't coerced into sex using his fame and pretending he would help.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Blind Item #11

This permanent A list comic actor from an acting family has been dating someone at least half his age, if not even younger, and she has him hooked on coke.

Blind Item #10

This former A+ list singer who is now probably A- list at best, says she finally perfected how to make the best porn video and after years of trying, no one can make one better than her.

Blind Item #9

Apparently this three named rapper with the big recent hit is about to be evicted from her rental. 

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 4, 2020

A lot of revisionist history from the A/A- list mostly movie actress who has about a dozen installments of a franchise being filmed right now. She was chastised back in the day for accepting a role and took it anyway and said she was entitled. I guess the fact she had to darken her skin for the movie made her regret it?

Zoe Saldana/"Avatar"/Nina Simone/"Nina"

Today's Blind Items - The Worst Of All Time

I often get asked who the worst casting couch director/producer/actor etc is. There are definitely specific categories that have clear winners, but there is one individual who went above and beyond in the way he treated women. He owned adult magazines, but also non adult magazines too. Either way, if you wanted to be on a cover and you were female you were going to sleep with him. There were too many women who would sleep with him for him to ever put someone on the cover who wouldn't. There was one female singer who thought she was immune because she was fairly famous. She didn't end up sleeping with him, but had to orally service him in his office. He also had levels of adult magazines. One he called classy and the others he called less classy. If you wanted to be in the classy one, you would sleep with him. If he thought you belonged in one of the less classy magazines, you would have to sleep with him or fulfill some twisted perversion he could come up with involving objects or people. If you balked, he would say bye. No one ever balked. They were desperate at that point to keep their fame.

Your Turn

Gas or charcoal for your grill?

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 4, 2020

The fake PR person to the reality family was feeling a little left out so they gave him a little story line for the season. It is all fake, but at this point they don't care.

Jonathan Cheban/"Keeping Up With the Kardashians"

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 3, 2020

As I told you months ago, this alliterate multiple time loser from the one season wonder franchise was someone who was difficult and no one wanted to work with. I told you pre COVID and also when they were going to start filming again. So, it really shouldn't come as a shocker to anyone other than the blogger who supposedly knows all about the show, that she was in line to be replaced.

Clare Crawley/The Bachelor

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 3, 2020

This A- list mostly movie actor/director knew he didn't have the best movie on his hands, but releasing it at a time like this makes sure it can be #1 at the box office even if all the critics hates it.

Dave Franco/The Rental

Blind Item #8

Get the former A+ list rapper out of the country for a few days, hidden from everyone and he comes back a blond again and also saying the exact opposite of what he said, previous to going.

Blind Item #7

This three named actor who is an awful tool, not only paid a pap to take his picture but also what to caption it so he would look like less of a tool.

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 3, 2020

When you go online and get help from a government website through one of those little chat boxes. One would think it is just a basic computer program that can handle very simple scripts. Nope. It is actually an AI program that has also spread its way into the mainstream. I guess that movie from a couple of decades ago is coming true.

I, Robot

Blind Item #6

As part of her new television deal, the network had to agree to pick up well over half of the losses (and they will be losses) of this permanent A list model/host's business. This is in addition to her salary.

Blind Item #5

This former Hills star has some new line of products she is selling. She should ask the company she obtained the products from how it differs from the dozen other celebrity lines that it has released lately. The only difference is packaging and pricing. The products are exactly the same.

Blind Item #4

This B list actress who has A list name recognition and who all of you know, had a date with a guy but kept getting up every few minutes and would go to the bathroom and talk to herself.

Blind Item #3

Speaking of a dead man switch, you are going to love what this mogul's death releases. If I were the height challenged A+ list mostly movie actor, I would especially be worried about what comes out.

Blind Item #2

This long time actress from an acting family who was used and abused by her husband has already been interred, so not sure what he is doing with her "urn." Another scam to make money.

Blind Item #1

Every month it seems this A list singer/wannabe full time actress comes up with a new condition which allows her to be prescribed more pills. This month was no different.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Blind Item #11

This married east coast high society guy who was once married to a permanent A lister has been bribing a pair of now 19 year old women to be quiet about the time he sexually assaulted them when they were 15.

Blind Item #10

This married former NFL player turned reality star from multiple shows has a thing going with the woman who sells drinks and snacks on the golf course. Well, she has a lot of things going on. She has an apartment on the course and guys pay to spend 15 minutes alone with her.

Blind Item #9

This A- list mostly television actor who has a career that may never recover, threatened to kill his date when she tried to take a photo of them in bed together. 

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 3, 2020

This foreign born C list celebrity who is super wealthy has been trying to get her ex busted doing something illegal. There are a team of private investigators who follow him everywhere looking for dirt. The celebrity is tired of paying for all the gifts of his stripper/escort girlfriends.

Chloe Green/Jeremy Meeks

Today's Blind Items - The Escape

This married Oscar winner/nominee decided to combine getting ready for the ceremony with some intimate time with his mistress who also had a significant other. One slight problem with this plan. The significant other of the mistress discovered the couple and shot the winner/nominee. Apparently he thought it was just a graze and wrapped it tightly and went to the ceremony with his date. Excusing himself afterwards, he checked into a hotel and within the week was dead from infection.

Your Turn

Proper condiments for a hot dog.

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 3, 2020

This A list singer and his A list celebrity significant other complained at a restaurant they didn't want to sit outside because then regular people would be able to see them. No dining is allowed inside, so they did sit outside but put two security people in between them and the public and called in a handful more to provide an even bigger buffer.

John Legend/Chrissy Teigen

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 3, 2020

The spouse of this Housewife who is almost as famous as the Housewife has been traveling to various Native American reservations and participating in "healing" ceremonies.

Mauricio Umansky/Kyle Richards

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 3, 2020

This former A- list mostly television actress has decided to join with her former co-star in screwing people over in that pyramid scheme the co-star has been doing for a couple of months.

Rose McGowan/Holly Combs

Blind Item #8

The former daytime star turned reality star has a very good team in place. The thing is though, there is way more to the story. Yes, her ex cheated (more than once). Yes, he is a tool, but our actress turned reality star has a dozen or so skeletons in her closet too.

Blind Item #7

That former naked celebrity has been spending even more time at the home of this A+ list mostly movie actor who was supposedly deeply involved with the foreign born A- list actress.

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 2, 2020

This back in the day singer was briefly A list. She managed to throw all that away in some pretty crazy ways. In her comeback, she had a chance to have her family join in and told them no, that it was all about her.

Toni Braxton

Blind Item #6

The former A+ list rapper says there were dozens of hidden cameras filming him for a new season of the show. He thought he was there for vacation and felt used.

Blind Item #5

The one named rapper almost never gets a check unless it is from his reality star ex. Always short of money, and promised about quadruple his normal rate, do you think some human rights violations are going to stand in his way?

Blind Item #4

Not the person who tried to kill him the first time, but a very brief cell mate of the dead billionaire has disappeared. Not dead, just disappeared. As in witness protection or some similar type program. The family attorneys wanted to speak to him and were told he is unavailable.

Blind Item #3

This television producer/infrequent reality television guest on multiple shows got a woman pregnant which was probably a big factor in his recent split.

Blind Item #2

Much to the consternation of the former person in charge, who all of you now, this cable network is trying to integrate certain franchises. No more separate but equal which is what the former person in charge liked.

Blind Item #1

Apparently things are even better than the ex sex I have been telling you about for the past couple of months between the A+ list mostly movie actor and his A list actress/sometime director still wife.

Monday, August 10, 2020

Blind Item #11

This foreign born former A+ list boy bander is funding an organization that supports child brides. 

Blind Item #10

The substance abuse of this former late night actor turned A- list comic actor is out of control. Plus, he is not taking his meds. A really bad situation. Not Pete Davidson. 

Blind Item #9

This A- list actor/singer/really bad person is named as a producer in a project that has not yet received a green light despite the addition of a really good director. The executives of the studio will rue the day if they actually do green light the project with that actor attached. It will be a huge huge financial loss for them. He has "ideas."

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 2, 2020

The alliterate former southern Housewife knows what it takes to get on a reality show and can play the game whether her relationship is real or not.

Phaedra Parks/"Real Housewives of Atlanta"/Medina Islam ""Marriage Boot Camp"

Today's Blind Items - One Season

It only managed to last one season. There were big hopes for the reboot of a show originally got its start decades earlier and made huge stars of at least a half dozen people. Huge stars. It was doomed from the beginning. It skewed way older than the other reboots. One of the reasons was the executives wanted people who could move straight from the show into movies or older television shows. Plus, they wanted to be able to get more work out of them and not have their parents hovering. Oh, they were all still underage. They just happened to all be teenagers rather than tweens.

Another reason it ended so quickly was the jungle. That is what the stars of the show, most of whom you will never hear from again, had to endure when once a week, executives of the show and the company would take the group out to a long abandoned portion of land owned by the studio and ply them with drugs and alcohol before trying to sexually assault them. Often, they would try even without those things, but these were supposed to be bonding experiences in this abandoned, scary, never to be seen by the public for fear of prosecution areas.

One of the actresses said it was obvious these executives had been there before. There were lots of bottles and trash and even cots set up in sheltered areas last used decades earlier. Apparently employees of the company, also underage (at least in regards to drinking) were often taken to the area and coerced into sex or other sexual activities for promotions or raises.

Apparently too much time was spent by executives planning these outings and not enough time for the show which bombed.

Your Turn

Favorite "legal" television show or movie.

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 2, 2020

This A- list mostly movie actress spent some of her time in Europe, hooking up with another man who is nearly a billionaire.

Amber Heard

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 2, 2020

This permanent A+ list mostly movie actor had several unusual guests aboard his yacht. Not sure why members of the local government needed to be on board.

Tom and Rita Hanks/Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and wife Mareva Grabowski-Mitsotaki 

Blind Items Revealed #2

August 1, 2020

Two ambulances recently had to be called to this Sunset Blvd hotel. Apparently something tragic happened in the "special suite."

The Standard

Blind Item #8 - Kindness

This recently deceased cult actor starred in a bunch of movies, including one with a foreign born permanent A+ lister. While doing cons for his most famous franchise, of which he did multiple entries, whenever he found out a fan was too poor to do expensive photo opportunities, he would go against handlers and take photos for free and convince the female leads he acted with to join in as well.

Blind Item #7

This deceased by a decade or so, give or take a couple years, infamous celebrity doesn't have a name you'd recognize but definitely has a face you would. In fact, it's that face and the extreme lengths he went to get it that made him infamous. Infamous in the kind of way that someone could get a TLC show or something of such. When he was alive, he used to tell people he had testicular cancer when, in reality, he had a castration fetish that he was embarrassed to admit he had.

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 1, 2020

The A list manager might as well give up being a butt kissing hypocrite. The talk host is going to quit. There will be no show for him to send his talent roster. The singer who will move up the list with her show hates the manager.

 Scooter Braun/Ellen DeGeneres/Kelly Clarkson (Kelly is the one who told Taylor to rerecord all her songs to screw over Big Machine)

Blind Item #6

A worker in the garden who this former actress must have suspected didn't speak English, because she would assume such things overheard her calling her husband n idiot and that he can't even get a two minute speech memorized. She has to have it written out for him which makes him look dead in the eyes.

Blind Item #5

I'm not sure the A list reality star actually understands who owns the catalog of the former A+ list rapper. The parts that were available to sell are actually being held as collateral or already sold to the permanent A+ list rapper.

Blind Item #4

The former group singer turned solo singer turned network reality star turned rapist turned nothing wants to discuss the morality of the rappers who recently released a hit song. 

Blind Item #3

This disgraced actor who can't get work because of his fake story and subsequent doubling down of awful ideas is trying to leak stories to the press beneficial to his interests. Even if the actor did win his case, which is unlikely, no one is ever going to hire him again. Period.

Blind Item #2

The celebrity offspring of a permanent A+ lister was warned not to grow too close too fast to her foreign born really bad actress lover. Too late. She already got cheated on and her heart crushed.

Blind Item #1

This A-/B+ list actress has cost herself any further bearding gigs. The idea is to not spill secrets or drop hints, which is what she is doing right now about one of her former customers.

Sunday, August 09, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 1, 2020

The turncoat/child rapist has no more federal protection and the hunt is on. There is a bonus if he is killed prior to Labor Day.

Tekashi 6ix9ine

Blind Item #8

This closeted permanent A+/A list mostly movie actress got married to her long time girlfriend late last month.

Blind Item #7

This foreign born A/A- list mostly movie actor who needs that superhero gig to cement the A list, has been on a week long bender.

Blind Item #6

This female comic is being paid ten times her normal rate just so she will go on stage with this disgraced male comic to give him redemption.

Blind Item #5

Each day, there is another step in the puzzle which is going to take you where I took you two weeks ago. The A list rapper was shot because she got upset her foreign born awful, horrible, not a good person boyfriend was groping on the A- list reality star.

Blind Items Revealed #4

July 31, 2020

Now that the rag owned by the Mogul's friend is hemorrhaging cash badly, and it's up for sale, they're finally allowing the reporters which remain to write negative stories about the disgraced director.

The Hollywood Reporter/David Geffen/Bryan Singer

Blind Items Revealed #3

July 31, 2020

Even with this celebrity/host/singer/reality star barely starting to recover, the con artist she calls a boyfriend is already looking for his angle to get ahead and make some money. It's pretty disturbing.

Tamar Braxton

Blind Items Revealed #2

July 28, 2020

Another contact tracing divorce. Overseas with the prince it led to the discovery of an affair and another hidden child, but not a divorce. For this MLB player, the contact tracing led to the divorce. Pretty tough to hide your affairs if you have to name names to the tracers. It is going to lead to lots more during this abbreviated pro sports season.

Prince Albert/Michael Kopech

Blind Items Revealed #1

July 28, 2020

Despite what she may feel, I think the writer/host from up north will have her name brought up if there ends up being a trial. You don't think the five friends could decide to throw the host under a bus to make themselves look good? You don't think there is some animosity directed towards the host by a few of the five?

Elaine "Lainey" Lui/Meghan Markle trial

Blind Item #4

Before this reality star found out there was another woman, they sent a text hitting on this A- list mostly television actor from a hit show. I'm guessing they didn't tell their co-worker/ex of the actor about the text.

Blind Item #3

The one named talk show host and her people are convinced there is a bot army behind the attacks. There isn't. It is just that many people fed up. They are trying to spread the word that it is a new talk show host who hired the bots. No, not the singer turned host, but an actress turned host on a show you probably haven't seen yet.

Blind Item #2

This Housewife can talk and talk and talk and talk and talk, but the much needed changes will never happen as long as the nominal person in charge is still in charge.

Blind Item #1

This foreign born B+ list celebrity offspring who will never be the highest on the list on the family had her second lap band surgery in the past ten years.