Saturday, October 31, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #5 - Blind Items Revisited

In light of Sean Connery's death today, I thought I would pull out these old Sean Connery reveals. They were originally revealed in 2014 and were posted in 2006.

Part One

My Week With K

I guess it is time for another long story. Thanks for being patient as it takes a great deal of time to make sure not too much is revealed, but at the same time making sure everyone is still entertained.

This story revolves around an A list actor. I know we have arguments about who is and who is not A list, but this actor who is 60+ (very broad here, but think more on the + side) is A list forever. Many, many movies, some television and awards and accolades from everywhere.

Litigation usually involves many documents and in this case both sides had demanded and produced tons of documents. K and I went through many of the relevant ones together so there would be no surprises at his deposition or at trial if it came to that. Having K there to help sift through all the documents was supposed to be helpful because he was aging and so looking at the documents again was supposed to refresh his memory and he could also advise me if something is missing, etc.

For one solid week I had this actor in the same room with me and thus learned way more than I wanted to about him, his social life, his vices, his hygiene, and his women. I am not predisposed to be awestruck by any celebrity, but this actor’s presence screamed "you will notice me and bow down before me."

The very first thing I noticed about K was that he enjoyed swearing and did so frequently. He was extremely fond of swearing loudly while I was on the phone or while I was trying to get something completed and needed to concentrate. His words were not limited to the basics, but were part of a much larger association of words that all flowed together into one large cuss word. The swearing was usually interjected with how K was smarter, funnier, better looking or thinner than the offending party.

K wanted to start each morning by about 7am and he was drinking steadily by about 7:40 or so. He kept a flask on him and would start each day with a swig straight from the flask and then just use it as "cream" for his coffee the remainder of the morning. Generally at lunch he would wander out of my office, look for the closest person and order them to the liquor store for a bottle of Midleton Very Rare whiskey. Never heard of it? Well neither had any of us. It is about $140 a bottle and is not easy to find. Of course K did not offer any money at all to the poor person assigned this task. I guess he assumed it would be added to his bill. In any event someone would get it for him and all afternoon he would give up any pretense of a flask or "cream" and just drink it straight, although from the coffee cup instead of a glass. Incidentally when I went to his hotel room one evening in response to a call which I will discuss shortly he had 4 or 5 empty Glenfiddich 40 year old bottles lined up on a desk. Each of those is about $2500 and I hate to think who paid for those.

Beginning about 2pm or so, K would start using the phone. He was looking for who he would "get the honor of sleeping with him that night." Well apparently no matter how much he paid, the honor was not something most of them wanted to repeat, hence the calling which often lasted several hours. I should clarify that as far as I know he actually never exchanged sex for money. In fact, most of the time women wanted to sleep with him the FIRST time. It was after the first time that he would end up having to buy them gifts or something else to convince them to join him again. K did not have a Blackberry or a cellphone. K had a big black book. A very big blackbook with all types of comments and notations next to entries. He either made very good notes, had a great memory or was full of shit, because he always had a comment about each person in the book. There were several hundred names in the book and considering his shaky memory, handwriting, and drinking it astonishes me to this day to think he could remember them all. His comments were not the "oh she was a nice girl who loved the opera." They were all related to the various parts of their anatomy and how they behaved in bed. K was and is married, but as he put it the first time I asked how his wife was, he said she is great but her pxxsy is not.

K’s calls also included those to everyone he ever knew on any movie no matter where they were located in the world. He would start telling a story about someone and then forget a detail and have to call that person to get the detail and then would call back the original person to finish the story. If someone was unavailable to take his call, he would harangue them to the extent that whoever was on the other end of the phone always gave in and did whatever they could for K. Calls were made to his bookies. He had more than one because he enjoyed them competing for his business and also if one did not accept his call immediately, he was on to the next bookie.

Since K did not live in LA, this week with me was his time of freedom as he put it. He needed something fresh and new as he was tired of what he was currently getting. When women would come into the office it was so embarrassing watching him and listening to him, but most of the women seemed to enjoy the attention at least the first time. It was not even that they enjoyed his attention. They loved it and were very flattered at first. As the week wore on though, everyone grew weary of his behavior and after 3pm everyday the women all knew to stay out of his reach as well.

After 7 hours of drinking, he was not generally very quick, but he was still strong. If he caught you, you were going to spend some time sitting on K’s lap enjoying his eau de whiskey and his horrific body odor. At the end of the week, the office needed to be cleaned. He would change clothes everyday (his clothes and tailoring were impeccable) and that was about the limit of his hygiene as far as I could tell. K acted inappropriately almost every second of the day, but because of who he is and was, no one was going to say anything.

The problem, especially in his case is that times have changed but K has not. All celebrities to some extent suffer from this issue. The higher on the list you are, the more you suffer from it. Celebs just become so accustomed to having their whims granted and it is constantly reinforced after years and years that they really know, no other behavior. Combine that with how Hollywood was when K was in his prime and the problem is just magnified. When K was in his prime he could do anything, commit any crime short of murder and probably get away with it. When the roles stop coming, the learned behaviors do not also stop and so what was tolerated before becomes almost offensive. K had age on his side and his legacy which really helped.

While he was in LA, K felt free to call me at anytime of the night. He continued this habit even after returning home which resulted in a cell phone change which I have said before is not unusual for me. On his third night in LA, K called me in a panic at about 1am. He told me I needed to hurry over because he had a big problem and had no idea how to fix it. I tried to ask him what was wrong and if it could wait until the morning, but K would have none of that. He wanted me over there now and started to swear at me and only stopped when he took a breath.

As I got dressed and drove over my imagination was in high gear. Had he killed the girl he was with that night or did he have the cops there? What was I going to see when I got there to the hotel? The drive only took a couple of minutes as I lived very close to this hotel choice unlike his choice of the previous night. On this particular night he was staying at the Wilshire Grand. K changed hotels every night depending on what he was hungry for. On that night he had wanted Korean food so had stayed there because they have a Korean restaurant in the hotel.

The previous night he had a craving for snails and Norwegian salmon and there was only one place to satisfy his craving. The problem was it was in Malibu. This would not normally be a problem for me. However, K hated limos and thought they were pretentious. (He of the $2500 bottles of whiskey) He wanted someone to drive him from the office. He was dissatisfied with his first driver and so he volunteered me.

For those of you not familiar with LA and who think Malibu is right next to everything, you are wrong. It is a really long drive from downtown LA and made so more by the fact that every hour in LA is rush hour. I spent many, many hours in the car that day with him and still wake up sweating thinking of it. He had comments about every person and car he saw and how they reminded him of so and so. He never wavered and just kept talking non-stop. The only bright spot was in the afternoon, he wanted to sit in back and sprawl out because he had been drinking all day. The next morning, everyone in the office was under instructions to talk about food and hotels within a 5 mile radius of my place.

When I arrived at his suite he was wearing only a robe, his hair was wild, and he had for him a terrified expression on his face which was really pale. The girl of the night was not to be seen which only raised my anxiety about what was going on here in the middle of the night..

To be continued...

Part Two

My Week with K -- Part 2

When I arrived at his suite he was wearing only a robe, his hair was wild, and he had for him a terrified expression on his face which was really pale. The girl of the night was not to be seen which only raised my anxiety about what was going on here in the middle of the night..

I asked what the problem was and for his answer he opened his robe completely. Not something for the faint of heart, and definitely not for viewing at 1am. Again, still have the nightmares.

The problem was that K had taken some type of Viagra alternative at about 6pm and the reaction he was hoping for was not quick enough. Therefore at 630pm he had taken another one. Still nothing. Thinking this alternative was weaker than Viagra, he then proceeded to take several at once. He was unsure how many, but perhaps 4 or 5 more which were in addition to the original two. 7 hours after his first pill, he was still good to go as he proceeded to show me repeatedly as he never tied his robe again. (Thanks for sharing) He thought a depressant might work, but having none, he proceeded to quickly drink four or five tumblers of whiskey. Nothing happened and the matter was becoming more painful.

What made K call me was the girl’s suggestion that he call a doctor. He had no intention to call a doctor and instead wanted me to call and pretend I was suffering from the ailment. So, I called down to the concierge who wanted to know why I needed a doctor and if he could be of any help. He then wanted to know my affliction so he could direct me to a doctor who handled that type of case and was still available. Meanwhile I have K right next to me and I am inhaling his essence while he keeps asking me what the concierge and then doctor are saying. After I told the concierge I overdosed on Viagra he gave me the number of someone who could help. The number went to an answering service and so I had to leave a message explaining my problem and give my cell # because K did not want it coming to his hotel room.

So we waited. And waited. First standing, and then sitting. He went to check on the girl who I later saw. She was about mid twenties but no matter of darkness or makeup could hide the fact she had a hard life and being with K was not going to make it much smoother. We waited until 2am still without the problem going down so to speak. Finally the doctor calls and I have to pretend I am some hopped up Viagra freak who has had an erection for 8 hours. Meanwhile I again have K constantly asking what the doctor is saying. I am having trouble hearing and so turn to K and say the doctor thinks they may have to stick a needle in your dick and drain the blood. Seriously, the look on his face was priceless. Yes, those MasterCard commercials talk about priceless, but this one was the best. I will never see quite that look again in my life, but it really made the whole week worthwhile.

I let K off the hook and tell him it is possible but unlikely that a needle will soon be draining the blood from his member, and that the solution is actually five feet away. The ice bucket. I tell K to soak his private areas in ice and it should go down. He asks me to do it for him, and I tell him absolutely no way. He does make me stay though to make sure the remedy works and to take him to the doctor if it does not. He grabs a washcloth, fills it with ice and then proceeds to ice himself down. The first touch brings out a scream from him and the girl from the next room. She is dressed, takes one look at the situation and tells K she needs to go. For once, K is basically quiet and thanks her and she leaves. Within 15 minutes the swelling is down and K is back to normal.

Normal in this situation means blustery, arrogant and drunk. I tell him I will see him in the morning and leave.

The next morning I was exhausted, but K was actually looking healthy. It was amazing to me that he could drink as much as he did everyday and night and go through what he had the previous night and still look ready to do it all over again. Have I mentioned his breath? Toothbrush? Not so much. The breath was either coffee or liquor and when he had neither, I got a morning hello to end all morning hellos. By this point in the week I had already discovered this toe curling fact and so came prepared with coffee.

K begins to launch into a spiel about how he learned something from what happened the previous night and that he was going to have to reassess things. I assumed he meant that he would maybe cut back on the indulgences and just being so over the top. The situation was almost like a parody. It was something you had to see to believe. Instead what he said was something like he was going to have to explore this further.

Originally this day was supposed to be the last day he spent in the office and so arrangements had been made for lunch. People wanted to be with him, but most important in LA, be seen with him. This was a situation K thrived on. As disgusting as he could be in close quarters or in private, he was completely the opposite in public. Lunch was at The Ivy, and if you are not familiar with The Ivy, look back at my old posts and there is a description of it. The entire party was on the patio and K was charming and gracious and showed remarkable self-control when it came to his drinking. I realized later that this was about the only acting K did anymore and to him it was a performance. Most of the people in the group had not been with him all week and so this is what their image of K was. He played it perfectly and you could just see and feel his presence and knew right then how he had been such a huge star. He was portraying his own stereotype and it really was enthralling to watch. He was a star again, if only for a lunch.

The fun started after lunch on the way back to the office. On the way to lunch he had acquiesced, and had traveled with the powers to be in a limo. Now, however he was back in my car, and the drinking began immediately. Prior to lunch he had ordered me to buy his afternoon bottle of whiskey and to bring it with me in the car. By the time I sat down in the drivers seat, it was out of the bag, uncapped and the first swallow had gone down his throat.

The ride back was surreal. He basically replayed lunch out loud for me even though I was right there the whole time. After every sentence was a swallow of whiskey and by the time we got back to the office it was gone. He was flying now, and since he knew he was going to be back for one more day just wanted me to return him to the hotel, AFTER we stopped by the liquor store. In the morning one of the secretaries kept talking about sushi and tempura (she got a raise) and K was hooked. Japanese was on the menu that night and what do you know there was a lovely little place inside his hotel.

I was ecstatic to drop him off. A whole afternoon of his calls and molesting of the females in the office was not going to happen. Only one more day, and a trip to the airport and he was gone. What could go wrong? 2am phone calls are never good. It is generally when people stagger out of bars and drunk driving arrests made. I dread these calls because invariably someone is either in jail or needs a ride or both.

The noise on the other end of the phone was deafening and K’s voice was even louder. He always came close to yelling whenever he spoke on the phone and because it was so loud in his hotel room, this time his voice was reaching epic proportions. He needed me he said to come right over because there was an emergency and that since I had done so well last night, I should be able to help tonight. And on my way over I should pick up some booze as well. I told K everything would be closed and he screamed booze was needed and to use my imagination.

This week I am talking about happened a couple of years ago now and so I would probably not take this kind of abuse anymore. I say probably, because you just never know sometimes what you will do. Sometimes you just smile and play nice and sometimes you just choose to not represent that person anymore or not even start in the first place. If I could go back in time to the guy who got the 15 year old pregnant, I would probably choose not to represent him and when they came back the second time, I did say no. Anyway.

I ransacked the bar at my place and gathered up my liquor bottles. Somehow a bottle of brandy broke in the car and actually the smell was quite pleasant until it had a chance to soak into everything. When I got to the hotel, there was no valet around so I had to park my car on the street and then lug these grocery bags filled with liquor down the street while the smell of the brandy wafted off of me just like K and his whiskey.

I could hear the party while still IN the elevator. I cannot imagine anyone on K’s floor being happy about the noise, but he would have just told everyone off if they came to the door and the management was not going to call the police. The door was propped open with a shoe and when I walked in, the temperature was about 20 degrees warmer than the hallway and the smell of smoke was everywhere. There were about 10 people there. Six aging men in various stages of drunkenness and undress were there along with four women who were MUCH younger and who looked as if they might do this type of event for a living.

As I looked again at the men I recognized two of them immediately. One had been in a movie with K that I remembered and the other was someone whose presence floored me. (And really no matter the condition I saw him in, it was someone I had always wanted to meet. Even more A list than K. That person has passed away now, but I still remember seeing him there for the first time) I did not really comprehend what I was seeing because it was as if I stepped back twenty years before when they were all in their prime. That night they were definitely not in their prime and not suitable for film at all. The other men I did not recognize but they were all people from K’s past who were still in the business (although I did not know them) or had been.

The "emergency" was simply that the bartender the hotel had provided had gone home and they needed a replacement. Yes, that is right. K called me at 2am to have me come over and be a bartender. (And of course bring the liquor) Further, I was to be the chauffeur for the six men at the end of the night and whatever of the men chose to bring one of the young women home with them. Why should they call a cab when I was there to take them home. The fact that my car would be lucky to hold four of them at a time was irrelevant. One man even suggested I take him home in his car and then call a cab and come back to the hotel and repeat until everyone was home. Luckily no one really thought that was necessary except for him. I was actually just shocked that they were concerned about drunk driving.

So from 2am until about 4am I played bartender and then chauffeur. I also watched a bunch of old men grope, fondle, and make fools of themselves around women that were in some cases a third their age and also a third their size. It turned out that some people did not need a ride home because they did not have wives to go home to and so they just wanted to remain at the party with the booze and the ladies. When I came back from my last trip at about 430am or so, K, one of his cronies, and the "hero" were all sitting around in their boxers and t-shirts eating breakfast. Here were two screen legends eating plates of food with hardly any civility at all. Spilling it on themselves, swearing, telling stories and looking nothing like a screen legend while also saying how much the women had loved them that night. There were just such a range of emotions that night about what I was seeing and hearing.

I left shortly thereafter, and when I back to the hotel about 7am, K was there waiting, looking dapper in a fresh suit, but the rest of him was still K. We spent all that day together and at the end of the day I gave him a ride to the airport and made sure he was taken care of by someone from the airline. I then said goodbye and really never expected to hear from K again. This lasted about a week.

For the next year or so I was on K’s calling list about once every two weeks or so. The calls could come at any time of the day or night depending on where in the world K was and what he was doing. Now I was part of his stories. I am still on his call list, but now the calls are probably once every 4 or 5 months. I think when I changed my cell number one time he took it personal. Also he has other stories and other calling friends now. But when that phone rings and I hear him yelling at someone before he even says hello I kind of think about that week and how it is kind of a microcosm for all things Hollywood.

Everything is fake but at the same time everything is real and sometimes you really just want the illusion to remain and not peek behind the curtain and see the wizard or in this case a guy with fried egg yolk all over his clothes while he is smoking a cigar and drinking. That week was my first up close and intense look at the reality in Hollywood and I have shared with you other stories that just have reinforced that shattered image of it that I deal with on a daily basis.

Sean Connery

Blind Item #8

The former one year wonder took a little cut from the guys she set up her friends with. She is always hustling.

Blind Item #7

 A family member of the dead actress is pregnant. That seems really fast.

Blind Item #6

This way underage TikTok star is claiming that this male A+ list TikTok star raped her last night at a Halloween party.

Blind Item #5

Because his kids don't want to see him because of how he screwed over their mom, this really really rich guy is trying to get the courts to force the kids to see him. Sounds like that will work well.

Blind Items Revealed #4

October 24, 2020

The barely there celebrity offspring of celebrities even lower on the ladder, pulled a no no. Her husband, the former A+ list singer, said he would get her name tattooed on his body if she would. She did her part, and so far he has made a lot of excuses to do the same.

Hailey Baldwin/Justin Bieber

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 23, 2020

The patriarch of this extremely large still sometime reality family, requires that all money earned by anyone in the house under the roof be turned over to him. He made millions off the kids and isn't sharing.

The Duggars

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 23, 2020

As I told you a couple of weeks ago and revealed, this foreign born A- list mostly movie actress was spotted hanging out with some wealthy men and up to her old tricks. Now it has been confirmed that the alliterate boy toy and the actress are no longer together, which is why she was going through her contact list for fun.

Kate Beckinsale

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 23, 2020

What you see is what you get with celebrities. Do you think this foreign born permanent A+ list celebrity really cares about anyone other than herself? Has she ever showed you that? When she was participating in sex acts with the billionaire pedophile, or recruiting for it? So, when she tags her recent magazine cover while feigning empathy for a massacre overseas, do you really think she cares, or just wants the hashtag for herself.

Naomi Campbell/Lekki Shootings

Blind Item #4

The disgraced producer wants all of his accusers identified so he can publicly shame them and also try to make their lives as miserable as possible.

Blind Item #3

This writer/actor accused some high power people of raping him. That all fell apart, so when he talks about the velvet mafia, take the things he says with a grain of salt.

Blind Item #2

This A+ list politician and his ex wife once spent a Halloween at an event similar to the Playboy Mansion Halloween party. There was a lot more actual swapping of partners going on though.

Blind Item #1

This rapper/producer used to be A list. He has a history of trolling for underage girls on Instagram and also some domestic violence towards women. Now, he is trolling for underage and legal age guys on Instagram.

Friday, October 30, 2020

Blind Item #10

I sure would like to know why no one will turn over the footage shot the day of and the day before the death of this A list host. Apparently in many of the shots from those two days, there are two men with buzz cuts and identical outfits following the host and the crew. They were not security for the crew.

Blind Item #9

 This A-/B+ list actor has to take a drug test every day for his wife.

Blind Items Revealed #5

October 23, 2020

The one named A list DJ/music producer has a reputation for finding teens (and according to the flowering financial institution, underage teens) on Instagram and hooking up with them. He is doing it again, but this one has talked about her mental health issues in the past, so his usual thing of dumping them after using them would be devastating to her.

Diplo/Azealia Banks

Four For Friday - A Clue

 I have been waiting a long time for this. Some kind of lead or break. Apparently while investigating some murders alleged to have been committed by this frequent donor, this tidbit popped up on their radar. This even didn't take place exactly on Halloween, but really really close to it. It can trace its roots to about Halloween though when this studio head was confronted by someone, now dead, that the studio head was involved in some very shady stuff. Specifically, the person who confronted him said that one of her actor clients had been present at a Halloween party that the studio head attended. Also present at the party was the frequent donor. Apparently the studio head and the frequent donor were having a discussion whether they should find someone to take home to one of their places for the evening. The talk turned dark and the actor overheard them. In a meeting two days later with our confronter, the actor shared what he heard. Our confronter then called the studio head and said she knew what the studio head was doing and that whatever he was doing, it better not ensnare her actor client or any of her other clients. 

The studio head then made a call to the donor who managed to find one of his frequent hookups/drug partners who was willing to do anything for drugs. He gave the guy a ride all the way out there to hell and gone from where he lived. The studio head would call and give word when the confronter was leaving a party they both had to attend for work. There was only one route to her home that made sense. They waited. When she got close, the now jacked up on meth drug user/sometime sexual partner of the donor, made his move and killed the confronter. 

Your Turn

 Strangest/worst job you ever had.

Blind Items Revealed #4

October 23, 2020

This A- list actress who got her start being ogled by the permanent A++ list director for a television show he did, is taking a lot of flack for her story about an early on set experience and being called a liar. That cast was so into themselves and ego driven and believed they were all A++++++ listers, they did all kinds of mean stuff to extras and small time actors and actresses. Not looking them in the eye was the least of the bad stuff they did.

Jessica Alba/James Cameron/90210

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 23, 2020

He just can't help himself. The A+ list manager acts like a spoiled brat and loves taking shots at anyone associated with the A+ list singer he hates. This time he took a shot at the A- list singer/sometime actress.

Scooter Braun/Taylor Swift/Selena Gomez

Blind Items Revealed #2

 October 23, 2020

After my blind item about the pretentiousness of that BBC show, many people called out the foreign actors for participating and the BBC too. One of the actors, the one who has the famous last name mocked and bullied those who confronted him about it. He hates anyone who doesn't kiss his butt at all times.

"Staged"/David Tennant/Michael Sheen/Michael Sheen

Blind Item #8

Speaking of athletes and cheating, when this permanent A++ lister made an announcement today about an endeavor, it reminded me of the decade long affair he had with this former A-/B+ list singer/actress who got her start in a different section of the entertainment world and sky rocketed to fame for something else.

Blind Item #7

 This first year NFL QB who is taking the league by storm is cheating on his significant other.

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 22, 2020

Could someone please just send this former A- list actress from a now defunct hot cable show to rehab. Things are ridiculous and she is wasted at all times of the day and night. This is going to be a hard fall.

Ashley Benson

Blind Item #6

This foreign born former A list singer turned failed host/judge confirmed in court filings what I told you several weeks ago. She is broke.

Blind Item #5

 This alliterate former A+ list gymnast is now yachting.

Blind Item #4

The celebrity wife of this permanent A++ lister in his corner of the entertainment world keeps on spending PR money to appear in as many publications/podcasts/shows as possible. When he retires and they divorce, she is poised to capture the spotlight for herself.

Blind Item #3

 It isn't just buzz, two fifths of this group did hook up with each other.

Blind Item #2

Speaking of cheating, this A+ list mostly movie actor who is an Oscar winner/nominee and loves strippers, is cheating on his wife.

Blind Item #1

As I told you months ago, and is now coming to fruition, the wife of the rapping doctor, is exposing all of his secrets, beginning with several of his mistresses. Remember when he threatened legal action against anyone who suggested he would ever cheat.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Blind Item #10

Writing about the woman who likes to sleep with political candidates reminded me of something that happened back in 2010 or so. There was this A- list actress who has bounced around from mediocre show to mediocre show for most of her career and has a very unusual last name. Shows that last two or three seasons, but never beyond. Anyway, she wanted to meet this guest at a fundraiser but didn't have the $125K for a ticket, so slept with one of the people sponsoring the event for a ticket. 

Blind Item #9

There had been rumors that this actress offspring of celebrity parents and grandparents had been dragged back into the celebrity cult like religion. Nope. She is free and working on a project about it.

Blind Items Revealed #5

October 22, 2020

I have written a few times about the latest "investment" scheme of the guy running for President who is also a fraudster, Ponzi scheme enabler and sex party attendee. The scheme is also being run with the one named rapper. The investors are being found by the brother of the rapper. That brother just landed the former A+ list rapper as an investor.

Brock Pierce/Akon/Abou Thiam/Kanye West

Today's Blind Items - Halloween Party From Hell

This one didn't happen exactly on Halloween, but did happen in October and according to the actress involved, was hell. So, in order to keep the theme going all week, made it a Halloween party. It was actually an after party after a premiere. Our actress, who all of you know, was all of 15 when she was the party filled wall to wall with adults who were enjoying the booze and drugs provided by the host, a permanent A+ list mostly movie actor, all of you know. At some point in the evening our actress was wasted, as was often the case at that time. The next thing she knew she was naked and the A+ list actor was naked on top of her profusely sweating as he raped her. She woke up again to find him naked beside her as he smoked a cigarette and told her how good she was in bed for someone so young. Over the years, our actress has made this time period later in life and called it sex, because she just didn't want to deal with things she did or happened to her at that point in her life.

Your Turn

 Scariest movie/show that has been released in the past year.

Blind Items Revealed #4

October 22, 2020

This permanent A+ list Olympian is cheating on his significant other. It could also be their contract ended. 

Shaun White

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 22, 2020

Really great that the BBC is airing another show about two rich foreign born A- list actors and how they managed to deal with the fact they had to stay home for the past seven months. Except of course when one or the other was filming a music video or filming a television show or performing in a play or attending an art show or guest speaking at a conference, but you do you BBC.

David Tennant/Michael Sheen/"Staged"

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 22, 2020

This daytime talk show host has been leaking tips to tabloids and her people have too. The idea is to make it look like she is the huge draw for her show and not her co-host. It sounds like she wants to push her co-host permanently out the door.

Kelly Ripa/Ryan Seacrest

Blind Item #8

This A- list host/model is also an actress. Our host has always stayed quiet about the death of her friend, but has become more convinced over the years that the permanent A+ list rapper had her friend killed. It just seemed too convenient that he wanted her out of the picture and shortly after he said that, the friend ended up dead.

Blind Item #7

This back in the day A- list actress who comes from an entertainment family, and doesn't really act much longer says there is a woman in her early 40's who contributes to political campaigns on both sides of the aisle for men she finds attractive. She then attempts to sleep with them. The actress says the woman has slept with a handful of Congressmen and State Assembly members. The actress knows this because apparently it is a fairly well known secret and the actress has also slept with a few of the same guys.

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 21, 2020

This could get messy. I told you a few months ago, the alliterate A-/B+ list actress was trying to get a child support bump. The dad said no. I really thought he would cave so this wouldn't head into the courts and become public.

January Jones

Blind Item #6

One of the problems you face when you are this A+/A list singer and get a writing credit, but never actually wrote anything is that you can't answer a court filing saying you never heard of someone and therefore could not have ripped off their song. The person who actually did write the song knows the person suing very very well. 

Blind Item #5

There is a guy who runs the media operations for a large online following. In his spare time, he has started a sex cult. One guy and about thirty women that he has retreats with. By retreating, I mean have sex with. Apparently he has eyes on trying to land a celebrity, and is wooing this former A- list singer.

Blind Item #4

It is going to take an astonishing amount of money to get this permanent A+ list mostly movie actress who is an Oscar winner/nominee to do another season of the pay cable show. She doesn't get along with the other big star of the show and the whole process of shooting with her makes the A+ lister uncomfortable.

Blind Item #3

The foreign born one named A+ list singer continues to hang out in her home country rather than by the beach in her adopted country because she is doing some recording, but also tentatively made plans to see her former drinking buddy when he came to visit. They would have some time alone.

Blind Item #2

An accountant for the former A+ list rapper said the rapper doesn't have enough liquidity to give himself the amounts of money he says he did in official paperwork. That means it probably came from another source but was not reported as such. That is not allowed.

Blind Item #1

A camera crew was on hand this morning at the home of the alliterate one. My only guess is that she is going to use today's announcement the trial has been extended for nearly a year as a "win," for her documentary to make it look like she won the court case.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Blind Item #10

You do realize that the guy she (alliterate foreign born singer/bad actress) is sleeping with is the one who takes all the pics that make it look like she is with the singer (foreign born A- lister).

Blind Item #9

Still waiting on the receipts that the alliterate reality star really donated $1M like she said she would do. She had no problem spending that on her trip.

Blind Items Revealed #5

October 21, 2020

This celebrity offspring of at least one permanent A+ lister is playing her parent's game for the paps, but out of sight, she has someone else she is seeing.

Kaia Gerber

Today's Blind Items - Naked Halloween

Back in the day, this married A+ list mostly movie actor would have the biggest Halloween parties in town. Well, not the biggest, but definitely the most sex. Our actor had access to the best drugs in town via his frequent co-star who is permanently A++ list. The co-star would sometimes come to the parties for a few minutes, but it wasn't really his thing. The wife of our actor would generally be out of town or would stay in a hotel for several nights to also allow for cleanup. It got messy. Basically it was a huge orgy of cocaine loving open and closeted gay men that started about 8pm Halloween night and would often last a couple of nights. It usually ended when the drugs ran out. They went through an astonishing amount of coke. 

Your Turn

Do you think Patrick Swayze was an action star?

Blind Items Revealed #4

October 21, 2020

I'm assuming the A- list singer in a family filed with singers will use her latest story about being pursued by aliens (she was probably wasted) to also shill for the conversing with the aliens app.

Miley Cyrus

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 21, 2020

I will fully agree the southern reality star is not the best mom, but her ex is not the best dad. What I find amusing in this tragedy playing out is the "porn" on the mom's phone was sex with the dad that which was recorded. He then used it against her.

Kathryn Dennis/Thomas Ravenel/Southern Charm

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 21, 2020

This A- list mostly movie actress who does some commercials too, has a very selective memory when it comes to paps. The vast majority of the time, she or her people would call the paps to tell them where the actress would be.

Jennifer Garner

Blind Item #8

 I have written about the death of this heir to one of the biggest fortunes in the world. It was a family member who made it look like a suicide. That death a couple of decades ago almost went wrong. It also made the group nervous about having bodies examined. Now, when they want to rid themselves of a body, they dump it on the crocodile farm owned by a luxury designer. 

Blind Item #7

This A- list mostly television actor who starred on a now defunct hit network show, hooked up with his mother-in-law more than once.

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 20, 2020

Apparently the singer is encourage to make social media posts about 30-45 minutes after she takes her medications. 

Britney Spears

Blind Item #6

With the talk show on the ropes, this former A+ list mostly movie actress is trying to recruit the retired actress to make a movie with her. That would probably be the only way the actress would come out of retirement. It would also make her husband a nervous wreck that she will leave him.

Blind Item #5

This foreign born A list mostly movie actor who is now dabbling in television just keeps getting more cranky with age. He told his significant other that he was going to see other women and if she didn't like it, she could leave. So far she has stayed.

Blind Item #4

The A list Tik Tok star being groomed is doing her best to get her ex to sign a management agreement with those who are grooming her.

Blind Item #3

It is a little bit confusing when the offspring of a celebrity says one thing about that sex cult, but also has been in touch with members who say they are still active in it. Are you in or are you out?

Blind Item #2

I think this is the first time this dual threat A lister who is an Oscar and Emmy winner/nominee talked publicly about how she communicates with a sibling. It is how they have been able to talk about family secrets, including the darkest of the dark, without anyone being able to break the code.

Blind Item #1

The celebrity CEO stopped using the drug dealer of the A- list actress, because he correctly guessed all his drug use was being forwarded directly to me. So, he thought he would be clever and find another one. Smart move. The thing is though he asked the actress for a recommendation and she offered up her backup. Not the best move for the CEO who as of late has been doing a lot of LSD.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Blind Item #10

Usually it is the actor who is cheating on his wife, but this A list host/former part-time actress is hooking up with a producer while her much higher on the list husband is off shooting.

Blind Item #9

Get ready for a whole season of hearing about the "feud" between two husbands of Housewives. That won't be boring at all to hear about all season. A non existent feud about which millionaire got the worst of a business deal. Oh, and a minimum of three appearances from the former A+ list reality star. 

Blind Items Revealed #5

October 20, 2020

This foreign born former A+ list tweener is about to name names of those who abused him when he was an underage teen. There are going to be some very big names.

Justin Bieber

Today's Blind Items - The Witching Hour

 It wasn't all that long ago that this alliterate former A+ list mostly movie actress would fire her undocumented household help whenever they dared to ask her help with a visa or gaining legal status or this permanent A+ list actress firing any of her help when they asked for a raise. This goes above and beyond all that though. This A list mostly movie actor has a cruel game he plays every year at Halloween. It has been going on for nearly a decade. It has turned into something much more sinister now. Here is how it works. Our actor uses a service to hire a housekeeper. The service knows the deal. The actor only wants a housekeeper who is also willing to have sex. He pays a premium to the service for them to find one who will. It doesn't always work, but for the most part, either the first or second hire usually works out. In addition to the "housekeeping" salary the housekeeper has to share with the service, the actor also tips her. She gets really used to those tips and doesn't want to endanger them, so throughout her employment agrees to more and more demands from the actor. Right around Halloween, the actor decides he wants someone new, so calls ICE and tells them he just found out his housekeeper is undocumented. He gets off having them come to his house to arrest the woman. He likes to watch it happen. It is his Halloween ritual and for the past couple of years he seems to revel in it. The next week, he calls the service and starts the process anew.

Your Turn

 One week from today. Who do you think will win the election for President?

Blind Items Revealed #4

October 20, 2020

The walking blind item must have decided that the rape victims couldn't do anything for her career, but the accused rapist could, so why not support him and hit him up for a job if he is found not guilty after his televised trial.

Taryn Manning/Danny Masterson

Blind Items Revealed #3

 October 20, 2020

In an attempt to prove she is not a racist, this magazine editor all of you know put a woman of color on the cover of the magazine. Great. Next time maybe she could pick one who was not intimately involved with the billionaire pedophile or accused of sleeping with underage girls or who is a witness to the pedophile activities of the royal or who sleeps with dictators and oligarchs for money and protection or to help facilitate trafficking in/through their countries.

Anna Wintour/Vogue/Naomi Campbell

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 20, 2020

The former A+ list singer turned child rapist/pornographer had himself beat up in jail in a bid to get out. He still has that escape from the country plan all put together.

R. Kelly

Blind Item #8

This A+ list mostly movie actor who sometimes directs and generally seems like he is always doing something sketchy, confirmed what I have been saying for years. The alliterate one invited A+ listers to her wedding even though she had never spoken to them before in her life. 

Blind Item #7

It was actually one of the kids of the mistress who was the one who spilled to the media about the affair the mom was having with the C list actor who is supported by his son-in-law.

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 19, 2020

This A list singer/really bad actor has ignored texts and calls for nearly a year from his former boy band mate.

Justin Timberlake/Lance Bass

Blind Item #6

There were some whispers the alliterate talk show host was actually using heroin. It turns out she is taking Oxy, which is close enough. It is still up in the air if she has a valid prescription, or how many prescriptions she has.

Blind Item #5

This is astonishing. A publicist for this A- list mostly movie actress actually encouraged the affairs because it would make her this decade's version of Sienna Miller. Really? That didn't exactly work out that well for Sienna. It destroyed her for nearly a decade.

Blind Item #4

 The A list one named DJ/music producer was dragged online yesterday by many more women who say the DJ groomed them while they were underage and vulnerable.

Blind Item #3

The ginger one can huff and puff all he wants, but he won't sue anyone about those military claims. It would make him look even more whiny, plus, even in his threatening letter admitted much of the article was true.

Blind Item #2

According to this long long time foreign born actress friend of the site, the last time she slept with this foreign born film producer to get some financing for a movie she was making, he said that he feared for his life. I guess he was right.

Blind Item #1

This chain smoking A list Spanish speaking singer all of you know usually has no problems finding a new woman to date and then impregnate. This time though, he went the yachting route and with someone thirsty which is not like him at all.

Monday, October 26, 2020

Blind Item #10

The former A- list singer who was the only singer in the group of supposed singers lost her long time yachting job. Now, she really wants to snag a judge job on any foreign talent show. She doesn't have it in her to be tried out by a bunch of possible future yachter employers.

Blind Item #9

To me, it is kind of funny, to think of the bosses of this network reality show not able to do anything about their out of control host. It is not so much out of control, as she knows she can do whatever she wants and is acting like it. If she were to be fired, it would be a massive amount of money owed to her. The bosses were just in a hurry to sign her, they kept saying yes to every single demand.

Blind Items Revealed #5

October 19, 2020

If you are asking yourself, "Hey, are there really any celebrities who are involved in any aspect of child trafficking or child sex trafficking," I would like you to ask this former rapper who now lives off his wife's money, why he would want to be involved in a sport which regularly trafficks underage kids to be used in the sport and who are often sexually abused. This is what you want to invest in?

Swizz Beatz/Alicia Keys/Camel racing

Today's Blind Items - Halloween Party

 For several years early in his career, this A+ list mostly movie actor who is an Oscar winner/nominee used to throw Halloween parties. He always wanted to compete with the parties at the Playboy Mansion. He always thought of Hugh Hefner as a dirty old man who was past his prime. Our actor, although not a dirty old man, was certainly cruel in those days to women. If he happened to have a girlfriend at the time, she would be forced to attend as was the case of the foreign born permanent A list model he dated for quite some time. She would be forced to watch as the actor's friends would make the female party guests engage in kids Halloween games while also being topless or naked. Instead of bobbing for apples, it became bobbing for dildos. The person who did worst would be marked as a loser with a Sharpie. Pin the tail on the donkey would be a butt plug with a tail on the end of it. Women would be forced to drink in drinking games that were designed for them to lose. At the end of the night, most ended up being date raped and the girlfriend of the actor would stand idly by doing nothing.

Your Turn

 Do you think the CIA still does MK Ultra under a different name?

Blind Items Revealed #4

 October 18, 2020

The permanent A list "singer" was stood up by her "boyfriend" so he could hook up with his baby mama.

Britney Spears

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 19, 2020

Apparently even the threesomes I told you about a couple of months ago were not enough to keep the significant other of this dual threat A list actress who is an Emmy and Oscar winner/nominee from straying. I'm glad the actress finally saw the light and split from him.

Taraji P Henson

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 19, 2020

This former A+ list mostly movie actor says he likes to portray this politician by feel and has never watched video of the politician and only heard him speak one time. The actor has also been known to use different powdered animal urine in his coffee instead of creamer.

Jim Carrey/Joe Biden

Blind Item #8

This conservative Senator NOT up for reelection and a barely left of center colleague also not up for reelection have been studying legislation to regulate the porn industry. Apparently this involves their staffs talking to producers and industry leaders while the Senators discuss working conditions with the actresses. 

Blind Item #7

This A list mostly movie actress is an Oscar winner/nominee. She has been in a long term fake relationship. She got into a horrible fight with a woman she had been sleeping with for some time. It started at dinner and they really started fighting in the back of an Uber.

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 18, 2020

This foreign born three named A- list actress is supposedly in a relationship, but she hooked up with a guy much more age appropriate this past week.

Millie Bobby Brown

Blind Item #6

This A list musician from an A list group is still really close to being a newlywed. He got married to his actress wife despite her discovery that he had a baby with another woman just weeks before the wedding to the actress.

Blind Item #5

This back in the day A+ list mostly movie actress is now, through sheer persistence and luck, an A- list mostly television actress. Her long time, rarely seen boyfriend is cheating on her. This could be a crash and burn situation for her.

Blind Item #4

Is this foreign born B+ list celebrity even allowed to see her kids unsupervised? I know she doesn't have custody. I'm not sure why she is talking about having more kids. That seems like a bad idea.

Blind Item #3

This in the past ex-girlfriend of the foreign born former superhero suddenly popped back on the radar this past week. She is trying to get a payday from the actor. She already got one, but now wants more not to tell all his teen loving secrets.

Blind Item #2

Not to be outdone by his alliterate foreign born co-star, this A/A- list actor has several women each day visit him on set. That was the same reason why he got divorced a few years back.

Blind Item #1

If this A- list mostly movie actor currently living overseas did end up getting married to his sober coach that would really be awkward.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #5

October 18, 2020

This former actress turned multiple reality star isn't holding off on dating anyone. She was dumped buy a guy and now is in talks with another guy to "date" and have another reality show.

Chrishell Stause

Blind Item #8

This southern reality star has traded sex for drugs in the past and now seems to be doing that even more now. Almost as if being loaned out.

Blind Item #7

Digging through some old money heirs gossip and totally forgot about the department store heir who hooked up with a teen beginning when she was about 14. Then when her benefactor died she started raising hell and was going to name names to get some money. Then she was murdered by her roommate and all of her notes couldn't be found.

Blind Item #6

The showrunner has coveted this former A+ list mostly movie actor for literally three decades. When he finally landed him, he thought it was going to be amazing, but he has been disappointed every step of the way.

Blind Item #5

Apparently the tabloids are discovering what a conservatorship controls in the life of the A list "singer." After a decade of me constantly telling you, the tabloids have have finally discovered the singer doesn't control who she marries or has kids with. If this really was news to them, that is sad. 

Blind Items Revealed #4

October 17, 2020

This child killer recently moved out of her benefactor's house last month, so our killer has been posting half naked pics to social media looking for new customers.

Casey Anthony

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 17, 2020

Somehow this famous dancer from an acting family and her former pro athlete husband have kept their names out of the wire fraud/Ponzi scheme where the man who pleaded guilty is an executive with their company.

Debbie Allen/Norm Nixon/Debbie Allen Dance Academy

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 17, 2020

The foreign born A list singer is in a legal fight about whether she followed COVID protocols on a music video set. The better question to ask would be how come she is exempt from quarantining every time she flies back to the country where she is located now.

Dua Lipa

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 17, 2020

This former B+ list reality star who is adjacent to the reality family has been paying for his dates as of late. He is trolling through the yachting waters to find the right long term cash arrangement. 

Scott Disick

Blind Item #4

I think the General who expects the ginger one to take his military job seriously should give that up. The ginger one showed he didn't care when he blew off one of the most important ceremonies of the year to go to a movie. Plus, that military job would require him to be apart from the alliterate one who is not ready to relinquish that type of control over him yet.

Blind Item #3

This acting/singing family has always been open about talking about sex, but they only do it superficially and never discuss all the crazy stuff that has happened sexually in the family and the experimentation which would drop the jaws of a lot of people. Not all, but a lot. I'm waiting for one of the kids to write a book.

Blind Item #2

It is really a low blow to blame the demise of the cleaning supply actor's marriage to the A- list foreign born actress. As I have told you before, there were many other women and it was one of those other women and the sexting the actor did with her that finally ended the marriage. That, and the fact it was a woman who had been in a threesome with the actor and his wife a few weeks earlier.

Blind Item #1

 It looks as if the "tour manager" is the boyfriend for the closeted A list singer.