Friday, January 01, 2021

Blind Items Revealed #18

July 13, 2020

Many rumors have circulated over the years about this long long serving royal's grandson. He was in an arranged engagement to marry a woman who did later become Queen and was heir apparent to the British throne behind his father.

Anyway, this grandson is also rumored to have been Jack the Ripper. This was never proved, but rumors have floated around for a long time about this. The grandson was a strange and scary character. He had a freakishly long neck, long arms and behaved almost as if he was autistic.  He also had an unusually close relationship with many other men, including a tutor. This same tutor was locked up in an insane asylum after reportedly having a mental breakdown when he heard about the grandson's engagement. Lots of rumors about homosexual activity, deviant and sadomasochistic tendencies around the grandson.

Anyway, obviously the future Queen never loved the grandson. She was just told what to do by her broke and ambitious parents, who were low level German royalty who had hit the jackpot with this engagement of their daughter to the future King. They were engaged for a short while when he became suddenly and horrendously ill and died. It has been asserted by those in the know that the grandson was “done away with” with poison because of his deviant behaviors. There were many in the British government who openly worried about his fitness to be King, so this possibility isn’t out of the question.

The interesting thing about his illness is that diseases like typhoid were rampant and communicable back then, and yet no one else in the family or their circles got sick. So the death moved his younger (and more stable) brother into the heir to the throne slot.  The heir had taken a shine to the future Queen when she was engaged to his brother, so it was only natural that they would end up engaged and eventually married. These two were as bland as stale biscuits as far as a couple, but they were well suited to one another and were very well liked by the British public. No one seems to really talk about the death of the grandson and how this seemingly dissolute and devious individual was conveniently removed from the line of succession and that his sudden illness was never really explained.

Queen Victoria/Prince Eddy/Princess May (later Queen Mary)/George V

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