Thursday, January 28, 2021

Today's Blind Items - The Apartments

There were four apartments. All of the victims turned procurers had a key to each. They would rent out the key to the pilots who stayed in the same building on layovers. They would rent it out to anyone who could afford it. The rule was if anyone entered the apartment with a key, the underage girls inside knew they had to obey. One of the people who seems to stay immune from all this, is the sibling. He had keys to each apartment and made use of them too. 

One of the few outsiders to have a key was this couple. They talk a lot of talk, but every person involved knows that whenever they came into the city, they would bring booze and drugs and pick a key out of a hat. They would then go enter the apartment for that key and stay for hours and hours. This is the couple that had agreed to allow the billionaire to impregnate their offspring, who was also underage.

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