Sunday, August 08, 2021

Blind Item #2

Dear _________________ (streaming/podcast service),

It used to be back in the day that a band could come to Los Angeles and if they were good, someone would hire them to play in a club or bar and pay them. That has since morphed to many of the clubs require the bands to pay to play or bring in a bunch of people if they don't want to pay. It also used to be that a band could upload their music to your service for free and people could listen to their music and the band could earn their $.004 per stream. Apparently you have screwed them though, and now the band has to pay $0.50 each time one of their own followers taps the screen to see there is new music which means that each band must get at least 125 listens of that song from each follower to earn their money back. Instead of screwing over smaller bands/singers/musicians, how about you stop paying podcasters $100M a year.

Love & Bacon,


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