Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Blind Items Revealed #5 - Anniversary Month

September 23, 2019

This past week, I had a chance to talk to this trying to get back to A- list actress who early railroaded her career not that long ago. It was the most basic conversation. Coffee line stuff. Then, she mentioned a show she had been on that I had totally forgotten about because it was so long ago and she was not really in it that much. I did know where it had been filmed though. I asked her if she had ever seen the billionaire pedophile. The question was a total long shot. She said no. She then went on to say though that someone in the cast on a later season had a connection to him which she only found out about when he had been arrested again when one of her friends from the show who was on every season brought it up. Apparently there was an actress on the show for a few episodes and she got the part because of her connection to the pedophile. She was a procurer. She still is. The reason it sticks out is because it was about the time he was going to jail and there were a lot of whispers about the actress and what she might have done. She is still an actress, but she doesn't work enough at that to pay the bills. It is the other stuff and she is not shy about advertising for it on sets or online.

Amanda Seyfried/Lovelace/Wildfire/Jeffrey Epstein

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