Saturday, October 23, 2021

Blind Item #8

Speaking of books, this former teen star of one of the most famous horror movies of all time, was paid a great deal of money to not tell anyone that this at the time A list singer/former soap actor had sex with her when she was 14 or 15.

Blind Item #7

This foreign born A list celebrity is going to allege in a book that his father enabled a molester of the celebrity and did nothing to stop him from molesting others.

Blind Item #6

 Look for a very quick pregnancy announcement from this former Housewife. Then, look for her to try and explain the timeline later on down the road.

Blind Item #5

This alliterate B+ list actress turned down booze yesterday at an event. Usually when she does that, it is because something bad happened the last time she got drunk. It could also be because she had to pick up her kid from school.

Blind Items Revealed #4 - Reader Blind - Vegas Casino

October 12, 2021

Years ago this A list game show couple were filming for the show in the lobby of our hotel. After they were done getting all the footage they needed they both sat down at slot machines and kept ordering drinks by pressing the drink service button. I guess they need chaperones because they got so rip roaring drunk they eventually stumbled off to the bathrooms but the male host went in the women's and the female host went into the men's. The female host realized her mistake quickly and came out and went into the women's room and screamed bloody murder. Apparently the male host had passed out and whacked his head on the sink on the way down and was unconscious on the floor.

Vanna White & Pat Sajak

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 16, 2021

Does the love or hate her A list celebrity always ask someone to grab a camera whenever she starts crying? Is that how this works?

Chrissy Teigen

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 15, 2021

This former A list talk show host bombed hard at a comedy club here in town this week.

Jay Leno

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 15, 2021

The special access and payola were not forthcoming. So even the foreign born one named A list singer won't get played on the big boys until that is done.


Blind Item #4

 The sister of the killer is the first person I would look to for a suspect in the killer's death.

Blind Item #3

This A list director can huff and puff forever, but there is no way on this planet that the largest theatre market in the world is going to show the latest Marvel movie as is. It will be censored. 

Blind Item #2

 This A- list almost network actor took another tentative step out of the closet this week.

Blind Item #1

One of the things this A- list part time reality star likes is for a potential girlfriend to have their own source of income, preferably from their family. If they don't, they always ask him for money or gifts. If you throw in the fact they make any money they earn from "modeling," it won't last. So, the new woman? No chance.

Friday, October 22, 2021

Blind Item #12

This multiple network A- list reality star who comes from a network reality star family says she was aggressively hit on by this celebrity offspring who has other siblings much more famous. When she turned him down he got really rude and nasty and was not pleasant. He said she should be grateful.

Blind Item #11

This B- list actress actually gets a lot of work in horror movies, but says she makes way more money getting naked for fans. 

Blind Item #10

Don't believe the hype. This B+ list actor/accused kidnapper/attempted murderer is not dating this B+ list actress.

Blind Item #9 - Reader Blind

Many years ago, this foreign band had one big hit.  Following the release of the record that followed, they fired their singer. This was due to his not very secret same sex relationship with a photographer.  The fired singer had a solo hit a few years later that was the name of a movie.  Much better at keeping a relationship secret with the same photographer was this deeply closeted A List actor who had a very popular TV show  at the time of the band mentioned above's success and which has had a reboot. He is in another long running series now and has also been in movies.

Blind Items Revealed #5

October 15, 2021

This foreign owned massive conglomerate is already planning a hologram tour of the alliterate permanent A list singer solo and in a group. Are these really going to be a thing?

BMG/Tina Turner

Four For Friday - Strange Couples

 #1 - This former A- list comic actress who is also an author and a host used to hook up with this former late night talk show host who still does stand up comedy everywhere.

#2 - This foreign born second generation VJ and one half of a magic duo.

#3 - This former A+ list singer turned network judge and this former A+ list mostly movie actor with at least one movie franchise who is an Oscar winner/nominee.

#4 - This permanent A list singer/diva/date decider of the holiday season and this former A list mostly movie actor who was everywhere for many years and is in an acting family not named Wilson or Baldwin.

Your Turn

 If a horror movie became real, are you someone who is making it through the night?

Blind Items Revealed #4

October 15, 2021

One of things left out of the very good, very long interview with this former tween/teen actress from the now rebooted hit show, is how many of those showers she was not taking alone at 16 and 17 were with a married producer of the show.

Jennette McCurdy/"iCarly"

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 14, 2021

This A- list singer doesn't have the patience to lose weight by diet and exercise or coke, so is going to undergo surgery and then not tell anyone the truth, because she always lies until called out about them. 

Demi Lovato

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 14, 2021

The celebrity offspring of this foreign born part-time reality star/full time a-hole are hiding his money for him. They are also spending it like crazy.

Gigi, Bella and Anwar Hadid/Mohammad Hadid

Blind Item #8

There are two actors who are set to go public about the on set tragedy and will discuss the heavy use of coke and other stimulants to get as much done each day as possible. 

Blind Item #7

The boyfriend wants to get the biggest, most expensive house possible, but not until after he marries the "singer."

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 14, 2021

Pretty crazy that a deaf actress (who is amazing by the way), is going to play the role of someone who was just faking being deaf.

Millicent Simmonds/Helen Keller

Blind Item #6

This permanent A list singer/actress/Oscar winner was asked to provide her input into a casting decision for a theatre role and she gave her blessing to the actress who landed the job. Our permanent actress said no to the actress who always wanted the role for fear she would overshadow what the permanent A list actress did with it.

Blind Item #5

In her latest relationship, this east coast Housewife is just going from one abuser to another. I give it no more than another year before everything that made dozens of women hate him, also opens up the eyes of the Housewife. 

Blind Item #4

During a recent talk show appearance, this A- list mostly movie actress/Oscar stealer had a chance to come clean about how she won the Oscar and what she had to do to win it, but chose not to do so.

Blind Item #3

This ratings service which has been around for decades has been pushed out the door by streamers because they don't want the truth, they want to make up their own numbers which are nowhere near reality.

Blind Item #2

Probably a deal was struck. The actor wouldn't tell the world his wife is really American and she wouldn't tell the world he is really five years older than he pretends to be.

Blind Item #1

This B-list streamer in his corner of the magic letter community is a convicted pedophile, the age of the victim was only in the single digits.  The streamer uses an alias to conceal his true identity, and recently did a stream with a guest who is barely a teen.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Blind Item #13 - Reader Blind - Vegas Casino

So we actually have a thick book dating back to the 1960s that documents celebrity encounters, both positive and negative.  There's an entry from 1968 about this permanent A list singer/actress with celebrity offspring in which she apparently was plastered out of her mind, sitting at a poker table but not playing, and telling everyone who would listen "Don't believe what they say.  Elsie the Cow was not modeled after me.  It's a lie.  It's all bulls*it."

Blind Item #12

This permanent A list mostly movie actor who is an Oscar winner/nominee finally has confessed that his publicist at the time was the one who first spread the rumor about the other A list actor and a gerbil.

Blind Item #11

This multiple reality star contestant was at an event this week and was giving up spoilers for the streaming show she is on right now.

Blind Item #10

This A- list singer/bad actress said it took her about a dozen takes to plug the season finale of her show because of botox injections she got the day prior and thought it was making her sound funny.

Blind Items Revealed #5

October 14, 2021

This west coast Housewife needs her benefactor. Without him, she has a serious cash flow problem. So, with that being said, she probably shouldn't have yelled at him for twenty minutes while sitting in her car in the parking garage of her closest Ralph's. I always have trouble getting a signal in there, so good for her on that at least.

Erika Jayne Girardi

Today's Blind Items - A History Lesson

There is nothing Hollywood celebrities like to do more than rewrite their own personal history. The thing is, a decade or two ago, you could still do that kind of thing. Today's media/social media makes that almost impossible. This is history that probably would never have some out if the former A+ lister was not feeling reflective of his cocaine and hooker past. 

Lets go back in time to when the former A+ lister was spending time with this at the time A list mostly television actress turned frequent rehab guest. The A list actress introduced him to one of her co-stars. It turns out though, he already had the pleasure of her company a few years earlier when she was in the employ of the same person who employed his future wife. The three then enjoyed a threesome. He added an epilogue to the tale. Later down the road our actor and his then wife filmed a movie together and cast the co-star in a bit role so the three could enjoy threesomes together on the set.

Your Turn

 Something you can say at Spirit Halloween and during sex.

Blind Items Revealed #4

October 13, 2021

The very very recent split of this couple from the reality show that exploits women from other countries, was because the guy has been sleeping with his ex.

Juliana Custodio/Michael Jessen/90 Day Fiancé

Blind Items Revealed #3 - Reader Blind - Vegas Casino

October 12, 2021

In I think 2005, this foreign born A+ list mostly movie actor attacked a man over a slot machine. I guess he is very attached to a machine called Mr. Cashman and has a particular machine he prefers (there was a row of four of them, three were empty but his preferred one was occupied by another guest). It happened very quickly but I remember it well. Without warning or even saying anything the actor came up behind the man, grabbed the collar of his shirt, and ripped him out of the seat, throwing him onto the floor. He then sat in the chair and began playing with the man's balance of 20 bucks or so. It was bizarre but also sort of amusing due to the sheer randomness of it.

Russell Crowe

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 11, 2021

This foreign born A- list mostly movie actress who got her start as a lead in this massive space franchise, was almost fired the first week because her acting was so bad. 

Daisy Ridley/Star Wars

Blind Item #8

This A list mostly movie actor from an acting family has been hooking up with this A- list mostly movie actress who will probably read this and then do some photo op with her supposed boyfriend.

Blind Item #7

The alliterate one and the A++ lister for CA had a one on one conversation this week about her political aspirations. 

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 6, 2021

Of course the boyfriend of this foreign born former A list singer everywhere but North America is not moving in with her or moving for her. It would mean splitting from his real significant other.

Kylie Minogue

Blind Item #6

This directionally challenged rapper has been spilling tea and wearing a microphone to try and keep himself out of jail.

Blind Item #5

This foreign born alliterate A- list singer/horrible actress has been spending every night this week with a guy who is not her "boyfriend."

Blind Item #4

This multiple reality star/horrible actress thinks she has found true love with her Russian mobster. He just wanted to brag to his friends. 

Blind Item #3

This early prime time cable anchor is cheating on his wife. One thing that may be in play here is they have an unconventional marriage. He might try and claim it is an open marriage. 

Blind Item #2

Speaking of scummy people, this former A+ list director thought he was going to finally get a credited gig, but he is still blacklisted. Yes, he works, but under an assumed name. There is also a buzz around town that you are not supposed to have sex with him without protection or you will get something long lasting.

Blind Item #1

After nearly a decade of grooming and assaulting legal and underage teens, this Emmy winner/former reality star is finally going to be nailed to the wall for his behavior. The fact his employer still employs him is stunning.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Blind Item #12

In the reunion that never was and never will be, there was some talk one would be held, but minus one of the Housewives.

Blind Item #11

 The one named foreign born A list singer is good publicity for the company of her boyfriend, but it doesn't mean he hasn't cheated when given the chance.

Blind Item #10

 When he first started out, this A- list dual threat actor who was married to someone much higher on the list, used to provide sexual services to wealthy older women. 

Blind Item #9

The sometime girlfriend of this one named permanent A list rapper who has also acted says that instead of having sex with her, he prefers to watch her having sex with other men. 

Blind Items Revealed #5

October 13, 2021

This A+ list mostly movie actor with multiple franchises and a sad meme has been making some poor decisions as of late. One of the women he has worked with in the past training him to use guns was sexually harassed by her employer. There is video proof of it. Our actor knows it, but just hired the employer to come train him in Europe.

Keanu Reeves/Jade Struck/Taran Butler

Today's Blind Items - The Mess

It all began several decades ago when this now A list mostly movie actress first came to the US. It was at the same time that this A list everything in her mind singer/actress was just starting to become famous. A foreign born very wealthy man came to visit to Los Angeles and wanted to spend time with an actress. He was very much a star f**ker. He ended up meeting both of the women, but decided he wanted to spend time with the A list everything in her mind. It was actually this man that encouraged our A list everything in her mind to leave the show that made her famous. It was shortly thereafter that our man got a new title/job and really couldn't spend much time in the US any longer. 

Fast forward two decades and he kept in touch with the A list everything in her mind and from time to time would see each other. Meanwhile, the foreign born A list mostly movie actress was doing her own thing until one day she ran into the man again. They started hooking up almost immediately, despite him having a girlfriend he was also seeing and also seeing the at the time married A list everything in her mind singer/actress. It was a mess and the only one who wasn't afraid of the mess was the foreign born A list actress. 

Your Turn

 Does everyone agree that paper straws suck.

Blind Items Revealed #4 - Reader Blind - Vegas Casino

October 12, 2021

I heard from a very elderly coworker that back in the 70s he saw this A list mostly movie actor who is now deceased and keeps getting his memory tarnished by imposters trying to recreate his most famous role, apparently had the flu. The actor then proceeded to projectile vomit all over a poker table. He was incredibly embarrassed, stuck a $100 bill in the dealer's pocket, and excused himself to his room.

Gene Wilder/Willy Wonka

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 10, 2021

This former tween/teen actor from Nick has been trying to intimidate people who call him out for his underage sexual activities, including the recent criminal conviction.

Drake Bell

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 7, 2021

The boyfriend of the "singer" has been telling people close to him that the singer is willing to finance a movie starring the boyfriend. That would be a horrible decision on par with her ex wanting to be a rapper.

Sam Asghari/Britney Spears/Kevin Federline

Blind Item #8

This permanent A list mostly movie actress who is an Oscar winner/nominee totally blew off this A+ list TikTok star at an event, saying "She doesn't belong here."

Blind Item #7

The (not a) daughter of this northeast Housewife was doing lines of coke at a very late night party this week.

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 6, 2021

Every so often while promoting a movie, this A list mostly movie actor from an acting family gets trapped into some kind of are you going to start a family question. He always says that is the plan, but he never will. He just wants to say the least problematic thing in every interview.

Jake Gyllenhaal

Blind Item #6

This A/A- list mostly television actress who loves her former co-star made it clear this week, that she has not lived in the same house as her husband in years.

Blind Item #5

Considering they were hanging out last night, I guess the foreign born former A+ list singer and his abuser/groomer/former A+ list singer have worked things out.

Blind Item #4

This network talent show had to reshoot a segment because this A list singer didn't have her wedding ring on. She said she would have an hours long fight with her husband if he noticed it wasn't on. So, the ring was brought from her dressing room and they shot the segment again.

Blind Item #3

Someone asked this A/A- list dual threat actor who made his fame late night, whether he would ever date this A-/B+ list alliterate actress again. He said she is a special kind of crazy and would not be dating her again.

Blind Item #2

This former A+ list rapper lied in a court pleading signed under penalty of perjury, but knows that nothing will happen to her because she is rich and famous and the person she is being sued by, is not.

Blind Item #1

The producers of this talk show hosted by an alliterate host are trying to burn the show to the ground in her absence. They want her permanently out.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Blind Item #13

Apparently this ridiculously wealthy socialite who is an heiress to one of the biggest old money fortunes left her husband several years back because she prefers women to men, and she is now involved in a relationship with a woman all of you know, who has/had one of the worst husbands ever. 

Blind Item #12

Two coaching jobs ago, this at the time A+ list college coach had people place bets for him in games against much smaller schools. He knew he could control whether or not his team could cover a 30-40 point spread.

Blind Item #11

Speaking of cheating and Bravo shows, this former Bravo star who actually made her fame on a different long long running reality show, is being cheated on again by her husband.

Blind Item #10

 This RHOP Housewife is cheating on her significant other. It is about time.

Blind Item #9

With how much her publicists are making, feeding stories to the tabloids about this alliterate actress, the pressure was on to keep the offspring competing. 

Blind Items Revealed #5

October 1, 2021

Well, the princess has her guy back home where she wants to be, and her husband finally fulfilled his fantasy and has someone in his life. The crazy thing is that when the husband offered this flash in the pan A list mostly movie actress $200K for a weekend when she was at her peak, she turned him down. Now, she is all about getting some of that balding royal and his money. 

Princess Charlene/Prince Albert/Sharon Stone

Today's Blind Items - I Know Who - From Reddit

I just made it a blind and removed a couple hints.

I missed when this truth bomb dropped but a reporter is calling other crew from _______________ about the public statement our director made. I worked on the movie too but nobody called me. So I can just say the truth on here I don’t give a f**k and one of the reporters will see it. The ones who harassed this A/A- list dual threat teen actor were the wife of a drug executive and her daughter who was the female lead. They are billionaires who financed the whole movie so the actress could get the role. Worst set vibes ever because that woman and her kid. I spent a lot of time around our actor and they were making him so miserable. He told us nobody warned him that the actress only just turned 14 or why her mother wouldn’t stop begging our actor every day to post about the actress and make her famous using his followers. The actress always cried that our actor ignored her and nobody liked her. Yah since her mom was a monster to everyone and they both tried to fire this woman who the daughter didn’t like. We were all afraid to get fired and could barely do our jobs. Got mad ugly by the end when the mom was always spreading real f**ked up shit about our actor and other women on crew, sexual lies and insults. Our actor yelled at a producer about it but it never stopped. Shit hit the fan when our actor said it would be creepy to kiss the daughter in a scene because she was too young. The director said no problem and changed it to a hug. The daughter freaked out and was crying she didn’t get to kiss our actor. The mom went off on everybody it was the daughter's first real life kiss and they paid for it so our actor had to do it. Our actor looked humiliated in front of us all while we reshot it so the daughter got her kisses. One of the creepier things I ever saw go down on a set. All of us were over it and nobody even our actor went to the wrap party as a f**k you to the mom. There’s other stuff too but people just need to know it was the mom before working with that family again. I actually felt sorry for the daughter sometimes she acts nice and sweet but it looked like she was already learning to be an rich asshole like her mom. They should be ashamed for how treated everybody but especially our actor.

Your Turn

 A movie or television show that was so scary, you have never watched it again.

Blind Items Revealed #4

October 1, 2021

Apparently the boyfriend who beats her also supplies her coke for free which is why he is the boyfriend and why the foreign born A list celebrity in her own country won't break up with him despite the beatings.

Katie Price

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 12, 2021

Management is greedy, which we all know. Last week I told you about the scam the management team of the one hit wonder band was pulling because of that greed. So, of course they brought back the singer, and it was a mess. The management team will tell you it is a rehab problem so they are more easily able to fire him. However, the singer's sometime girlfriend who is a filmmaker says he has been diagnosed with dementia which would open up an entirely different can of worms about how to remove him and what he would be entitled to.

Smash Mouth/Steve Harwell (Him being allowed to retire was the choice made)

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 11, 2021

Back in the day, this alliterate a list porn star used to be invited to parties of A+ list actors to see first hand her special talents. This permanent A+ list mostly movie actor who doesn't act any longer used to have a cover charge in addition to whatever each actor paid her.

Linda Lovelace/Jack Nicholson

Blind Item #8

This permanent A+ list athlete was out to dinner this week and someone asked her about the alliterate one. The only thing the athlete said was that she had blocked her number. Interesting.

Blind Item #7

This foreign born actress currently stars on the show every UK actor/actress seems to find time for in their career. She is a fan favorite and has no idea that she is about to be slammed by the ex of the celebrity guy she is dating, accusing her of being a home wrecker. 

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 11, 2021

We always knew about the one secret child, but apparently there are two secret children. The most recent one was discovered this week when she went to go take the written test to get a learners permit for driving. That alliterate permanent A list singer is so good at hiding things.

Janet Jackson

Blind Item #6

This former A- list singer in a group where she was the only real singer, but not the only one who slept with people for money is ticked off because a producer she recently slept with was supposed to get her a big part in a movie, but he ghosted her.

Blind Item #5

For much of her red carpet attending life, this A list mostly movie actress has her hair and makeup people do what they need to do while our actress is either topless or in whatever undergarments she is going to wear for her particular outfit. When the hair and makeup people finish, whether it is one hour before she has to leave for the red carpet or four, she stays exactly as she is, until ten minutes prior to leaving, and puts on her dress. The habit started back in the day when she was still shooting up and staying naked or almost naked made it easier to do so.

Blind Item #4

This former A- list teen actress who has really done nothing for well over a decade, is someone all of you know. She is in the news a lot. She is also helping to recruit tweens and teens for that cult run by her manager.

Blind Item #3

This not even close to legal offspring of a former A/A- list singer/musician who still tours and has been in the news a lot as of late, is hooking up with a guy who is pushing 30.

Blind Item #2

The flash in the pan foreign born comedian has told the money laundering service to pull her specials unless they vow never to hire the permanent A lister again. 

Blind Item #1

So, this surviving stand up comic, with a bunch of dead/dying people around her called the dealer first to come clean up and then called a 1-800 drug line and hung up on them and then called 911. She also loves the sympathy she is getting so, is milking it for all it is worth.

Monday, October 18, 2021

Blind Item #13 - Old Hollywood

In a new book coming out soon, the author makes the claim that this permanent A list actor/director was the killer of the Black Dahlia.

Blind Item #12

Speaking of bad people, this alliterate back in the day A list mostly television actress from multiple hit network shows, is getting a reality show. Hopefully someone will ask her what went on during the filming of her last big hit network show and why she didn't get any more television acting gigs after it.

Blind Item #11

The powers that be at this pay cable channel are hoping they can survive a week of negative publicity about their recent casting news of the former A+ list actor. They feel if they can make it through the week, they can keep the woman beater/homophobe/anti-Semite and won't have to recast him with literally anyone else who is not one of those things.

Blind Item #10

This foreign born A-/B+ list actress reached out to this A+ list dual threat actress and apologized. Within a week, the foreign born actress got her old job back and a bunch of other offers too.

Blind Item #9

I am always up for a happily ever after, but the alliterate reality star needs to be prepared. I know she has dealt with a mess for a long time with her ex, but the new guy has his demons too. She just hasn't seen them yet. 

Blind Items Revealed #5

October 11, 2021

Everyone always assumes this former A/A- list actress had her psyche most affected by being married to this former A+ list athlete/rapist/abuser/part-time actor. She will be the first to tell you that isn't the case. The one that screwed with her the most was the at the time A+ list mostly movie actor. He is still A+/A list. She was still in her mid teens and he was in his very early 20's. He used her and crushed her soul.

Robin Givens/Mike Tyson/Eddie Murphy

Today's Blind Items - Where Is The Kid? - Old Hollywood

In the past in this space, there have been several stories about old Hollywood actors and actresses who gave up kids for adoption or pretended a family member was a child's parent instead of themselves. Old Hollywood allowed for that kind of anonymity and hiding family members and histories that might make a fan hesitant to buy a movie ticket.

Much like me personally wanting to ask Katie Holmes about the two weeks she went missing at the beginning of her relationship with Tom Cruise, this blind item asks the question why did this actress disappear and go off to a place she knew she wouldn't be bothered. At the time, the actress was A list and living with the alliterate rich guy who made movies and airplanes. The reason she gave for leaving and going back home was because he was sleeping with multiple men and women. She couldn't understand why he would do that, especially since she was pregnant with his child. Our actress didn't have an abortion because she kept hoping that the alliterate one would change his mind and have her come back and be loyal and be monogamous. It never happened, so she had the baby and presumably gave the baby up for adoption. He knew and she knew. The child never knew. The adoptive parents of the child never knew either. 

Your Turn

 The last time you used a pay phone.

Blind Items Revealed #4

October 10, 2021

This A list mostly movie actress took a break from sucking the face of her three named boyfriend and took a little tour in the UK with her kids. While wearing a Hufflepuff robe, she watched a performance with her kids. Her kids were wearing a mask, but she was not. Her exemption apparently was she didn't want people to get a photo of her wearing a mask. They gave her an exemption sticker for that reason.

Megan Fox/Machine Gun Kelly

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 9, 2021

This foreign born celebrity used to be A+ list when she was a child. She has a last name everyone in the world knows. It is tough tough tough getting information on her, but one of her friends got married this weekend. They have hooked up in the past and she wanted him to be the father of her kids, so the family name would continue. She looked miserable at the wedding.

Athina Onassis/Sammy Zane

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 9, 2021

There was once talk of this royal who is trying to escape her life, faking her own death. There are far too many people looking her way now though for that to happen. Why can't the couple just divorce. This is ridiculous.

Charlene, Princess Of Monaco

Blind Item #8

This A- list mostly movie actress from an acting family has been acting since she was very young. All grown up now, she always makes the women (but not men) she sleeps with, sign a NDA. Well, apparently things were hot and heavy with one woman and she didn't make her sign one and now the woman can't be found and our actress is freaking out. She has never come out as bisexual, and hadn't ever planned on it. 

Blind Item #7

This bar star was at a LA Fashion Week event this weekend and she acted like she was an A+ lister. She wanted to be able to be seated before everyone else and even wanted security because she was sure she was going to be mobbed. Hardly anyone even recognized her or even cared to know who she was.

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 9, 2021

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned several other singers/musicians/actors who have done the same as this former A+ list singer yet they are not being investigated or arrested. Now, comes news that the permanent A list rapper did the same thing with several of the same girls the former A+ lister is going to jail for, but again, crickets. It is as if there only needs to be one person to do the time for everyone's crimes.

R. Kelly/Jay Z (Ailiyah being one of them)

Blind Item #6

This permanent A+/A list mostly movie actor with multiple franchises is aging and cranky and being a diva which is why the latest installment in one of his franchises just got pushed back an entire year.

Blind Item #5

The meme actor was still wasted out of his mind from a night of partying when he did morning show appearances today.

Blind Item #4

This A- list rapper is a known homophobe and landed him in hot water. However, while overseas, away from what he thought were prying eyes, he hooked up with several men. 

Blind Item #3

Speaking of that cult mentioned previously, now that another woman has come forward alleging the accused serial rapist/actor also raped her, when will the A/A- list actor and his wife finally denounce the actor, instead of enabling/supporting him no matter what.

Blind Item #2

This news anchor who made her fame in the morning knew what her co-star was up to with women, because all the women were talking. She just doesn't want to be blamed for not speaking up so pretends everything was rainbows and unicorns. How was she the only woman there not to know?

Blind Item #1

There was a statement of support to IATSE workers and the long hours and low pay they have endured. Although, it is nice of the former A/A- list mostly movie actress turned singer to do that, perhaps she would be willing to address the slave labor she enables in that cult.  

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Blind Item #8

This A- list actress has been acting since she was a kid and spilling tea to me since not long after. She said this HGTV star and his actress girlfriend smiled pretty for the cameras but kept their distance from each other during an event this week.

Blind Item #7

This A- list actress/producer/director from an acting family screamed at a reporter when he dared asked her about James Franco last night.

Blind Item #6

One reason why this A+/A list dual threat married actor who is an Oscar winner/nominee wanted out of a hit show is the husband of the woman he was hooking up with during filming. Apparently he found out and stalked last season's set with a gun. 

Blind Item #5 - Reader Blind - Kindness

Of all the directors I’ve met at repertory screenings, this retired foreign-born director who was A-list in the ‘90s, was the greatest with the fans in the audience. After a sold-out screening of his mid-90s adventure blockbuster, he spent over a half hour in the lobby signing autographs and taking pictures with anyone who wanted them. And that was after he spent even longer taking questions from the audience.

Blind Items Revealed #4

October 8, 2021

The long running bar star should probably keep a closer eye on her significant other. It sounds like he is moving towards regifting again.

Lala Kent

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 8, 2021

This two first named A list TikTok star has been sending naked photos and videos of herself on a near daily basis to this part-time reality star adjacent to the big reality family. The reality star recently became single and this TikTok star who has been in multiple controversies wants to be the replacement.

Ava Louise

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 8, 2021

This former A+ list singer/songwriter who is A- list, is finally ready to talk about her former musical partner and how he groomed her from when she was 14 or so and he was in his mid 20's. They made a lot of great music together, but she finally managed to break free and realize what their relationship was.

Alicia Keys

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 8, 2021

Yet another monthly magazine with yet another article admiring the time and effort for this foreign born A- list dual threat actor and how he managed to transform himself. No matter what word salad is said in his interview or any of the other superheroes, it is always steroids and PED's. Always. There is not enough time to do it any other way. Eventually the DEA is going to come after all the doctors handing out these drugs in exchange for junkets and movie premiere tickets, and of course the money. 

GQ/Kumail Nanjiani

Blind Item #4

Speaking of coke, this pint pint sized foreign born/B+ list actress who has a new movie coming out in which she stars with an Oscar winner, was doing lines with a married producer last night who somehow kept sliding his hand up her dress whenever she bent over to do a line.

Blind Item #3

This former child bride turned porn star was doing lines of coke last night at a party. There was no sign of her live in lover.

Blind Item #2

 I wonder if the one named permanent A list singer knows that her husband pays the sister-in-law seven figures a year to stay quiet about what she knows.

Blind Item #1

This back in the day A- list actress turned lightning rod who is in the news this week celebrity once had a threesome with this dead actor and his celebrity girlfriend turned lightning rod celebrity girlfriend.