Saturday, January 01, 2022

Blind Items Revealed #11

July 21, 2021

It isn't just a movie, it is a marketing vehicle for this worldwide organization . Sure, the studio who made it wants steady expansion into certain markets because of it and higher priority to have their movies be shown in place of others. But really, it is all about getting 1B+ people to spend a whole of money to make rich people richer. You will notice of course during award ceremonies, the rich people get the award first, despite it being won off the backs of the less rich. Despite the biggest stars doing everything they can to placate the leaders of the 1B+ and essentially selling themselves every second to help others get the money, the movie is a no go there. Why? One phone call. Well, one initial phone call followed by several others. The leaders of the 1B+ want four teams in the league. Two in each conference and have devised a plan on how a schedule can be viable. The league says no. They want that money for themselves and not four owners in that country who would get the lion share of fan revenue. There will be no favors until the deal is done. 

NBA/Warner Bros./China/LeBron James/Space Jam: A New Legacy

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