Friday, January 21, 2022

Four For Friday - Bad Behavior

These all involve either drugs or alcohol.

#1 - This B+ list actress who has only really played one role for decades was boozing it hard at the premiere of one of the seasons of the iconic show and ended up puking all over the person in front of her. 

#2 - This A- list actor has vowels to begin his first and last name. He crashed and burned when given a lead in a movie. When he would drink around this foreign born A list mostly movie actress, he would beat her until one night when he passed out, she beat him with an aluminum softball bat. They broke up the next day.

#3 - This B list comic actor who peaked with a series of movies a few years ago would start using drugs and then go to a club and hit on women using his fame and would yell and scream at women if they didn't want to hook up.

#4 - This A- list actress who is an Oscar winner/nominee said she had to lock herself in a bathroom for 36 hours because this former A- list child/teen actor who is known for being bff with someone, went on a meth binge and became violent.

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