Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Today's Blind Items - One Hit Wonder

Several decades ago, this singer hit A list for the briefest of times and sold a bunch of copies of his song. He toured for a couple of years based on that song, but knew the money wouldn't last without another hit. So, he started buying property. Specifically very unique properties around town. He bought buildings, often what looked like houses, but were zoned commercial. Each usually contained a psychic. The way it works is the psychic pays fairly low, or even no rent, but has to give a portion of their earnings to the owner of the building. The owner of the building usually doesn't report the vast amount of money the psychic gives them each month.

Our former singer is huge in this business, but during the pandemic, revenues dropped 90%, and have not risen to their pre pandemic levels. People started using phones. So, our singer has started using these offices as brothels. Oh, there is a psychic there too, but they also double as the madam who is in charge of the 4-5 women working there. Apparently some of the locations have attracted multiple high profile celebrities. 

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