Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Today's Blind Items - Helping Out - Kindness

A few months ago, this barely there celebrity offspring was in a restaurant bathroom. She had immediately gone inside it after arriving at the restaurant with an actor she was kind of dating. In the bathroom, she was crying, and was comforted by a college student who is a waitress at the restaurant. The waitress had no idea who the celebrity was, but could see she was in a lot of pain. The barely there celebrity said she was in the car with the actor about a block from the restaurant when he pulled over and began yelling at her for embarrassing her and that she needed to be a better girlfriend. He didn't hit her, but pulled her hair and shoved her around the front seat and was out of control. He then told her to shut up and stop crying as they pulled up to the restaurant. She wanted to go home, but he told her he arranged for paps to be there, so she better smile.

In the restroom, the waitress told the celebrity she should go home. She would sneak her out the back and have an Uber meet them. The celebrity then asked the waitress to drive her home because she would feel safer. The waitress said she didn't have a car, but would go home in the Uber with the celebrity. That is what they did. The celebrity then paid for the waitress to go back to work. Three days later when the waitress arrived for work, the celebrity was there and gave her the keys to a new car.

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