Saturday, November 05, 2022

Blind Item #8

It is pretty interesting that the leader of the diving rescue group that found the dead missing girl in Nevada so quickly, it made your head spin, has now been arrested and charged with two counts of felonious abuse against a woman in a neighboring state.

Blind Item #7

This former A list teen actress has not done much as an adult. Her daughter is one of the highest paid yachters in the world.

Blind Item #6

This A list daytime actor got kicked in the balls last week by a woman he was hitting on. He had to go to urgent care.

Blind Item #5 - Kindness

This A- list actress with the almost impossible name to pronounce, but not foreign born, is single handedly keeping a foodbank open with her monthly donations of money.

Blind Items Revealed #4

October 29, 2022

Everyone is giving praise to this now dead back in the day A list singer and forgetting the hundreds of 12 and 13 year old girls he raped, some of whom he did with the other dead A list legend. 

Jerry Lee Lewis/Elvis

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 29, 2022

This studio just gave a big middle finger to any victims of their superhero by putting his name forward for award consideration everywhere they can.

Warner Brothers/Ezra Miller

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 28, 2022

To the TikTok star turned actress at an event yesterday was said the statement, "Put some clothes on." - Aging permanent A list actress who comes from an acting family of multiple Oscar winners/nominees.

Jane Fonda/Addison Rae

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 28, 2022

In the Spring, there was a chance, a very small chance to be sure, but a chance that this foreign born A list singer was going to get to star in the musical being made of a Broadway favorite. The summer and early fall ruined any chance at all that the studio would go with an out of the box choice.

Harry Styles/Wicked

Blind Item #4

It didn't take long for this musician from a permanent A- list rock group to realize that and he his wife were going to split, if they continued to live in the middle of nowhere together. She wanted to be back in LA with her friends and drinking buddies, and to have some time away from him. So, they moved back.

Blind Item #3

The political commentator who defended the rapper, is now defending the NBA player accused of similar things, having spotted a much deeper pocketed backup for when the rapper doesn’t close on his purchase of her husband’s website.

Blind Item #2

This actor starred on a long long long running show for the almost network. Renewal there was guaranteed every year. He got a new show on the same channel, and assumed he would get the same automatic renewal. Therefore, he didn't promote the new show and didn't really do any press. He didn't care. So, now coming in last minute and pretending to care about the show, isn't really going to work. The show is a bust, and he will have to find new work and maybe this time he will do some work promoting it.

Blind Item #1

This foreign born permanent A list singer has suffered yet another setback in her health. She is still hopeful for the Spring.

Friday, November 04, 2022

Blind Item #13

You would have thought this not yet old enough to drink American Horror Story actress is A+, the way she was treating fans who wanted a photo of her inside and outside an event.

Blind Item #12

This A- list mostly movie actress is an Oscar winner/nominee and has an unusual name. She was also wasted at an event his week where she was getting paid.

Blind Item #11

While north of the border this week, these two streaming reality stars from the same show who are supposed to be lovers, did act that way on the red carpet. Apparently though, they had a huge fight about money at a restaurant and she told her boyfriend to get a job.

Blind Item #10

I don't know if this A- list actress/director knows there is a private investigator following her, but there is.

Blind Item #9

This A list mostly movie actor is trying to hire his kid's teacher to be his date during award season.

Blind Items Revealed #5 - Anniversary Month

November 20, 2017

American Music Awards

This A list singer looked great and seems so happy. No one could stop talking about the latest girlfriend of her husband though who is an up and coming barely legal country singer. Our A lister just doesn't care any longer I guess.

Kelly Clarkson/Brandon Blackstock (It took her almost three more years to file for divorce)

Four For Friday - Top Four Drug Stories From Vixen - Anniversary Month

These are stories that have not already been shared here.

#1 - When she was still in her teens, this former nighttime soap actor, who had yet to land that role, was always hard up for money. If they wanted to party, they had to get money from somewhere. Usually, they would go to a club, where Vixen would rub up against some rich guy and after a few drinks would offer to get topless for the guy for some money. The actor would go to a gay club and do the same thing.

#2 - She once went out with an actor who has starred in multiple movie franchises. He was very straight laced, but this was during a period when she was doing a lot of blow. She would do it anywhere and he always freaked out when she would do it out in public. One night she was doing it in his car, and he hit a bump and the vial in her hand broke and it went everywhere. He lost his mind. He threw her out of the car, and wondering how he would explain it to the police if he was pulled over. 

#3 - One time she was filming a movie in downtown Los Angeles, and she and her A- list actress co-star were desperate to score. They had no money. Then, they ran into a guy who once had dated the A- list actress and still had a thing for her. The actress "borrowed" $1K from the guy, and promised to come over later that night and sleep with him. The guy died in a car accident that afternoon.

#4 - This latest set of stories came about because of the actor with the book who apparently could never get it up because of all the drugs he took, so she would have to fake how good the sex was, and told his friends how amazing he was in bed.

Your Turn

Wesley Snipes was trending today, so I have to ask, what is your favorite Wesley Snipes movie? What if you can't answer with Blade. I am going with Murder At 1600, but Passenger 57, is a close second.

Blind Items Revealed #4

October 28, 2022

This actress who seemingly is on Netflix all year long on a variety of projects, yelled at the publicist assigned to her for forgetting extra shoes. So, our actress had different outfits for her morning show appearances today, but had to wear the same shoes. She was not happy about it.

Millie Bobby Brown

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 28, 2022

This alliterate reality star is still out there shilling for her ex brother-in-law. I guess her statement, which she didn't even prepare, really didn't mean much.

Khloe Kardashian/Kanye West

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 28, 2022

This foreign born A list singer in a group, continues to cheat on his actress/offspring girlfriend. He is getting much more brazen about it now.

Chris Martin/Dakota Johnson

Blind Item #8

The meme actor threw a drink at a guy at a bar while out of the country. There hadn't been a fight. He just got up and threw the drink at him. Not, the actual glass.

Blind Item #7

There is a big election nearing in a country that has an amusement park that is also in this country. The winner was supposed to be a woman who has long been called the heir apparent. She dropped out after being sexually assaulted, by a man who is now seen as the favorite.

Blind Items Revealed #1 - Kindness

October 28, 2022

This former A list NBA player turned frequent gambler/national television host, stopped into a packed restaurant of maybe 100 people in his home state, and took photos with every single person before, during and after his meal and never stopped smiling.

Charles Barkley

Blind Item #6

Apparently this actor who once starred in an iconic role, decided to get a spray tan in his dressing room at a morning show. The show won't be able to use the room for quite some time. Spray was everywhere.

Blind Item #5

This A- list singer/serial rapist who is best friends with the one named permanent A list singer, didn't rape a woman this past weekend, but did beat up a woman at a bowling alley hard enough where she had to go to the hospital. 

Blind Item #4

One of these days, one of the many women who willingly have children with the host/actor will not sign the take it or leave it child support agreement he hands them. If a couple of them actually retain a lawyer, he would have to pay more than the bare minimum, and it would quickly out a stop to his baby making spree. 

Blind Item #3

I got it. Everyone in town loves taking the shot every week to make you thin. Fine. However, once you get down to skeletal, I don't think you need to take it any longer. Yes, I am looking at you, former A- list singer/actress who has a really lucrative side job.

Blind Item #2

This barely legal foreign born A- list actress confirmed what I told you a year or more ago. She had a very special relationship when she was not of age, with the superhero who is pushing 40 and has a history of relationships with underage girls.

Blind Item #1

The celebrity CEO backtracked quickly on his "free speech" promise for the bird site, once he found out all the advertisers would leave if he allowed hate speech.   Just ask the rapper, who made a hateful tweet this morning, which got nuked within minutes .

Thursday, November 03, 2022

Blind Item #13

Maybe it isn't a reality show, if a scene needs 15 takes to get right. The streaming real estate show is so heavy handed.

Blind Item #12

This barely legal A list TikTok star with multiple millions of followers, was at an event last night and was doing coke like a pro.

Blind Item #11

A barely there celebrity daughter of this long closeted A list actor is a 180 degrees from the actor. She is open and fluid and doesn't care who knows it.

Blind Item #10

This foreign born B+ list actor who started off his acting career in a movie franchise, has been dating an actress for nearly a decade. She is higher on the list. he is also cheating on her.

Blind Item #9

The vaccination rules that were put in place for the bailed on residency of this foreign born A list singer, have been lifted for the one she promises to actually be at this time.

Blind Items Revealed #5 - Anniversary Month

November 19, 2017

This former late night actor turned B+ list mostly movie actor couldn't stop cheating on his wife. Apparently things got out of hand when he started dating an 18 or 19 year old college student.

Bill Hader

Today's Blind Items - Lady Love

I suppose the title could have several meanings. In this case, it is what this permanent A list celebrity called her long time girlfriend. A girlfriend she managed to hide for 40+ years. A girlfriend she managed to hide when our singer was the biggest singer on the planet. There was no one more famous. It was after a horrible marriage to the man who launched her and beat her, and made her A list. She wasn't in the mood for any men. But, especially at that time, things were already stacked against her, so there would need to be secrecy. She found someone, but was always worried someone would discover the secret they shared, which was the deepest of loves. So, in order to keep it secret, she found a lovely man who treats our singer well, and is a great guy. Shortly after the pandemic began, the girlfriend died. It is why our singer has been selling off assets. She is worried that she will die soon, because of her broken heart. In a biography to be published after her own death, the girlfriend is given several chapters.

Your Turn

 What company spams you the most?

Blind Items Revealed #4

October 26, 2022

This acting couple has long relied on the income of the actress to survive. The actor, after making his fame early on in life, became a stay at home husband. Well, when the money ran out, they both had to step up and the A- list couple are willing to do any project for a paycheck.

Sarah Michelle Gellar/Freddie Prinze Jr.

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 26, 2022

To nobody's surprise, one of the few people standing by the rapper is the recently involuntarily retired A list athlete who rapes women, exposes himself at hotel pools, and just lost a hefty lawsuit for assaulting a truck driver that he didn't want to pay for delivering his things.

Kanye West/Antonio Brown

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 26, 2022

This foreign born former A list model, and once the highest priced yachter in the world, has seen enough and is splitting with her going down in flames husband.

Miranda Kerr/Evan Spiegel

Blind Item #8

Apparently the three named singer/muse is completely sober again and is looking really good and talking about music which is something she hasn't been doing for awhile and that she is excited for it. Good for her.

Blind Item #7

How many actors or actresses can you name who you could agree deserve some type of lifetime achievement award. There are certainly enough, where you don't have to give money, and the award to this disgraced former A list actor who is an Oscar winner/nominee.

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 27, 2022

Add a creepy father to the list of the things this barely there celebrity has to work through in her sobriety. The actor father doesn't even take photos like that with his wife.

Delilah Hamlin/Harry Hamlin

Blind Item #6

This reality family is trying to film as much as they can before two of them have to go to jail. They are probably going to have to shoot the Christmas one, a little bit early.

Blind Item #5

Because of her antics, over the past few days, the ex of this A- list actress from multiple movie franchises, wants an investigation conducted by Child Protective Services to see if she should be allowed time with her offspring.

Blind Item #4

If she wasn't paying money, this former dual threat A- list actress all of you know, would have been kicked out of this school. They need the tuition though.

Blind Item #3

 It isn't a good look for the CEO of this concert company to be glorifying domestic violence. 

Blind Item #2

It doesn't look like all of the male models that this fashion icon left bequests for in his will, are going to get anything for all their dirty work he made them perform over the years. He promised them all they would share his fortune. All he had when he died were debts.

Blind Item #1

In light of the whole CBS having to pay a bunch of money because of Les Moonves' behavior, I am reminded of the reason this permanent A list radio host used to have so many porn stars and strippers on his show, back when it was good. They would do the show and then various executives would take them to "lunch."

Wednesday, November 02, 2022

Blind Item #13

How much longer do you suppose the marriage of this A- list comic actor/comedian is going to last if he hasn't had sex with his wife in a year. She only married him for his money.

Blind Item #12

Another day, another forced paparazzi shoot for the A list actor/director set up by his A list everything in her mind celebrity. He is her lap dog at this point.

Blind Item #11

This A- list actress/writer/producer just got some truly awful work done to her face and should never use that plastic surgeon again.

Blind Item #10

This foreign born A+ list reality star in her country, has moved her show to this country. It won't take long for the press here to talk about the incest in her family the press in her country were not allowed to print.

Blind Item #9

Unless both of them are using lawyers outside of Southern California, the alliterate one and her husband are not splitting. 

Blind Items Revealed #5 - Anniversary Month

November 6, 2017

He can say what he wants about how it was some type of lesson, but the truth is, this former A+ list tweener turned A- list adult a-hole likes keeping his back again girlfriend under control so has her using again already and made her make the buy so he could hold something over her.

Justin Bieber/Selena Gomez

Today's Blind Items - The Drug - Anniversary Month

I need to be clear right upfront that I never actually with my own eyes, saw the actor do what I am about to describe. Several friends of the actor though have relayed to me over the years essentially the same story they each described to me separately. I also don't know if there is causation, but I will lay it out for you and you decide. 

This actor is A- list now, and I have personally seen him do a wide variety of drugs. I have seen him beyond wasted and still try and find someone to take home for the night, even though everyone knew he would be passed out before he made it home. More than one woman has been awakened by him in his living room or guest bedroom in the morning and asked who they are and how they got inside his home. 

His temper is legendary and his cheating is never ending. His actress wife left him because of both. Before he got married though, he was single and always partying and looking for a good time. When he wanted someone that night, he would head for them and many times, he was successful. It was the nights that he was not successful, that the trouble began.

According to those who knew him, in those early years, he would have some coke he kept in a different vial from his regular vial. He called the vial his leg spreader. Two of his friends believed the coke was laced or cut with some kind of medicine used to tranquilize large animals. He got it from a friend who was a vet. He would invite the object of his attention to do some coke with him and within 5 minutes they would be out cold. In the intervening five minutes he would either take them to his bedroom or his car.

The friends know of at least a dozen women that he did this too. No one knows what happened to most of those women, or if there were more. They only know of the dozen or so. The crazy thing is, and this is why the first one reached out, is that all of the ones they know of that are still around, all have developed MS.

Your Turn

 Did you get school lunch or bring it from home?

Blind Items Revealed #4

October 26, 2022

Next time you see this A- list actor from an iconic show, and others, in person, do this. Walk up to him and look at him and then look at the cover of the magazine he is on and then ask yourself if they just used AI for the whole thing of how he wanted to look, rather than how he looks.

Matthew Perry/People Magazine

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 26, 2022

The celebrity CEO is fascinated with this actress from his country who starred on a cable series and its spinoff. Apparently money is no object to him. I wonder if we will see the towel in this relationship or if it will be a no touch baby event.

Elon Musk/Sasha Pieterse/Pretty Little Liars

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 26, 2022

Apparently, what has brought on all this hate from the A list "singer" towards the A- list singer/actress is the husband of the "singer" hit on the singer/actress a few days after the wedding.

Britney Spears/Selena Gomez

Blind Item #8

One of the people this foreign born A list singer bypassed in the 90 minute line was one of the prosecutor's in her case, along with her children.

Blind Item #7

This A- list celebrity who sits outside the entertainment world, but who all of you know, went straight from the bed of her married lover to the Glamour Magazine awards yesterday. 

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 26, 2022

This alliterate judge show is a mess and about to be canceled. 

Chrissy's Court

Blind Item #6

Apparently the hard to spell model had a little fling with the about to be single QB. How is that everyone who hooks up with the A list actor also hooks up with the QB. 

Blind Item #5

This A/A- list mostly movie actress who is an Oscar winner/nominee, regrets doing a movie, not because of the box office, but because of the affair she had with her co-star which led to the end of his marriage.

Blind Item #4

No apology from the love her or hate her celebrity about stealing. Nothing. This is why everyone hates celebrities. 

Blind Item #3

This closeted pay cable actor must think he has a good shot at being James Bond, because every thread on a popular gay themed website about his sexuality, has been removed. Interesting. 

Blind Item #2

While promoting his new podcast starring one of his former child co-stars, this actor, who has been in the business since he was a child, hasn't denied the fact that he used to hook up with his three named co-star when they starred on a network show. She expected him to keep it a secret. 

Blind Item #1

This meth head who used to be an A- list tween/teen singer, has been purchasing his guns illegally from the husband of a pseudo employee who sticks around for the commission payoff that is never going to happen.

Tuesday, November 01, 2022

Blind Item #13

Apparently some supplements this A- list actress shills for, nearly killed her. She is still shilling them though.

Blind Item #12

A woman is suing this gay rapper for allegedly giving her a STD. 

Blind Item #11

This A list singer got into a huge fight with her controlling husband about what she wanted to wear for Halloween. He is such an a-hole.

Blind Item #10

This A- list actress who somehow lucked into an Oscar win/nomination very recently, is cheating on her significant other.

Blind Item #9

Congratulations to the NBA for rewarding the serial cheater/sexual harasser with a super high profile gig. Tis the holiday season, and I guess you don't see anything wrong with it. 

Blind Items Revealed #5 - Anniversary Month

November 3, 2017

Hmm, so that A- list singer/B+ list actor who has that Oscar thing going for him is not so much worried about what women are saying about him, but what he did with women with that banned photographer. They had many sessions with women which he is probably desperately hoping never see the light of day. Most of those sessions were captured by video cameras.

Jared Leto/Terry Richardson

Today's Blind Items - The Bookstore - Anniversary Month

Way back when there was still a Borders in LA, I was in it one day in the cookbook section of all places. I love to eat and I love to cook. There was a young woman who came into the section. I was seated on the floor, because there were no chairs. A couple of minutes later, she was seated a few feet away and we started talking about recipes and books and magazines we liked and had a really great conversation.

Fast forward a few weeks later and I am at some party, and the same woman walks up to me and asks if I ever made the recipe we had been discussing. I told her I was going to do it the next day, as a matter of fact and we chatted for five or ten minutes, and she went on her way. The person I was with asked me when I had become such good friends with this at the time A- list actress on a network show that ended way too early.

Over the years we would run into each other and always had time for each other. It was a few years after our initial meeting, that I started a long time feud with this model/terrible actress, who really does not like me because she overheard me calling her thirsty, which she is. Well, the model turned actress suddenly started working with my bookstore friend. And, being the thirsty person she is, she started hanging out with the much more famous actress. 

It was during one of those hang out sessions, that I happened to run into the two of them at a lunch place and the actress insisted on me joining them. Of course I accepted, if only to see the model/actress' look for the entirety of the meal. She had no idea I was friends with the actress. 

Your Turn

 I read an article today that because of inflation, that pizza may be a substitute for turkey on Thanksgiving. I get having a substitution, but would yours be pizza?

Blind Items Revealed #4

October 25, 2022

The last holdout in the reality family is also getting her fake butt removed.

Kylie Jenner

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 25, 2022

This former A- list actress from an acting family, finally harassed enough people to the point they are going to give her a chance at a home based reality show.

Zooey Deschanel

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 25, 2022

It was supposed to be an outing for her kids, but somehow this former A list singer solo and in a group turned judge, brought in a hair/makeup person and a photographer while onlookers laughed at her.

Gwen Stefani/pumpkin patch

Blind Item #8

This musical based on a movie which was based on a true story, is getting a chance on late night television to get an audience, but the show is closing the week after Christmas.

Blind Item #7

It wasn't the fans of his show that forced this streaming teenage actor out of the closet. It was the relationship he was having with another guy that turned sour and that guy told his story to an internet outlet who was going to publish everything.

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 25, 2022

This married A/A- list actress once again used the apartment of her former co-star while out of town. He was there too.

Kerry Washington/Tony Goldwyn

Blind Item #6

The celebrity CEO certainly set out to do what he accomplished with his outfit. Get people talking about the Illuminati. 

Blind Item #5

As much as the family is trying to will it to be, the A list actor who is an Oscar winner/nominee is not going to hook up with the barely there celebrity offspring of barely there celebrities. Just because they attend the same party does not make them a couple.

Blind Item #4

It was just last week, that this murdered rapper reached out to his bandmate, to try and fix things, and the bandmate, who is living off his girlfriend, and should want to do new music, refused to take his call and blocked the number when he tried to text. I wonder how he feels now.

Blind Item #3

This comic is A- list and she has also been a co-creator of multiple network shows. She is a huge enabler of horrific behavior from male comics. There she was last night, sitting along side the comic who rapes underage girls. She was having a great time with him.

Blind Item #2

Proving once again that this love her or hate her A list celebrity is not worth our time or attention or respect, she did something awful once again. She pretended to cooperate with a small baking company, but in reality, stole all their recipes and then passed them off as her own.  

Blind Item #1

With the very recent announcement by this A+ list singer, it confirms that her reason for not wanting to perform at a huge event with the billionaire foreign born one named singer, was a lie. Why wouldn't she want to share the stage with the one named singer? 

Monday, October 31, 2022

Blind Item #13 - Halloween Blind

This band back in the 70's actually did what bands were always accused of - invoking Satanic progressions and harmonies. The A list band wrote the song about a ghostly figure who appeared after being summoned via a book about the occult.

Blind Item #12

Speaking of Halloween parties, at the one hosted by a really expensive liquor, this streaming real estate agent was with her significant other, but hitting on a very rich guy super hard. 

Blind Item #11

Every year I always hope people will finally come around and boycott the Halloween party of this groomer/trafficker who was the number one supplier of young men to the disgraced director. I would think the alliterate former actor turned best selling author who needs to keep parents happy to keep generating book sales, would know better. I would hate for parents to stop buying those books because he can't stop going to the parties of a groomer.

Blind Item #10 - Halloween Blind

Speaking of serial killers, this foreign A list band wrote a song about one of the more famous serial killers of all time.

Blind Item #9 - Halloween Blind

This serial killer was such a huge fan of a foreign A list band, that he left behind a hat with the band's logo at a crime scene. He has forever been linked to them since.

Blind Items Revealed #5

October 6, 2022

Ever since this late night talk show host was turned down for sex by a producer of a daytime talk show, the late night host has been on a personal crusade to trash the daytime show whenever possible.

Andy Cohen/The Talk

Today's Blind Items - Death Watch

This former journalist turned prisoner, has survived multiple assassination attempts. He knows his only hope of surviving hinges on a ruling not about whether he will be forced to come to this country, but whether or not all the information in a laptop is released. A laptop that was being used to funnel nearly a half million documents to the journalist. The owner of that laptop died under very controversial circumstances. If the government is not forced to hand over the documents, the journalist thinks he will have a chance to live. If the documents are handed over, he knows he will be killed before any can be released to the public. This is especially so because of the actions of the diplomat, finally being brought to "justice." She was forced to do so, and now the foreign government needs to play ball. He knows he is on a death watch and if the kill order is given, no one will step in to protect him.

Your Turn

 Do you wear a costume on Halloween?

Blind Items Revealed #4

October 24, 2022

The A- list actor didn't just post something about this anniversary on social media, he also sent the family flowers and a card. I am also pretty sure he was hooking up with the restauranteur while dating his wife, at least for the first few months.

Alec Baldwin/death of Halyna Hutchins/Sarma Melngailis/Hillary

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 24, 2022

Look for the A+ list singer to quietly stab the music producer in the back prior to her next original album. She knows how to read the room.

Taylor Swift/Jack Antonoff

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 24, 2022

It is kind of crazy that there are two superheroes and a current/former?? villain in this universe who have now been accused of questionable interactions with underage females. Maybe if R Kelly ever gets out of jail, they will hire him.

Ezra Miller/Henry Cavill/Jared Leto/DC

Blind Item #8

It is the biggest Halloween party in town. So, of course the north of the border A- list singer, attended. He thought he was being clever hiding the man he brought with him from photos. Too many people with too many cameras and too many videos. I'm sure there must be a few that show how close the pair are.

Blind Item #7 - Halloween Blind

This permanent A list singer wrote a song with a state's name in the title that is about a real life serial killing couple.

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 24, 2022

When the alliterate one went shopping this weekend, staff members were instructed to not speak to her. Come on. You were on a bad cable show and probably would be hoping to get a Dancing With The Stars gig or a judging slot on Chopped if you hadn't married who you did. Stop.

Meghan Markle

Blind Item #6

This American Pie actress continues to make horrible decisions when it comes to the plastic surgeons she hires. At this point, it is only luck if someone recognizes her.

Blind Item #5

This married A list comic actor who mostly works for a streaming service, is being much more careless about his affairs.

Blind Item #4 - Halloween Blind

This foreign heavy metal rock group, definitely hit A list. Their first great song was about a sailor who kills an albatross and what happened to him because of it.

Blind Item #3

The alliterate talk show host is fine. Her detractors, which include anyone associated with her ex, spend all their time, trying to make her look bad.

Blind Item #2

The husband of the permanent A list "singer" is living with a female police officer.

Blind Item #1

I told you before the song was released that it wasn't that great. Now, it is falling down the charts. Unless you spend millions of dollars promoting something, or just have a serious bop, the days of the foreign born A list singer or probably over on the pop charts. This holds true for the one named A list singer from this country too.

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Blind Item #8

This on again off again boy bander who is also A- list solo, just looked at his phone the entire night at dinner with his actress wife, who also did nothing, but look at her phone. She also ate about two bites of food from something that cost about $200 and didn't even bother taking it home. 

Blind Item #7

This foreign born actor will never be the highest on the list in his family has started a regimen of "supplements" for his new role, and six months from now will not be recognizable. 

Blind Item #6

This actor used to be a big deal when he was a part of this coming of age/debauched movie franchise. Now, he has to hustle to stay famous and working. He does get a lot of jobs, just not super high profile. Anyway, he and his significant other have been known to have a very open relationship, but I don't think she knows about a woman he hooked up with from a show. He always tells her to stay quiet.

Blind Item #5

Well, at least we know this time around, this foreign born former A list singer won't get cheated on by her soon to be husband with other women.

Blind Items Revealed #4

October 1, 2022

This former late night actress was at The Comedy Store this week trying to make up for lots of bad behavior. She was seen in the hallway hugging the booker who everyone knows she hates but I guess after her Comedy Central show tanked she might just yet be turning humble although she ran the light in both rooms she went up in which is the #1 no no for all of the other comics to see a comic who’s most recent project and in her case projects have bombed.

Leslie Jones

Blind Items Revealed #3

October 4, 2022

The ex of the royal pedophile thought they would be getting remarried once the mom died. Is she in for a surprise. Will she retaliate? Will she talk about how at least one of the kids was forced to spend time alone with the dead pedophile in exchange for much needed money?

Sarah Ferguson/Prince Andrew/Queen Elizabeth/Jeffrey Epstein

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 5, 2022

Just as I told you repeatedly, for months and months, the celebrity CEO signed a binding contract, the crap he invented trying to escape was not going to work, and he was going to end up owning the bird company.   A hedge fund friend of mine, whom you all know, is very happy right now.  

Elon Musk/Twitter

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 6, 2022

The permanent A list "singer" wants to start an OnlyFans but make it free for everyone. Oh, and she is hooking up with two people who are not her husband. One has signed a NDA but the other has not and is trying to sell tips and stories to tabloids.

Britney Spears

Blind Item #4

This former child/tween star turned A list television director turned sexual harasser, used to direct a very popular sitcom a lot. Then one day he just stopped directing it. He had been directing multiple episodes each season. Apparently there were just too many complaints from female extras. 

Blind Item #3

 Speaking of A listers, this former NFL receiver, who went off the deep end, says that his former married QB had two women who would alternate staying the night. 

Blind Item #2

 More stories coming out about the former A list television actor. One of his more famous non acting exes, said he forced her into threesomes she didn't want to do.

Blind Item #1

This former late night actor is using again. Apparently, things are pretty bad. He had been doing really well because he didn't want to be a member of the 27 club.