Saturday, December 03, 2022

Blind Item #8

There is a social media account acting as an intermediary between fans of this A+ list singer and ticket resellers. It is such a scam. The account makes it seem like it is fan to fan selling. It isn't. They imply there is barely a markup on the tickets. That is not true. What they are doing is "qualifying" people by seeing who will pay the most and then keeping a huge fee for really doing nothing.

Blind Item #7

This foreign born A+ lister is playing at the tournament in the homophobic country. A few months ago, he took a big step out of the closet when who he was dating, became public knowledge.

Blind Item #6

This now retired permanent A+ list tennis player thought there would be no damage if she was photographed hanging out with the designer clothes wearing/Anti-Semitic enabling reality stars. Nope. A potential deal has already been pulled.

Blind Item #5

This A list NFL QB is a sex symbol. He also had a very big injury very early in his career. He is cheating on his girlfriend so much, there is no way she doesn't know, but doesn't want to break up. The same thing is being played out in that town that got a massive snow dump a few weeks back with their QB.

Blind Items Revealed #4

November 24, 2022

It is pretty funny that within 24 hours of the one named A- list actress posting that iconic thirst trap photo, that the PR team of her "boyfriend" release a barrage of messaging about how they can't wait to get married and start a family.

Zendaya/Tom Holland

Blind Items Revealed #3

November 23, 2022

This infamous celebrity is really playing with fire and deportation with some of the things she has been doing.

 Anna Sorokin/Anna Delvey 

Blind Items Revealed #2

November 23, 2022

Apparently Kneepads has decided the man who killed his pregnant wife and two kids is a sexy killer and they get a lot of clicks when they show him not in a prison cell or his mugshot, but rather perpetuate him as some sort of guy who didn't kill his family and is the kind of guy you want to spend Thanksgiving with. It is pretty sick.

People/Chris Watts

Blind Items Revealed #1

November 22, 2022

Just like I told you at the beginning of the season, the TikTok star was guaranteed a spot in the semi-finals and then it was up to her. The same deal was given to the college scandal celebrity but everyone made a big deal of it, so she got paid like a semi-finalist, but didn't get the guarantee because no one wanted to know the fix could be in on the show. 

Dancing With the Stars/Charli D’Amelio/Olivia Jade Giannulli

Blind Item #4

Speaking of QB's, this west coast one who will be injured for at least another week, wants to retire. 

Blind Item #3

This permanent A list QB refuses to get the surgery that would help him, because he no longer believes in traditional medicine. Someone should sit him down and discuss Val Kilmer and how all that worked out for Val.

Blind Item #2

Not only is this former Teen Mom doctor shopping for her own addiction, she is also selling pills to help support herself.

Blind Item #1

This A+/A list singer is being cheated on by her husband. I think she is afraid to divorce him or tell him she wants a divorce.

Friday, December 02, 2022

Blind Item #13

There is obviously a former Housewife on OnlyFans, along with her daughter. There is a current Housewife who has posed nude with her daughter and a former Housewife, who used to take almost naked photos of her underage daughter to see if any men would be interested in taking her photo in lingerie.

Blind Item #12

The love her or hate her A list celebrity/recipe stealer was trying to get people out of the way last night so she could take selfies at the State dinner she attended. She had to make the night about herself.

Blind Item #11

You would think the alliterate reality star would know on her own to not wear the troubled designer this week. Nope. Fully on board and proudly wearing it.

Blind Item #10

This foreign born one named permanent A list singer, did a line of coke and had sex with her baby daddy in a restaurant bathroom last night.

Blind Item #9

 The thirsty wife of this A list actor showed off some really bad Botox and fillers last night.

Blind Items Revealed #5

November 22, 2022

The former A+ list tween/teen actress/singer turned A- list adult singer really feels like the former late night actor, in her words, did her dirty last year and made her look foolish. Perhaps that is why he was excluded this year from what will be a mainstay for at least the next five years on the end of the year holiday.

Miley Cyrus/Pete Davidson/New Year's Eve Party

Four For Friday - Good People - Kindness

#1 - This A- list actress has spent so much time overseas and playing foreign based roles, you would think she is foreign born. She isn't. She starred on one of the most iconic shows of all time that was also a movie. There is also a lot of fan fic written about her. She has a scholarship fund that pays for private school for about 100 kids a year at this point, and it just grows every year.

#2 - This A- list actor/game took a bunch of money he thought he would never get back and pays for rec centers to stay open and have staff and provide food, so kids have a place to go after school.

#3 - This A+ list actress gives away 85% of the profits that she makes from all of her non acting endeavors to charity. The other 15% she gives to the employees. She makes tens of millions of dollars a year outside of acting.

#4 - This A- list actor/voice over guy/serial cheater who does not go commando and does not do sports voice overs, builds houses for the homeless, almost every weekend.

Your Turn

 Have you ever played BINGO? Like gone out and played  BINGO for money?

Blind Items Revealed #4

November 22, 2022

With certain photos she posts to social media, the thirsty wife of the A list actor/killer must know that she will be attracting some of the worst predators out there, but she keeps doing it anyway. It is kind of like she wants her very own Wren Elanor.

Hillary Baldwin/Alec Baldwin

Blind Items Revealed #3

November 22, 2022

Apparently the foreign born singer didn't like that she only had one butler on call at her hotel suite, so moved to the place down the street where she could have a team of four to boss around and wait on her. Oh, and she didn't tip the one she had before leaving, so the new team should also expect nothing.


Blind Items Revealed #2

November 22, 2022

I don't know why anyone is surprised now to learn that the permanent A list "singer" is in a care plan. I have been telling you this from the day the conservatorship ended, that there was a plan in place and the same non relative person running it. The same person who was at the wedding. 

Britney Spears/Jodi Montgomery

Blind Item #8

I told the foreign born former A+ list celebrity/porn star in her country to break up with her drug dealing/abusive boyfriend years ago. Instead, now he is looking to make a buck off the numerous sex tapes he has made of them.

Blind Item #7

The A- list singer/actor is recruiting for his cult this week and already has a dozen or so that are waiting to be shipped out to his compound.

Blind Items Revealed #1

November 22, 2022

If you think the accent on the podcast is bad, you should see the alliterate one in action in town. It comes on heavy and for only being in country a short while, she sure does have a lot of the aristocratic, mannerisms and interactions with people. Most people she encounters are treated as socially inferior to her as only the royal system does.

Meghan Markle

Blind Item #6

The former Housewife couldn't get her daughter an invitation to the A list actor's yacht party, so I guess as much as she wanted the world to think they are going out, they are not.

Blind Item #5

I wonder if the explicit videos the rapper was sharing at the shoe company were of his wife with the former A list NBA player, who is taking the night off work tonight.

Blind Item #4

It is not shocking at all that this alliterate former A list reality star with multiple very popular shows to his credit is cheating on his current wife. If she didn't see that coming with this very very extensive track record to his wives, then I don't know what to say. Wait until you see who he is cheating with though. That one is going to blow your mind.

Blind Item #3

In this space, several times I have told you this foreign born permanent A list host/judge/producer is fighting a deadly prognosis. Things are not looking great for him.

Blind Item #2

Apparently the late night grooming fest is continuing with this current late night actor in his mid 40's who is still technically married, is living with a barely legal teen. Do we think they met before she was legal?

Blind Item #1

This political commentator / influencer very active on social media has been getting called out repeatedly this week for his friendship with the sex cult actress, and he has not been coping well. 

Thursday, December 01, 2022

Blind Item #13

This recently deceased singer was in one of the world's most successful bands and also dabbled in moderately successful solo work. In the late 80s, a friend of mine found her lost dog and when she and her husband came to get it, they acted like zombies. They took the dog with zero expressions on their faces, not even a thanks. It was bizarre.

Blind Item #12

Even with a family member accompanying him out of town, this married permanent A list action actor managed to hook up with his long time girlfriend who he flew in separately.

Blind Item #11

A foreign born professional wrestler turned politician claims to have broken Wilt Chamberlain's record of sleeping with 20,000 women. Coincidentally, his exit from politics was forced by a sex scandal in which he was alleged to have used government accommodations to host a threesome with a pornographic film actress and a female government employee.

Blind Item #10

I think the former pro soccer player should remember how he got into the relationship with the anchor in the first place. An affair. He didn't think that could happen again?

Blind Item #9

You know that mom is sitting in jail right now, wondering if her trying to short change the cartel is the reason those four kids are dead. Decapitation is super personal and sending a message.

Blind Items Revealed #5

November 21, 2022

With the huge push as of late to remind everyone she is with/married to/lives with the foreign born A+ list mostly movie actor, he must have threatened to leave the former B+ list actress again. 

Eva Mendes/Ryan Gosling

Today's Blind Items - Questions

This foreign born comic actor used to be much bigger here in the US. At one point it looked as if he had clearly broken through here, but then his career, at least here, seemed to falter pretty quickly and even his very high profile relationships with A+ list comic/comic actors couldn't really help him. Why? It maybe had to do something with his long term relationship/friendship with the disgraced molesting DJ. Not everything the DJ did was quiet, and this comic was a little more than just friends with the DJ. There has also always been the question of whether he has a celebrity offspring. He doesn't acknowledge her, because to do so, he would have to admit getting the celebrity's mom pregnant when the mom was not even old enough to drive. See, he does have a lot in common with the DJ. He is also a very outspoken supporter of a cult that also shares their name with a college moniker/nickname. That cult has been accused of all forms of occult rituals. I also found it very interesting that he chose to live in foreign countries until his bff assumed the throne.

Your Turn

Do you know anyone who died of AIDS?

Blind Items Revealed #4

November 21, 2022

The serial woman beater/drug addict/serial sexual assaulter didn't get the chance to perform the tribute to the child molester last night, but the organization kept up their part of the deal and gave him the award to honor him for being such a role model to others, except for half the population, and those who don't like to support men who commit violence against women. 

Chris Brown/Michael Jackson/American Music Awards

Blind Items Revealed #3

November 21, 2022

The in his words, soon to be retired director is lying through his teeth when he didn't know the disgraced producer was sexually assaulting women. 

Quentin Tarantino/Harvey Weinstein

Blind Items Revealed #2

November 21, 2022

The biggest buzz last night at this "award" show is just how unrecognizable this A list country singer is when you see her in person. The amount of work done to her face has been extensive.

American Music Awards/Carrie Underwood

Blind Item #8

Speaking of escorts, this former bar star is coordinating several of them in return for a fee.

Blind Item #7

I don't know where he is getting the money, but this newly sentenced reality star is throwing money at escorts every night.

Blind Items Revealed #1

November 20, 2022

The former reality star who has a husband in jail for sex crimes against kids, has been hooking up with another guy who isn't even in her religion.

Anna Duggar

Blind Item #6

The ex of this alliterate former talk show host, needs to stop living in the past where he exploited his wife for a paycheck of his own and took a lot of hers. He needs to get a job and stop trying to make a buck off the former host.

Blind Item #5

It is not lost on the world that the working couple flew commercial and the non working alliterate one flew private. The non working one also demanded more security than the half dozen personnel on hand to meet her.

Blind Item #4

This A- list mostly movie actor has been acting since he was a Disney tween. He has been running loose in LA which is never a good thing. The whole priestly method acting bit is done, and he is letting off steam. I hope his wife stays far away from him. 

Blind Item #3

This A- list mostly movie actress who stars in three franchises, is complaining that she is in franchises and can't do any real acting. I'm sure those movie bosses were just thrilled to hear her say that. I think there is also a reason why she isn't offered lead roles outside the franchises, and it has nothing to do with the franchises. 

Blind Item #2

I know everyone thinks the celebrity CEO removed the three child po*n hashtags from his social media site. This is not true.

Blind Item #1

The reality star being accused of rape, didn't actually commit the rape. The story is fake.

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Blind Item #13

This long time Housewife is going to go broke supporting her new husband. he spends money way faster than she can earn it.

Blind Item #12

The too far to travel for such a short visit, doesn't really fly when the alliterate one was 80% of the way there anyway.

Blind Item #11

Apparently the permanent A list actress has decided since it is not going to hurt her career to not say anything about the designer, she just won't say a word about it and keep cashing those checks.

Blind Item #10

This A- list singer is in danger of dropping to B+ list and being dropped by her label. She really needs to think about dropping her boyfriend before he causes all of her bad habits to resurface. She has been doing well.

Blind Item #9

This former talk show host, whom the former A++ lister convinced to give up his high-paying gig to run for the A-list political office, just got rejected for his old job.  

Blind Items Revealed #5 - Anniversary Month

January 29, 2018

Grammy Awards

This former A- list rapper who also is a former A- list actress now has another gig. She was telling people last night her marriage sucks and that she didn't think her husband would cheat on her as much as he does.


Today's Blind Items - The Story - Anniversary Month

It is a tale you hear around town, but always think of it as a tale. You think to yourself there is no way that something like that could possibly be true, and then you realize it is Hollywood, and there are some very sick people in this town. A lot of people had to sign off on a lot of things in that Balenciaga thing. 

An open secret in town was that this A/A- list comic actor had raped and killed someone back in the day. Everyone talked about it, but it was a joke right? I mean he was publicly roasted and it was mentioned several times and people just laughed and laughed. Is it true though? Did he really rape and kill someone? Here is what I have found out. No, he didn't kill anyone. The person in question is dead, but there is no way he would have the capability to pull that death off. From what I have been able to figure out is that a couple of years prior to making it really big, the comic actor starred on a very short lived series. It was a reboot of a show that aired a decade or two earlier. The reboot did not do well. The reboot was filmed on the same lotas another show which was probably going to be a hit. That show was produced by some people who have some very powerful connections. That being said, this is not where this story is headed. I just think it is a very interesting coincidence.

Our actor took a shine to a teen shooting on the new show and and would invite her to watch him shoot and he would invite himself to her set and watch her film. This teen was already very well known and adult supervision was minimal. Our actor started sexually assaulting her on a fairly consistent basis for about a month. It would have probably gone on longer, but the teen was killed. The belief is that over the years, the story has changed. Yes, there was a girl raped. Yes, there was a girl killed. It is just that the actor didn't do the killing.

Your Turn

 A band you wish you would have seen in person and never did.

Blind Items Revealed #4

November 19, 2022

The foreign born A- list singer solo and in a group has always been a next level a-hole. Even his biggest fans will completely agree with that. If you saw him the first night on tour, you got to hear him sing a song he hasn't in well over a decade and which I know at least one band have named themselves after. Anyway, he said singing it cursed him which is why he bailed on his LA show after such a brief show. Why do we put up with him?

Morrissey/The Smiths/Girl In A Coma

Blind Items Revealed #3

November 19, 2022

I guess we know why the A list actor settled with the victim's family prior to the police report coming out. He still screwed them over in that deal too. 

Alec Baldwin/Halyna Hutchins

Blind Items Revealed #2

November 19, 2022

This streaming service is ready to pay for their two leads to win the Golden Globes in their categories, even though they are not the front runners. The male lead, who is a foreign born alliterate A- list actor, laughed when a colleague asked if he would stay home & support a boycott.

Hulu/Lily James/Sebastian Stan/Pam and Tommy

Blind Item #8

The owner of a soccer team who, through his daughter bought one of the most famous islands in the world from one of the most famous last names in the world, is responsible for the latest crypto death. It is definitely not his first or last. This is the same man who bought a house where one of the biggest criminals in the world was murdered.

Blind Item #7

Over the last decade, I can't even begin to count the number of times this A- list actress has told some version of a story where she used to be mean but has completely changed. She really hasn't. The same people say the same things about her on every set she walks on to and she has burned so many bridges because of it.

Blind Items Revealed #1

November 18, 2022

Remember two things. There was a way to make sure bots didn't buy the tickets and could have said no to dynamic pricing. Both of those solutions would have cut into the bottom line. Because you know that bottom line needs padding. How many records and how much money does one person need?

Taylor Swift

Blind Item #6

As I have told you numerous times, each big new signee to the streaming platform, gets some kind of "record" they can then publish in the trades and frame in their office. None of it is true of course, but it makes people like the A list mostly movie director feel huge, so the streamer is happy to oblige. The new show is great. But even if it sucked, he was still going to get the same announcement. 

Blind Item #5

This former reality star turned manufactured singer, suddenly has a lot more money to spend on her publicity than she did a few months ago. She must have found a new 80 year old out in the desert to milk for funds.

Blind Item #4

This A list show runner/actor/director/movie producer seemingly only hires thirsty men from IG, who he thinks he can have sex with or admire. He definitely will harass.

Blind Item #3

This A list NFL QB was able to hide his PED use, but this year, has been subject to a lot of extra testing, and his performance sucks as a result.

Blind Item #2

There is a lot of buzz around town right now about this on again off again superhero in the DC universe who has apparently angered some guy with whom he shared a bed from time to time. The aggrieved party is talking all kinds of stuff about the superhero, and none of it is good.

Blind Item #1

A day you talk about the divorce settlement is a day you are not talking about the alliterate reality star and her continued endorsement deal with the company who enables and promotes child sex predators. Oh, and the rapper won't pay her any money each month. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Blind Item #13

Speaking of pregnancies, this not old enough to drink yet A list singer is trying to get pregnant by the guy who groomed her for the past several years. That would be a horrible mistake and I hope she realizes the guy is a predator and not a boyfriend.

Blind Item #12 - Old Hollywood

One of the reveals on Black Friday involved this actor who starred on a very popular network show. While he was on the show, he had a mistress who was calling him out every week for him trying to convince her to abort his baby. Every single week of her pregnancy she was in the tabloids calling him out. It was glorious.

Blind Item #11

Just when I have decided I am reaching a new phase in life where I actually like this former A list dual threat actress who talked and argued and quit her way out of A list and into near obscurity, she says something else that is not true about her work history. She always wants to be the victim, but she just left victims in her wake.

Blind Item #10

It is pretty telling that we are now several days into the designer disaster and are discovering even more awful things about the company and the people they hired, but no one in charge of any of those decisions has been disciplined at all. Oh, and the reality star asked for more money from the company to stay on. 

Blind Item #9

This permanent A+ list DJ is criticizing the one named talk show host for showing off her wealth. Is this not the same guy who is known with a nickname that includes a very very expensive and exclusive beach community because of how much he brags about having a home there.

Blind Items Revealed #5 - Anniversary Month

February 28, 2018

It didn't take long for this former A list mostly television actress from an iconic role to hook up with this ex of a former A+ list mostly movie actress who is an Oscar winner/nominee. The ex provides a certain discreet service to actresses who want the sex without the boyfriend.

Jennifer Aniston/Gabrielle Aubrey/Halle Berry

Today's Blind Items - The Mystery - Anniversary Month

I have only been to the backyard of the house and inside the guest house in the back. But, to hear it be told, there is a room in the house of this A list actor's home that is off limits and is rumored to be a dungeon. The actor, who got his start in teen movies before moving on to more adult fare has always been a jerk. He ruined an iconic show with his tantrums and bad moods. When he did have his girlfriend still living in the house, she was never allowed in and she lived there for well over a decade.

The most common answer to what lies in the room are a vast array of electronic gadgets. Our actor is known for his love of tiny cameras and hidden cameras and goes back to a role in which he starred. He has cameras everywhere on his property, but people who have been inside the main house say there are no feeds for those cameras anywhere they have seen. So, those are probably in the room. Apparently he is part of a group that places cameras in public places where no one will see them and also places them in areas where they would not be welcome if discovered. He has been accused of putting them on sets and in trailers on sets and in changing rooms in a mall once. People agree that he is mostly likely part of a group that shares hidden camera feeds 24/7 and that he helps finance people in other areas of the country and world who can put cameras inside places he really wants to see.

Your Turn

 How much of the World Cup have you watched?

Blind Items Revealed #4

November 18, 2022

Just because there is no on air drinking, doesn't mean this late night talk show host isn't going to get plastered while the camera is not on him. He will be even more wrecked because he will be drinking more in shorter amounts of time.

Andy Cohen/CNN New Year's Eve

Blind Items Revealed #3

November 18, 2022

This former A list late night talk show host, set aside their long time feud, and reached out to this injured former A list late night talk show host. The next thing you know they will be doing a special together.

David Letterman/Jay Leno

Blind Items Revealed #2

November 17, 2022

This former hated A+ list reality star who manages to stay in the public eye because of herself and her family will be using a surrogate to start her family. 

Paris Hilton

Blind Item #8

This HGTV star is playing a game of word salad. She was trying to make any money she could off her kid, and wanted a reality show with him in it. 

Blind Item #7

The married permanent A- list musician keeps trying to shoot his shot with his alliterate ex and she is having none of it. The horrible abuse she suffered at his hands is still a very painful memory.

Blind Items Revealed #1

November 17, 2022

In one of the very few nights, he actually spends in his wife's bed, is it the best time to try and go clout chasing by putting her on live? What he is trying to do to the permanent A list "singer" is to get her to go on when she is at her worst, so when he makes aa move, people will sympathize.

Sam Asghari/Britney Spears

Blind Item #6

The alliterate one has a Google alert for her name that she checks every hour like clockwork. Of course she knew about the Housewives rumors and if she hadn't got married to who she did get married to, she would be begging to get on the show and have a steady paycheck.

Blind Item #5

If a Broadway musical based on a movie is struggling to make it, then perhaps it would be a good idea for the lead actor to not miss as many weekends and holidays as he can possibly get away with, but somehow make it to every television appearance the show gets. 

Blind Item #4

Apparently this on again off again female singing group member bragged how wasted she was for a big event today.

Blind Item #3

The child murderer thinks this will lead to book deals and reality shows and increasing her rates she charges guys for yachting.

Blind Item #2

This former A list producer/performer/designer has been plagued by sexual assault and rape issues for nearly a decade. He already had one victim on a Housewives franchise and is actively trying to keep his ex from starring on another. That will just bring out more victims.

Blind Item #1

The rapper whined about IRS problems (after previously saying it was the shoe company), and then stormed off the set of this internet show, once his virulent anti-Semitic beliefs were mildly challenged.  He lasted about 10 minutes before eating strip mall Japanese food in his waders.

Monday, November 28, 2022

Blind Item #13

The Southern reality star has made it very clear on her honeymoon, that she wanted something much more upscale. An overwater bungalow in Bora Bora seems to be her favorite thing to bring up.

Blind Item #12

This barely there celebrity parent to several celebrities, including an A lister, should be careful with the new actor boyfriend. There are some actresses in town who have a tale or two to tell about his behavior.

Blind Item #11

With all of the rumors about her dad, did you really think this permanent A list actress was going to talk about her deal with the fashion house in the news. 

Blind Item #10

This is the first time I can remember that this one named permanent A list singer solo and in a group had any work done to her face. Lots of work to her body, but this is the first time to her face. It didn't turn out well.

Blind Item #9

This A- list actor with the famous name is straight up hitting on yachters now. Just wants easy transactions.

Blind Items Revealed #5 - Anniversary Month

January 29, 2018

Grammy Awards

This foreign born former A list boy bander would never have gone to the awards if they were still in LA. Yes, he was messed up and yes, he looked dope sick during that second party, but he did get out of the house and engage which was probably good for him. Maybe it will convince him to get some help.

Zayn Malik

Today's Blind Items - She Knows

I'm sure if you asked this former A- list singer about it, she would say she doesn't know or doesn't remember or she was so busy at the time, she wasn't paying attention or the drugs have clouded her memory. She knows. She knows that she did nothing to stop an A list actor all of you know, from grooming the singer's child from a very young age. Our singer felt like the tween needed to have the one on one time with the actor to make their bond stronger. He wouldn't do anything to the tween, right? He set the groundwork for later though when the tween became a teen. I'm not sure what our singer was expecting. The actor's own offspring have made it very clear with their associations and friendships, that grooming is totally acceptable. It is exactly because the singer didn't do anything that caused the total breakdown in the parent/child relationship. Our singer knows this, but has always been vague as to reasons why. She knows why.

Your Turn

 Would you rather host a holiday dinner or just be a guest at one?

Blind Items Revealed #4

November 17, 2022

There is a lot of buzz right now about whether there is going to be a biopic about this permanent A list legend, disco and otherwise. The problem is the mogul has some rights that he needs to sign away before it can happen, so there can't be anything he thinks of negative about him in it. 

Donna Summer/David Geffen

Blind Items Revealed #3

November 17, 2022

In the early 1990s this very rich guy who always has his name come up when you are talking about very bad people, was approached by the FBI who informed him that the Calder sculpture he owns, and paid an exorbitant amount of money for, was a fake.  The agents asked if he wanted to file criminal charges against the seller. Without bruising his inflated ego to the denizens of NYC he refused to make a criminal complaint. Now he is trying to offload the faux Calder sculpture along with his other fine pieces of art.

Ronald Perelman

Blind Items Revealed #2

November 16, 2022

I love how the tabloids have already given the A+ list actor/producer cover. We know he has a history of breaking up marriages, but the tabloids are willing to turn a blind eye to this one and have given him yet another free pass.

Brad Pitt

Blind Item #8

The head of this now fallen crypto dynasty knows his name is on the list. He keeps watching the others get picked off one by one.

Blind Item #7

I told you last year that this former reality star offspring of reality stars who had a lot of kids, but not like 20 something of them was thinking about doing OnlyFans. Apparently it is a go. her dad is already counting the money.

Blind Items Revealed #1

November 16, 2022

This former A- list actress/reality star/naked model is the third celebrity to be shot at this week. I wonder what they know.

Denise Richards

Blind Item #6

I have previously written in this space about how the sovereign of this country took a bunch of cash in the whole give them the sporting event scandal. Briefcases and suitcases filled with cash. Why does he still need to keep taking their money? What are you going to do with it? It isn't like you can retire from your job and live on an island somewhere spending it. You already have more money than you will ever need. At some point, it is just straight up greed. is it payments for something that is still going on?

Blind Item #5

The alliterate reality star can have her publicist release all the statements she wants, but she knows about the designer's core group of people, including the designer who sounds like an Austin Powers character. That designer only made her Instagram private a couple of days ago. Prior to that, it was filled with nothing but disturbing images of children being abused and occult references. The reality star is friends with her, and the ex of the reality star is too. So, stop with the pretend shock and outrage.

Blind Item #4

Apparently if you are a closeted actor who has married a woman, but everyone knows you are gay, then you are perfectly acceptable to the actress who makes all the casting decisions of stars at a Christmas television factory.

Blind Item #3

I honestly thought this front man for this A list group would cheat on his wife with another guy. Maybe he did, but it was the actress offspring that was the death knell for the marriage.

Blind Item #2

The singing ex says the celebrity CEO is feeling very Hunter S. Thompson like as of late. That is fine for some gonzo journalist, but is that how you want a CEO of multiple companies?

Blind Item #1

The rapper just hired this disgraced former Internet political commentator, but doesn't know the commentator made numerous social media posts in the past year accusing the rapper of being closeted.

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Blind Item #8

This A- list actor who is best known for multiple television roles in which he starred, has a long and horrible reputation when it comes to women he harasses and dates. Last week he was harassing a woman at a restaurant bar of all places. The woman's boyfriend then came in and knocked the actor out with one punch. Apparently, there is CCTV footage of it and I would love to see it.

Blind Item #7

Speaking of cheating, this A- list actor who had an iconic movie role is cheating on his actress wife. It has been many years since he has done so.

Blind Item #6

This permanent A list stand up comedian/actor is cheating on his current wife. I don't understand why he keeps getting married.

Blind Item #5

This foreign born A- list actress had one franchise which she has starred in for many years. Her resolution this year was to try and find one friend who liked her for her and not because they were an employee. She was asked how it was going and she says she has never been closer to her pets.

Blind Items Revealed #4

November 15, 2022

The only baby this foreign born model will be having with the award hungry A list mostly movie actor would be via surrogate and the best agency has a huge waiting list. They will be long broken up before any baby comes along. I suppose they could try and push their way to the front of an adoption line with a bag of cash. How bad does he want an award?

Irina Shayk/Bradley Cooper

Blind Items Revealed #3

November 15, 2022

Articles make it seem like A+ list athletes lost millions of dollars of their own money in a recent crypto crash. If they are like the foreign born A list tennis player, they had nominal $1000 investments, just to say they were investors and then got paid to promote it. They made a killing through the endorsements of the product that saw you lose everything.

Naomi Osaka/FTX

Blind Items Revealed #2

November 15, 2022

This former almost network vampire has always been know to lie about her age, so I question whether her music video story is true as to her age.

Kat Graham/Starred in Ying Yang Twins video at 14

Blind Items Revealed #1

November 15, 2022

This actress/singer/host/reality star is doing anything for content. How thirsty do you have to be for clicks to tell a story about your pee and a superhero?

Jana Kramer/Chris Evans

Blind Item #4

What is crazy is there are two A list reality stars who knew what the designer photo shoot was going to be and still offered up their own children for the modeling shoot. The kids were turned down, but they offered them up.

Blind Item #3

 This permanent A list model/host has an option on the show she hosts that she hates hosting. She knows the network wants her to just walk away, but she is going to make them pay her entire salary plus some for not showing up.

Blind Item #2

Apparently when this A list mostly movie actor was hooking up with a professor, he also hooked up with one of her students that he met the professor's house.

Blind Item #1

It will be tough for this foreign born permanent A list soccer player to accept the offer that has been made, because his long time male companion would never want to visit.