Thursday, April 13, 2023

Today's Blind Items - The Connection

It is obvious no one will do anything. It is a woman who had no family in this country. She was expendable, and she was used and discarded. I knew the name in the back of my head, but it wasn't until the news broke of who she was sleeping with, that everything clicked. Oh, I know no one is actually saying the singer was hooking up with the manager, but they were. He probably even paid for the drugs. The reason I had heard the name before was she was the other woman that was the final straw in the demise of the marriage of a different A+ list music manager all of you know. That was the name bandied about as the mistress. I know a lot of you like to think it was a Housewife, but come on. That rumor was started by the Housewife herself in hopes of getting him looking at her and getting some of that manager money. I am sure if the layers are peeled back far enough that she was making her living as someone managers could help themselves to in return for drugs and money, and they could all use the cover that she was an aspiring singer they were trying to help.

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