Wednesday, April 05, 2023

Today's Blind Items - The Spell

I have heard the stories from makeup influencers that companies and competitors will often try and hack their phones to steal new looks as their own or just to see what they are working on or who is coming out with a new product. If you find yourself listening to a certain YouTube pastor, he will tell you that he spoke to a "friend" who knew a big makeup influencer and they were convinced that it was actually demons that were hacking their phones looking for secrets. Yeah, so there is that version too. That one sounds like the more interesting version. With that being said, that rumor has been a sort of an urban legend that everyone publicly discounts, but, there are those in the A list makeup influencer world, who always keep it in the back of their mind. They don't believe it, but they are superstitious enough, to not say that out loud. One of those makeup artists who always publicly discounted it while keeping it in the back of her mind is this foreign born A list makeup artist. She is more of a makeup professional rather than an influencer. Obviously, she does a little influencing and selling products, but she deals in big names and actually doing makeup for people. 

The thing is, all of you know her most famous client. Well, former client now because the makeup artist wouldn't go along with a story the client wanted the makeup professional to say publicly. The client was embellishing or lying about something and the makeup artist was willing to go to a certain point, but not beyond that point. Obviously, this caused a huge rift between the pair. The makeup professional is convinced that the client hired someone to cast a spell targeting the makeup professional because her life has been hellish for the past year and everything that could go wrong in her life has. 

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