Saturday, June 03, 2023

Blind Item #6 - Reader Blind

Young Grammy winner and former actress who is making her comeback soon is not the only pop star with boyfriend problems. She is currently in a relationship with a gent who's significantly older than her – late 20s vs her freshly minted entry to that club – that nobody in her inner circle approves of. They met when she was on tour last year and he's worked for her in a certain "protective" capacity ever since. She even bought a second apartment in an always awake east coast hub to be relatively closer to him (not just to make music as she'd like people to believe). They definitely try to be discreet and strictly professional among others but it's obvious to anyone paying attention that they're totally smitten with each other. Her team does not approve of him because of not only the age difference and the fact that he's a normie who's 10 leagues below her, but also because his relationship status only highlights the hypocritical subject matter of her entire debut album. An unreleased song she wrote about him that makes multiple references to the secretive nature of the relationship was even leaked last week but her handlers quickly manufactured a story that it was just a rejected track that didn't make the cut two summers ago. She does have a demonstrated history of dating older men of questionable morality, so at the very least the saga should make for a fabulous sophomore album in the coming weeks.

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