Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Today's Blind Items - The Preacher

 Every so often I check to see if this guy is still alive, and sure enough, he is. He has led a very interesting life. In his corner of the world he was definitely A+/A list. This is about one time, many decades ago when he made the most money I think any pastor has ever made from one service/trip. He pocketed at least ten million dollars which in today's dollars is about $30M for not a lot of work at all. Plus, he made a bunch of money for "expenses" to take the trip and then passed the offering plate so probably got more money from that too. 

Like most preachers who were on television at the time, he also got busted cheating several times, but not on this trip that made him so much money. I think because of the trip that people wanted to get back at him and he was busted not that long after the trip. On this trip overseas he was bashing a group of people based on their race, but whenever he wasn't preaching he was having full on orgies with that race and had several members of his video team shooting porn almost nonstop involving these women who really didn't have any money. It felt very much like paying the UN girls $1 that you heard so much about at the time. Our preacher shot nearly 100 hours of porn on the trip. It covered every kind of sexual activity you could think of and things you probably can't. When he got back home, he hired people just to edit the videos and turn them into scenes that he could then share with his friends. He would have them come over and watch the videos and then preach the next day or had preached earlier in the day. A lot of people were disgusted which is why someone told on him about the affairs he was having. I hadn't thought of any of this in years, but apparently the tapes still exist. He had them transferred to DVD many years ago and has a ton of other self produced porn he has made over the years too.

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