Wednesday, June 07, 2023

Today's Blind Items - The Teacher

 In this space, I have often discussed the flowering financial institution (AA) and her love of spells and witchcraft and dark magic and voodoo. She brags when her spells end up in the death of people (BB) and she has taught many people her spells. She brags about the spell she cast on the celebrity CEO (CC) which earned her so much money and quickened the demise of his relationship with the one named singer (DD). The spells of the flowering financial institution pale in comparison to a celebrity (EE) who is older and taught her tricks and craft to dozens of devotees. I say dozens, because they are the truly devoted who continue the practices. The celebrity actually has taught several hundred over the years. The celebrity was teaching a group of women and one of the women was skeptical about the power and asked EE if she could harm someone who was causing damage in the woman's life. Apparently her significant other was cheating on her with a one named singer (FF). EE cast a spell and three days later the one named singer was dead. That news spread like wildfire in the community and EE became revered for what she had done. There was an actress (GG) who was tired of working. She made it to almost A list and wanted to walk away, but needed to find someone who could make her rich and also take her out of the sex work on the side she was doing. EE cast a spell and again, a few days later a man walked into the life of GG (not Cameron Diaz) and they have been together ever since and she has never acted again. There have been dozens of examples of her work over the years. Some say EE's family would not have had the careers they had without her help. Whenever there is a random and unexplained celebrity death, there are a group of people who immediately ask if EE had anything to do with it. Chances at this point, are probably pretty low. She doesn't do classes any longer and doesn't take requests. There was the time that her then sister-in-law (HH) couldn't get pregnant and she cast a spell and the next thing you know, HH was pregnant and HH still only has the one child. Could it all be coincidence? Of course. It could also just be manifesting something, but EE has a lot of believers.

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